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The judge who dared to tell the truth about migrants: Many in Calais Jungle AREN'T refugees

You do know there's more than one Norwegian in the world right? We aren't all the same person or know each other.

Why am I assumed to be this person?


Anyway, as for the thread topic, as if we've even discussed it. A fair number of migrants are as has been said in the OP. Many are not refugees or even from nations experiencing internal or regional strife. Oddly, or perhaps inevitably, many are also leaving their "host" nations. Some have left Sweden, Finland and Norway because the weather is too cold, the food not good, the bars not present enough or the people are too unwelcoming, as if it's our duty to reach out a hand to those that don't want to offer theirs in return.

Refugees are welcome in Norway or France or the UK, but genuine refugees only, people under threat. I recognize a difference between someone who can't find work and someone who is under threat of death by famine, war from all waring sides, and who's life simply can't go on in their home nation because it's too dangerous. We welcome the later, the former is a burden, though cheap labor isn't unwelcomed either, it is in the short-term and that's where most contention comes from in the host nation. It's the time they rely on our good graces without being grateful, the time they need state support at the expense of our tax payments, that's were the problem with economic migrants comes from. Once they settle in and find work, and the people of the nation become for accustom to each others behaviors, all is fine. But the initial burden and unfamiliarity breeds discontent in the nationals and neither side acts soon enough to close these gaps.

Fortunately I'm not the only one making this distinction. So too does our government and citizens and work is being done to rectify these types of situations.

For those that come seeking work, leave, Europe has enough unemployed of its own, we don't need additional economic migrants masquerading as refugees. For those under threat or coming from nations too dangerous to carry on normal life activities, we welcome you if you welcome us in return.

I've a very liberal person, but my good graces aren't endless and if migrants overstay their welcome without attempting to integrate into our society, as this police women is effecting, they should be removed. By force if needed, though hopefully without violence or physical harm to either side. Not matter the levels of physicality, negative reactions and thoughts towards the other party will foster if this stage of the migrants stay comes to pass. It'll leave no one happy.


The refugees themselves, not migrants, need to make their own attempts to integrate into our society and reach out to the natives. We can't do everything. We can't bend over backwards to accommodate them. We'll try to make them feel welcome, but if they don't want to be welcomed and reject our offers they can leave as soon as possible.

Agree 100% with everything you said.
Try saying that some delusional members here who come from other developing nations, they will tell you how the west is to blame for all their ills and that they are merely fleeing wars. Lol
Never mind that majority of these migrants are not refugees, they mainly come from fairly peaceful stable countries like Iran, Tunisia, Egypt, Bengladesh, Morocco etc.
Instead of blaming their incompetent governments for their predicament they are blaming the west, and using Syrian war as an excuse/cover up to get herr.
Im against them because not only are they picky if which european country they want to claim asylum in(crazy as it might sound), but they are trying to jump the queue, they sjould apply like any other immigrants who want to get here do. Why should we grant them any favours? Thats cheating/unfair to other legitimate migrants who follow due process. SO sens these fraudsters back to wjere they came from. The bastards are even picky by rejecting french asylum offer, nad they claim ot be regugees??. Lool This iss jusst hilarious. :rofl:

I think overtaking Germany is wishful thinking. For all their faults, like that lunatic Merkel, they still have manufacturing industries which have died here.

Never say never. Merkel might make things easier for us. :partay:
It might be stupid,but last week I went to Paris (I'm currently not too far from there) and I was playing as a tourist,I asked the people,and most didn't even look/stop at me,the police officers and soldiers didn't understand a single word of what I said (I do not really have an accent when I'm speaking English),it was really hard to me to find someone speaking or understanding a little bit of English. I never remarked how much of the Parisians were real *ssholes.
I now have the feeling of the tourists coming to Paris,and seriously,we are really a little bit disappointing... really. But I bet not all are like that.

Years ago while back-packing Europe we were staying in a hostel in Paris. We would ask simple questions to receptionist, like "Where is the nearest metro station, Where is the nearest market, etc..." He would stare us with empty eyes and reply in French.....which we couldn't understand a word. At our last day he spoke English (one and only time) saying; "You have to check out at 10:00 AM tomorrow morning"......:tsk:


Italians were great in this matter....they would say "go go go, then lefto, go go go, then righto"... :) They were all helpful. :)
Years ago while back-packing Europe we were staying in a hostel in Paris. We would ask simple questions to receptionist, like "Where is the nearest metro station, Where is the nearest market, etc..." He would stare us with empty eyes and reply in French.....which we couldn't understand a word. At our last day he spoke English (one and only time) saying; "You have to check out at 10:00 AM tomorrow morning"......:tsk:


Italians were great in this matter....they would say "go go go, then lefto, go go go, then righto"... :) They were all helpful. :)

You see? Many people who are bitter about us because they were part our former colonies, don't know that we are the most welcoming, polite ,respectful folks in the western world. Afterall, what are gentlemen for?:meeting:

As for France, well I know that all too well,I have said that several times on here. Our frenchies are the most conservative/hostile/protective folks when it comes to their language and culture. I know that because I was born and partly grew up in France as a child and still frequently visit every now and then to see some of my relatives. l'exception culturelle française as they call it. :D

So its no wonder most french despise our anglo saxon cultural influence and language dominance over the globe. However, its shows France is still a great power in its own right, and they are right to some extent to protect their heritage and language as a world power. They also have their very own Francophonie modeled on our Commonwealth organization. :enjoy:



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Ireland. Presently rather legless. I have been banned for 6 months for speeding as the aggregate penalty points tripped the deadly "12". I have appeal date on Monday and hope magistrates cut some slack on extenuating grounds.

Ps. No. I was not doing crazy speeds. 36mph caught on Gatso camera in 30mph zone. That is I suppose 20% "drift".
you've been a naught boy then. how many points do you have?
Years ago while back-packing Europe we were staying in a hostel in Paris. We would ask simple questions to receptionist, like "Where is the nearest metro station, Where is the nearest market, etc..." He would stare us with empty eyes and reply in French.....which we couldn't understand a word. At our last day he spoke English (one and only time) saying; "You have to check out at 10:00 AM tomorrow morning"......:tsk:


Italians were great in this matter....they would say "go go go, then lefto, go go go, then righto"... :) They were all helpful. :)

Thats mean man. Foriegn language isnot a big part in our school system...i admit that but we try our best and will always try to help if you ask.
Thats mean man. Foriegn language isnot a big part in our school system...i admit that but we try our best and will always try to help if you ask.
What's "mean", man ? .....i'm not mocking or something like that...it was their accent and nothing wrong with it.
What's "mean", man ? .....i'm not mocking or something like that...it was their accent and nothing wrong with it.

i know most of us have a hard accent...including myself.
Lool ok good to know British former colonies like Australia, canada, Singapore, Hong Kong etc are now prosperous because we let them develope, unlike Bengladesh and the others. :rofl:

Australia and Canada were not colonies in same sense as India was. These countries/continents were populated by Britishers (and some other Europeans) and in a sense were extension of home country (Britain). While Singapore was/is a city around a port controlling Malacca straits and Hongkong is a city which was only trading outpost of Britishers in East Asia. None of them is comparable to large colonies populated with natives.

I mean this argument of colonialism developing colonies should have been put to rest in view of advancement of former colonies on all parameters compared to near stagnation during colonial times.

Colonial period served as a pause button for most nations. Most nations which were doing well before colonialism are doing after it too ans those who were not doing well before are not doing well even after.
Agree 100% with everything you said.
Try saying that some delusional members here who come from other developing nations, they will tell you how the west is to blame for all their ills and that they are merely fleeing wars. Lol
Never mind that majority of these migrants are not refugees, they mainly come from fairly peaceful stable countries like Iran, Tunisia, Egypt, Bengladesh, Morocco etc.
Instead of blaming their incompetent governments for their predicament they are blaming the west, and using Syrian war as an excuse/cover up to get herr.
Im against them because not only are they picky if which european country they want to claim asylum in(crazy as it might sound), but they are trying to jump the queue, they sjould apply like any other immigrants who want to get here do. Why should we grant them any favours? Thats cheating/unfair to other legitimate migrants who follow due process. SO sens these fraudsters back to wjere they came from. The bastards are even picky by rejecting french asylum offer, nad they claim ot be regugees??. Lool This iss jusst hilarious. :rofl:

Never say never. Merkel might make things easier for us. :partay:
there are very few refugees from bd/india/pak in calais... if most of these are economic migrants I wonder how people traffickers gave us a miss, afterall south asians are big economic migrants to all over the world(but most south asians prefer English speaking country due to low language barrier).
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