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The Khalistan Diaries

sooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!good for you but where you learnt thyat Indian gurudwars are worst maintained than pakistan ???enlighten me

I've read travel diaries from several Indian Sikh Yatrees that traveled to Pakistan for Baisakhi. I'll be posting those links once I find them, ASAP.
and grown up still in diapers and sucking on pacifier tell me- how do you learn the opposite?-
Well!!! a kid in napies and still sucklin thumbs raised question that where Sikhs gurdwara are well maintained ....No doubt you are one of them....:whistle:
Its in my school leaving certificate that mentions... Hindu Sikh.....Couple of yrs back i had posted that image of my school leaving certificate on this forum also but then some other member advised against posting personal information....
Take my word on that one if you can...
We dont have to write it but it is written by school authorities..
That is a far thing but the consitution itself doesnt recognizes u...thats a fundamental question...its like a preamble of India which is Independent of all religions and also mentions social republic but behind the lines it is tricky and clever at places....

I dont even remember if my school leaving certificate had a column for religion. And if it says 'Hindu-Sikh' then this was probably a mistake by your school. I would go by the census forms and passport when deciding if the govt recognizes my religion. The last time I checked my passport listed me as Sikh.
I've read travel diaries from several Indian Sikh Yatrees that traveled to Pakistan for Baisakhi. I'll be posting those links once I find them, ASAP.

You read diaries ???? well i read international report published everwhere....Do you want me to put some links and derail the thread....
So where is thread starter ???? am still lookin for him/her...i want to know ,where is khalistan movement ???
You read diaries ???? well i read international report published everwhere....Do you want me to put some links and derail the thread....

Most accounts of the jatha yatris are positive. But then again these are restricted to the major Gurudwaras like Nankana Sahib and Panja Sahib.
Every common Indian involved ????Now that news to me ... I think its the same RSS and VHP who saved from congress party members .....:pop:

You are an ignorant if you didn't know that- and running your mouth like an Expert- I am not surprised- but you will be by READING-
yes they are.coz never in history of pakistan its army has entered in minorities worship place but in india Golden temple polluted by Indian army.India is a place where mosques are razed to ground and churches are burnt by fundamentalist hindus.Bahh so much for the secular democratic India.

Never in history PA entered minorites worship place but they did enterd in majority worship place operation lalmajid......
Most Indians don't realize that it was their Mukti Bahini that killed 1 million Biharis in East Pakistan, & like to put the blame on that on the Pakistani Army:

No where in that telegram is anything mentioned about the supposed Bihari killings of Mukti Bahini. It only talks about Indian support ot Mukti Bahini which we all know.

But here is the damning Blood Telegram sent from the Dacca Embassy regarding the duplicity of US Govt in dealing with the genocidal West ak govt of that time and the infamous Butcher of Balochistan - Tikka Khan.

Our government has failed to denounce the suppression of democracy. Our government has failed to denounce atrocities. Our government has failed to take forceful measures to protect its citizens while at the same time bending over backwards to placate the West Pak[istan] dominated government and to lessen any deservedly negative international public relations impact against them. Our government has evidenced what many will consider moral bankruptcy,(...) But we have chosen not to intervene, even morally, on the grounds that the Awami conflict, in which unfortunately the overworked term genocide is applicable, is purely an internal matter of a sovereign state. Private Americans have expressed disgust. We, as professional civil servants, express our dissent with current policy and fervently hope that our true and lasting interests here can be defined and our policies redirected.




couple of questions to all the posters in this thread....

Why should i marry under a Hindu Marraige Act even the Britishers had different Marraige Act for sikhs pre 1947... Now dont tell that India has hundreds religions so there cannot be different rules for each religion...ur talking about sikhs which is the 4th largest religion followed in india or make same rules for hindus, sikhs, muslims and call it Indian Marraige Act...

Why should my school leaving certificate list me as a Hindu Sikh in my religion column?..

Listen, Hindu Marraige Act stipulated that the Hindu Code would apply to anyone who was not a Muslim, Parsi, Christian or Jew.
Hindu is used as broad term here.Its an act of law governing marrige and doesn't change your religion

Sikhism is considered as distinct religion of indian origin and the number of Sikhs are counted every census.
I dont even remember if my school leaving certificate had a column for religion. And if it says 'Hindu-Sikh' then this was probably a mistake by your school. I would go by the census forms and passport when deciding if the govt recognizes my religion. The last time I checked my passport listed me as Sikh.

bhai saab jee,,, passport has no mention of religion..

census is taken by a guy coming to ur house and u have to just tell the guy all ur details and probably they dont ask for religion... last time i heard there was a furore in parliament because govt was trying to include religion in the census which was not included because of the opposition to such a counting..thats what i guess it is...

Have u registered ur marraige with the govt?most of us dont do but now its compulsory and the big thing is it doesnt matter to us any more..who cares attitude...whatever is there how it affects our day to day life..

Go by the Consitituion,,,,there is something article 25 in the constitution which even i didnot know of but it says that Sikhs are sub branch of Hidu religion and that was not acceptable to me...
I may be wrong but u can also check at ur own end....
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