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The judge who dared to tell the truth about migrants: Many in Calais Jungle AREN'T refugees

mike2000 is back

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The judge who dared to tell the truth about migrants: Many in Calais Jungle AREN'T refugees... and ARE after benefits, he says
  • Mr Justice McCloskey said many migrants have 'no real basis' to be there
  • Judge: Migrants avoid asylum in France because of UK's 'advantages'
  • Warning came in a ruling allowing four Syrian refugees to come to Britain
  • Case could lead to hundreds more applications after 'special' case

PUBLISHED: 15:50, 28 February 2016


Ruling: Immigration judge Mr Justice McCloskey, said migrants are claiming asylum because of the 'perceived advantages' of lodging an application in Britain

Many migrants living in the 'Jungle' camp in Calais are 'probably not' genuine refugees who flock there just to get to the UK, a senior immigration judge said today.

Mr Justice McCloskey also said many have 'no real basis' to be there and will decline to claim asylum in France in favour of Britain because of 'perceived advantages'.

He also said there was no reason for many in the squalid camp to remain there.

His warning came in a landmark ruling allowing three teenagers and a disabled man from Syria to come to Britain from Calais because their siblings are already here.

Campaigners claim the case could clear the way for hundreds more to come from the Calais camp

Justice McCloskey said their case was 'special' but admitted that it could lead to hundreds more similar asylum applications.

His full judgment, issued today said: 'It seems likely that there is no real basis for many of its occupants remaining indefinitely in The Jungle and enduring the conditions that obtain there.

'Many are probably not refugees in any general sense or any sense entitled to recognition.

'Rather, they are migrant nationals of a number of countries outside the European Union, who, while intending to make a claim for refugee status, decline to make the claim in France due to perceived advantages, correct or otherwise, of doing so in the United Kingdom.

'In general terms there is no basis at all for thinking that a person who claims asylum in France will not be treated properly and will not have the benefit of the reception and other facilities which those duties entail.'


The comments won strong applause last night. ‘The judge is absolutely right,’ said Tory MP David Davies. ‘They are all economic migrants because they have travelled through many safe countries to be there.

‘There is no reason for them to be there because they could claim asylum anywhere. They perceive that they can get more benefits and work in the UK.’ Conservative colleague Peter Bone added: ‘Judges don’t say these things lightly and he is saying what most people know – that most people there are not genuine refugees.’


Special case: Four Syrian refugees who won a landmark legal case to come to Britain (blurred for legal reasons) and could lead to hundreds more similar asylum applications

Lawyers for the young men - three teenagers and a 26-year-old with mental health problems - argued that they faced 'intolerable' conditions and had a right under Article 8 of the Human Rights Act to be reunited with family members already living in Britain legally.

Anti-migrant tensions in Germany rose to a ‘new level of hate and violence’ yesterday when a live hand grenade was thrown into a refugee centre.

Police said ‘it was just luck’ that the device failed to detonate at the home in Villingen-Schwenningen in the southern state of Baden-Wurttemberg, where around 200 migrants live.

Germany took in nearly 1.1million asylum seekers last year and figures released yesterday showed there were 1,005 attacks on refugee homes there last year – five times more than in 2014.

Federal justice minister Heiko Maas said the grenade attack was a ‘new level of hate and violence’, adding: ‘We need to … ensure xenophobic crimes are more rapidly solved and punished more severely.’

The four fled Syria in September and ended up in a refugee camp known as The Jungle in Calais in October but have since been unable to get to the UK.

Speaking under the condition of anonymity, one said: ‘I’m very glad the case is now going to open the door to so many others to get here safely.’

At the High Court a week ago Mr Justice McCloskey outlined his case for granting the four young men the chance to reunite with family members who have already been granted asylum in the UK.

He said: 'The spotlight in these proceedings is on an area just across the English Channel from Dover which has become known as 'the jungle'.

'This is a bleak and desolate place on the coast of northern France. Unlike other jungles, this place is inhabited by human beings not animals.'

He recounted the experience of a 'concerned English public representative in the camp' who wrote: 'I have just returned from the camps in Calais and Dunkirk.

'The conditions are so bad, that describing them cannot capture the squalor. You have to smell conditions like these and feel the squelch of the mud to appreciate the horror.'


Many of the people living in The Jungle in Calais, pictured, are probably not refugees 'in any general sense', Britain's most senior immigration judge has said


The comments won strong applause last night. ‘The judge is absolutely right,’ said Tory MP David Davies

Mr McCloskey went on to explain that he had to balance the applicants' 'right to respect for a family life, under Article 8 of the Human Rights Convention' against the 'secretary of state's refusal to admit the applicants to the United Kingdom with the full rigour of the Dublin Regulations'.

He said: 'The answer to this question involves a balance of public interest, namely the maintenance of immigration control, with the family life of the applicants.'

In deciding he took into account the 'applicants ages, the mental disability with regards one of the applicants, accrued psychological damage, a clear likelihood of further psychological turmoil, their previous family life.

'The balance tips in favour of the applicants' human rights.'


One woman carries her baby wrapped in a silver thermal blanket after arriving into Europe


George Osborne’s new national living wage, due to reach £9 an hour by 2020, could be a ‘magnet’ that lures more European migrants to Britain, officials fear

George Gabriel, of charity Citizens UK, said they expect the judgment to affect 200 or 300 young people and unaccompanied minors in Calais and Dunkirk.

He added: 'We hope to roll out legal support for them in a matter of days.'

Under European asylum rules known as the Dublin Regulation, the teenagers were entitled to seek sanctuary in the UK because of their family links.

Earlier this week, the vice-president of the European Commission said that more than half of all migrants to Europe were motivated by economic reasons. Dutch politician Frans Timmermans said most were from North African countries such as Morocco or Tunisia, where there is no conflict.

George Osborne’s new national living wage, due to reach £9 an hour by 2020, could be a ‘magnet’ that lures more European migrants to Britain, officials fear.

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LOL As if we didn't already know this.....Well only some naive stupid people didn't. lol . :pop: Dont let these fraudsters set foot here. Better we quit the E.U than allow a German style uncontrolled exodus.
@mike2000 is back

Dude, this is payback for the meddling all over the world.

No need to beat up on poor people whose countries
have been ruined by Western inteference.

We're there any Syrian or Iraqi refugees before Western
LOL As if we didn't already know this.....Well only some naive stupid people didn't. lol . :pop: Dont let these fraudsters set foot here. Better we quit the E.U than allow a German style uncontrolled exodus.

@mike2000 is back @Atanz @Blue Marlin @UKBengali @Steve781

The British people have to open their hearts and doors to these poor refugees,you can afford it,you have jobs to give them. We in France aren't like in UK. We have a slow growing economy,no jobs for the French,let alone others. It is a moral duty for the UK (Who always promote human rights in the world) to open their borders for these people.

The poor refugees who left everything they had behind them get treated like dirts by France,and get beaten daily by the police.

The poor refugees are seeing their made-homes in the Jungle currently destroyed and get beaten if they resist. You have to HELP them.

Where are the British values of human rights and equality for all ?

+ British people have more sympathy for them than the French,the proof is the thousands of British people coming to Calais to help these refugees.






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@mike2000 is back

Dude, this is payback for the meddling all over the world.

No need to beat up on poor people whose countries
have been ruined by Western inteference.

We're there any Syrian or Iraqi refugees before Western
They're not refugees. They stop being refugees as soon as they leave Turkey or Jordan. What motivates them is greed not safety.
Well its a perfect case of Karma and if anyone dont believe it then he should look at the Queen's head, their is something on her head that belong somewhere else
These migrants is not even peanuts to what UK owes to most of the countries its occupied/destroyed
Modern day Terrorists crimes are nothing i front of European crimes, which they is past but its not we still have elders among us who talk of british treacheries
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@Vauban My feelings are conflicted on this issue. There maybe some liability on part of UK in destabilising the regions from where these migrants come however I don't think UK should take anymore migrants. United Kingdom is increasingly getting crowded and anymore migration will be bad for community cohesion. It also gives impetus to the far right. So terrible it maybe but I think it's time to say "Non".

Maybe you guy's can draft the "jungle residents" into the French Foreign Legion and then similar to the "Dirty Dozen" mission send them to some dodgy war. Hey maybe even war against ISIL. Kill two birds with one stone - pun not intended. Any survivors get French citizenship?
Well its a perfect case of Karma and if anyone dont believe it then he should look at the Queen's head, their is something on her head that belong somewhere else
These migrants is not even peanuts to what UK owes to most of the countries its occupied
A lot of what UK now has was built on stolen wealth from the colonies. Their comfort is built on others misery. I can't say I feel too bad about a few Syrians trying to get their share of it.
@mike2000 is back

Dude, this is payback for the meddling all over the world.

No need to beat up on poor people whose countries
have been ruined by Western inteference.

We're there any Syrian or Iraqi refugees before Western

What the **** are u on about?? Which part of they are not refugees did you not understand?
Easy for you people to blame the 'evil' west and cocolonialism for your leaders incompetency,corruption, nepotism,tribalism,failed economic policies etc. As I said before thats an old music in our ears.
How do you explain the fact that there are countries we colonised in the past who are now as wealthy if not more wealthier than Britain today, look at Singapore, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong etc. So stop blaming your home countries backwardness on the west. Its your own leaders incompetence.
Im sure you will blame Bengladesg current backwardness and poverty on Britain as well. Lool Go on, who cares?

In fact instead of trying to stay put and work hard to contribute/ help their countries prosper and come out from the poverty they are in, many healthy young men from these countries will rather flee to the very same evil west they claim to despise. Irony. :rofl:
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@Vauban My feelings are conflicted on this issue. There maybe some liability on part of UK in destabilising the regions from where these migrants come however I don't think UK should take anymore migrants. United Kingdom is increasingly getting crowded and anymore migration will be bad for community cohesion. It also gives impetus to the far right. So terrible it maybe but I think it's time to say "Non".

Maybe you guy's can draft the "jungle residents" into the French Foreign Legion and then similar to the "Dirty Dozen" mission send them to some dodgy war. Hey maybe even war against ISIL. Kill two birds with one stone - pun not intended. Any survivors get French citizenship?

UK a country leading in human rights has to offer the protection to these people,they see the UK as a paradise,they could work,send some money to their families and then bring them in the UK.
Imagine if your daughters were starving or persecuted,wouldn't you like to go to the UK,settle,integrate and offer them the best quality of life ? I would.

They're not refugees. They stop being refugees as soon as they leave Turkey or Jordan. What motivates them is greed not safety.

They seek a better life in the UK,UK being a rich country with high standards of living,that's why you are seen as an opportunity to them. You know,Sweden welcomes much more refugees than UK and France,why are you worried about only 3.000-6.000 refugees ?

A lot of what UK now has was built on stolen wealth from the colonies. Their comfort is built on others misery. I can't say I feel too bad about a few Syrians trying to get their share of it.

The British who looted entire continents have to bring back the wealth they have stolen,maybe these countries would be richer,maybe the inhabitants would have higher salaries and therefore wouldn't have to leave to the UK as there would be a lot of opportunity in their country.

What the **** are u on about?? Which part of they are not refugees did you not understand?
Easy for you people to blame the 'evil' west and cocolonialism for your leaders incompetency,corruption, nepotism,tribalism,failed economic policies etc. As I said before thats an old music in our ears.
How do you explain the fact that there are countries we colonised in the past who are now as wealthy if not more wealthier than Britain today, look at Singapore, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong etc. So stop blaming your home countries backwardness on the west. Its your own leaders incompetence.
Im sure you will blame Bengladesg current backwardness and poverty on Britain as well. Lool Go on, who cares?

In fact instead of trying to stay put and work hard to contribute/ help their countries prosper and come out from the poverty they are in, many healthy young men from these countries will rather flee to the very same evil west they claim to despise. Irony. :rofl:

Many are fleeing poverty,war,ethnic cleansing,forced conscription and for other reasons. UK has to protect them,provide them with shelter,you can absorb 6.000 persons (+ with their families that will come after they are integrated).
I know that you are worried about them,I can understand your fear,but we humans are all equal.


+Immigrants in UK are better integrated than they are in France.
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Many are fleeing poverty,war,ethnic cleansing,forced conscription and for other reasons. UK has to protect them,provide them with shelter,you can absorb 6.000 persons (+ with their families that will come after they are integrated).
I know that you are worried about them,I can understand your fear,but we humans are all equal.


+Immigrants in UK are better integrated than they are in France.

Lol now you are trolling me/pulling my legs. :p::D
Nope I disagree, France has better living conditions than Britain. Afterall France is not considered the most popular tourist destination in the world for nothing. Its the city if love and charm afterall. :enjoy:

So those 'refugees' who refuse to be granted asylum in France should be sent back home, even if it means sending them back in containers.:pop: GIVE THEM A HAND THEY WILL DEMAND YOUR ARM. Fraudsters.:coffee:
What the **** are u on about?? Which part of they are not refugees did you not understand?
Easy for you people to blame the 'evil' west and cocolonialism for your leaders incompetency,corruption, nepotism,tribalism,failed economic policies etc. As I said before thats an old music in our ears.
How do you explain the fact that there are countries we colonised in the past who are now as wealthy if not more wealthier than Britain today, look at Singapore, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong etc. So stop blaming your home countries backwardness on the west. Its your own leaders incompetence.
Im sure you will blame Bengladesg current backwardness and poverty on Britain as well. Lool Go on, who cares?

In fact instead of trying to stay put and work hard to contribute/ help their countries prosper and come out from the poverty they are in, many healthy young men from these countries will rather flee to the very same evil west they claim to despise. Irony. :rofl:

BD current poverty is mainly of the fault of the 1947-1971 union with Pakistan. Do not spend
time worrying about BD as it is growing nicely at around 7% average GDP these days - anything
is possible when you are in charge of your own destiny at last.

As far as your comparisons with the likes of Australia and Singapore are concerned, they are not valid
as the West does not seek to start wars and destabilise them and hence why they are peaceful
and prosperous now.
Lol now you are trolling me/pulling my legs. :p::D
Nope I disagree, France has better living conditions than Britain. Afterall France is not considered the most popular tourist destination in the world for nothing. Its the city if love and charm afterall. :enjoy:

So those 'refugees' who refuse to be granted asylum in France should be sent back home, even if it means sending them back in containers.:pop: GIVE THEM A HAND THEY WILL DEMAND YOUR ARM. Fraudsters.:coffee:

I am not trolling. I see that these poor refugees want to go to the UK,as UK offers many opportunities such as high salaries,very high quality of life and better conditions to integrate. We have no jobs,no capacities to welcome them and we are more hostile to them than you are.
Weren't you the one last year praising how they were well integrated in the UK and not put into dirty ghettos/slums in France where even paramedics and police don't dare to go to ? What happened ? :undecided:
BD current poverty is mainly of the fault of the 1947-1971 union with Pakistan. Do not spend
time worrying about BD as it is growing nicely at around 7% average GDP these days - anything
is possible when you are in charge of your own destiny at last.

As far as your comparisons with the likes of Australia and Singapore are concerned, they are not valid
as the West does not seek to start wars and destabilise them and hence why they are peaceful
and prosperous now.

Lool ok good to know British former colonies like Australia, canada, Singapore, Hong Kong etc are now prosperous because we let them develope, unlike Bengladesh and the others. :rofl:
@mike2000 is back

Dude, this is payback for the meddling all over the world.

No need to beat up on poor people whose countries
have been ruined by Western inteference.

We're there any Syrian or Iraqi refugees before Western
if you dont like living here, then wtf are you doing living here?
so how much benefits are you receiving?
also how much working tax credit are you getting?
go back to were you came from if you dont like it here,
if you dont like living here, then wtf are you doing living here?
so how much benefits are you receiving?
also how much working tax credit are you getting?
go back to were you came from if you dont like it here,

Fool - where have I said I don't like living here?

My point is that these people would not be fleeing their homes if
countries like UK stopped destabilising their countries.

No point complaining when people come to your lands after
you help destroy theirs.

Lool ok good to know British former colonies like Australia, canada, Singapore, Hong Kong etc are now prosperous because we let them develope, unlike Bengladesh and the others. :rofl:

BD poverty is nothing to do with West. Like I say BD is on an upload trajectory but
will take 2-3 decades before it escapes poverty.

Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan definitely are messed up because of West. So stop complaining when
these poor people start coming over for a better life in West.
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