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The Kharotabad (Quetta) Incident

These Chechens are obviously coming through Afghanistan, what are the NATO forces doing to stop the cross border infiltration of these terrorists from Afghanistan to Pakistan? Hypocrisy at its best. The NATO & US forces don't want to attack the safe havens for terrorists in Afghanistan that they use to attack Pakistan, while they want Pakistan to go after the safe havens inside Pakistan. Hypocrisy at its best.

they also don’t mind Mullah Fazlullah spending time there and making terrorist motivation videos praising and justifying suicide attacks that may even include civilians. then there are the permanent BLA guests that enjoy the hospitalities of Indian embassy staff and the Northern Alliance crooks. NATO may not be actively part of these arrangements but they do turn the blind eye on these movements for sure.
As you can see from the post by Bilal above, we're not there yet and it might a very very long time before we get there, if at all.

Just a deep denial -- and now some Yemeni terrorist has also been arrested - again, why does Pakistan remain the preferred destination of terrorists from all over the world?? I know, it's a conspiracy - Yeah sure, It's the usual bad guys, they want us to have terrorists

What you don't understand is that while yes, Pakistan has garnered a few extremists in its region, so has Afghanistan. In fact, the problem of Islamic militancy is far greater in Afghanistan than it is in Pakistan. All the international terrorist safe havens are in Nuristan, Kunar; Afghanistan. What has been done to uproot the terrorist safe havens from there? The fact is that Al-Qaeda & its affiliate TTP are the open enemies of Pakistan, & they get their refuge in Afghanistan. All the Chechens, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Sudanese, Somalian terrorists have their safe havens in Afghanistan, which they use to launch attacks inside Pakistan. Pakistan does not have authority over these terrorists. When Pakistan conducted operations against Qari Zia Rehman's group in Bajaur in 2008, they fled & got refuge in Kunar, Nuristan; Afghanistan. This has been a repeating pattern, particularly against the Mehsud group that operates from Khost, Afghanistan; & launches attacks inside North Waziristan. What operations has the US conducted in Afghanistan (besides Kandahar) on the same levels that Pakistan has in Bajaur & South Waziristan? Kandahar is a walk in the park as compared to Afghan provinces like Kunar, Nuristan.

You are seriously misinformed - please trust me on that - There are very few places in Afghanistan I have not been or do not know about -- the groups you mention, were all in South Waziristan, and other FATA agencies - they always had been -- as for you Kunar sanctuary bit, there has been since the anti-soviet jihad, a very strong ARAB presence in Kunar --

I understand where your heart is - but don't let your "feelings" rule your head --- Pakistan is a hell hole, with every manner of religious fanatic and extreme ideas -- how come?? Who has been complicit in building these people and ideas --- Yes, a very dangerous idea - but unless you are willing to face up to this idea, we will not have any chance of changing, saving, Pakistan.

Just for my benefit -- DO you really believe the Fauj cannot make mince meat of these tribals and mad mullahs in a month at most??
Its not GREAT JOB! its just show FAKE performance in front of this whole world! damn they killed innocent

FC head said "Alhamdullilah Hamara koi nahe mara" LIAR! 1 FC died (HOW ???) .... whole media and international media show REAL footage ... NO Suicide jacket found from their "Bomb squad" said! DAMN FAKE drama... again innocent Died!

No Gun or Sucide Jacket found from their Media and Bomb Squad said.... ITS CLEAR OPEN DRAMA about how we are loosing Balchistan!

FC and police head said "they are showing us jackets" damn so WHERE ARE THE JACKETS ?????? FAKE Drama.. and innocent died "AS USUAL IN PAKISTAN"
There is nothing such like that if you don't believe watch out this video: At 00:40 women are alive, their movement is clearly seen. In later video they are killed by firing of a policeman and FC personnel. If they were suicide bombers they would have given tough time to them.

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@ Stealth

And i thought only people at Geo News were stupid.
@ Stealth

And i thought only people at Geo News were stupid.

Xeric sahab please share any info about this incident if you have. Just watched GEO ranting. Never believed these guys so can you please provide us with some info about this incident.

You are seriously misinformed - please trust me on that - There are very few places in Afghanistan I have not been or do not know about -- the groups you mention, were all in South Waziristan, and other FATA agencies - they always had been -- as for you Kunar sanctuary bit, there has been since the anti-soviet jihad, a very strong ARAB presence in Kunar

Firstly, I know exactly what I'm talking about, as I have been to Afghanistan myself. Secondly, yes these groups are an off-shoot of the Mujahideen that were formed in the 80s to fight the Soviets. Anyways, you know yourself that Kunar is a sanctuary for Arab Salafi terrorists. Kunar is pretty much Pashtun besides its Nari district, which has a moderate Nuristani population. Eastern Nuristan & Kunar are the hotbeds of Salafi Islam, & sanctuaries for all the international terrorist networks in Afghanistan. The Mashriqi ulema (to the east of Kabul: Nangarhar, Laghman, Kunar, Nuristan) have always been more radical, fundamentalist & been anti-imperialist. As I said, have the NATO forces conducted operations in Kunar, Nuristan on the same levels of what Pakistan has done in South Waziristan & Bajaur? No. They have hardly deployed any troops there because they know they'll be slaughtered by the terrorist sanctuaries in the mountains, & are mainly using aerial means to target them, but with no success at all. They want Pakistan to severe their ties with certain groups that were formed as a result of the West forming the Mujahideen (& then walked away in the 90s), but Pakistan has to live by the decisions made by the West in the region, while the West can walk away whenever it wants.

I understand where your heart is - but don't let your "feelings" rule your head --- Pakistan is a hell hole, with every manner of religious fanatic and extreme ideas -- how come?? Who has been complicit in building these people and ideas --- Yes, a very dangerous idea - but unless you are willing to face up to this idea, we will not have any chance of changing, saving, Pakistan.

Just for my benefit -- DO you really believe the Fauj cannot make mince meat of these tribals and mad mullahs in a month at most??

The Mujahideen were considered as heroes in their time by the whole world, but after 9/11, the groups that emancipated from the Mujahideen were declared as terrorists. It is very easy for the West to change sides quickly as they don't have to face the brunt of the group (Mujahideen) they created in the first place, but Pakistan has to live with this monster created by the West everyday, & has to act accordingly in its own interests.
Suicide bombers or not. Grenades were found on person. Two male died because of an explosion. You know what, when you are stopped by the LEAs, you stop, not flee. As far as the girl raising her hand, well when one has a bullet inside that's the most 'logical' thing to be done. i bet if suicide bombers knew that it's not pleasant to get blown into pieces, i doubt anyone of them would dare to do the act. These people consider themselves as heroes only till the time they dont taste the pain, they either just blow themselves and that's the end of story, but if they fail to detonate themselves because they got injured, they squeak like r@ts and beg for help.

BTW, it is only Sir Geo News who is mirch masaling the story and framing questions in a dramatic and emotional style, nobody else. A few questions being ask by Geo News:

In ko taang pe goli mar k griftaar kyn nahi kiya gaya.

If they were injured then why didnt the police/FC go near them to see if they can catch them.

i mean WTF, explosives were found on them when they fled the scene, according to Express 24/7 one of them also blew himself up, but Geo News still wanted the Police/FC to go check the pulse on them, idiots! Yes, i agree if one surrenders he should be dealt separately, ofcourse if the LEAs could not go near the injured girl they could atleast ask her to show herself up or something, but then things happen during fluid battle situations. BTW, those who are weeping their hearts out in support of those killed should try hiding their hands or search their pockets once a NYPD cop is pointing a gun on them.

You are seriously misinformed - please trust me on that - There are very few places in Afghanistan I have not been or do not know about -- the groups you mention, were all in South Waziristan, and other FATA agencies - they always had been -- as for you Kunar sanctuary bit, there has been since the anti-soviet jihad, a very strong ARAB presence in Kunar --

I understand where your heart is - but don't let your "feelings" rule your head --- Pakistan is a hell hole, with every manner of religious fanatic and extreme ideas -- how come?? Who has been complicit in building these people and ideas --- Yes, a very dangerous idea - but unless you are willing to face up to this idea, we will not have any chance of changing, saving, Pakistan.

Just for my benefit -- DO you really believe the Fauj cannot make mince meat of these tribals and mad mullahs in a month at most??

You know that Qari Zia Rehman has strong ties with Al Qaeda terrorists in Kunar, right? Qari Zia Rehman is not in South Waziristan, but he operated in Bajaur, & then he got refuge in Kunar. Mullah Fazlullah also got refuge in the Barg Matal district in eastern Nuristan. So I don't know what you are talking about.
And what surprises me is the 'innocence' displayed by indian around here regarding the presence of foreign terrorists in Pakistan. i mean, like they say, indians are so innocent in this matter, they thought bollocks were young cows. :lol:

And the icing on the cake was when one of them (and a yank) was heard saying, 'hey dont the Chechen have problems with Russia' :rofl:

i think i have to remind them that the twisted version of Islam and the flawed ideology that Al Qaida and sisters like to present as the true Islam is followed by extremists all over the world. Arab, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Afghans, heck Chinese have them too. So let's not act stupid and act more whiter than the pair of snow white's knickers!!
if they were really terrorists... than they got what they deserved ...
As you can see from the post by Bilal above, we're not there yet and it might a very very long time before we get there, if at all.

Just a deep denial -- and now some Yemeni terrorist has also been arrested - again, why does Pakistan remain the preferred destination of terrorists from all over the world?? I know, it's a conspiracy - Yeah sure, It's the usual bad guys, they want us to have terrorists

Dear Sir,

I had written the same sentiment on the subsequent post, but deleted it because a) It is already beautifully said by you and b) coming from an Indian would only raise the level of various hormone level rather then taken constructively.
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