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The JS Izumo is Unleashed !

I see "RAM":yahoo:. Mr.RAM looks lonely though, perhaps a friend is needed;).



;) ;)



Takes two to tango...LOL!
hehehe, I'm sure its included in our various military cooperation. On bigger news, tho, you know that both the JMSDF and USN are jointly designing a new LCS?

US, Japan to Jointly Develop Littoral Combat Ship | The Diplomat

Magnetic Rain Guns....galore... ;)

I don't want to say too much. There are too many ears and eyes around....

That I haven't heard:o:. Kia!!! I'm a pharmacist, you've got to keep me up-to-date with this stuff!!! For coastal defense right? Similar to the role of a frigate or corvette. The LCS is nice, has an image problem, but with the right upgrades and armaments, like the proposed AEGIS LCS models being offered, these small but expensive boats can pack one massive punch!!!

For coastal defense right? Similar to the role of a frigate or corvette.

Coastal defense (or offense), yes of course !! :D
Apparently , this new designed LCS that both the JMSDF and USN are working on will be perfect for amphibious assault into enemy territory. We can launch Seals + Rikusentai , retract, and steam out. It will be similar to active American LCS -- meaning it can steam at 45+ knots. ;)

The LCS is nice, has an image problem, but with the right upgrades and armaments, like the proposed AEGIS LCS models being offered, these small but expensive boats can pack one massive punch!!!

Like them US Navy boys used to joke around back in my active duty days... "More da cushion for da pushin'"


I'm sorry, I'm sorry, i'm being bad. Can't help it. I blame Kai's influence! :lol:
Like them US Navy boys used to joke around back in my active duty days... "More da cushion for da pushin'"


I'm sorry, I'm sorry, i'm being bad. Can't help it. I blame Kai's influence! :lol:

:lol:and where do you think he learned it from:partay:.
The Izumo is in good hands......

Awesome video, bro!! Yes, indeed !!

Plus, i find it hilarious how some members here even talked about striking the Izumo when in fact she will be the centerpiece of a JMSDF Strike Group. Meaning she will be surrounded on all sides by these babies:

what can it do with these helicopters for ?
Wait for F35B??
View attachment 210879

@SvenSvensonov , @Gabriel92 , @AMDR , @jhungary , @gambit , @Peter C , @Shotgunner51 , @Pangu ---

For you gentlemen,


View attachment 210880

The first of 2 in her class.

Her sister ship, the DDH-184 shall be launched early next year -- 2017. While the Izumo stands at 27,000 tonnes , her sister ship shall be more than 30,000 tonnes. :)

That's awesome, truly Nihon engineering!
After the Nimitz class, the best carriers in terms of quality/capability IMO are Wasp class and Izumo class, what's your view?
Are you kidding?
what do you want to do with these kind of LCS??

That I haven't heard:o:. Kia!!! I'm a pharmacist, you've got to keep me up-to-date with this stuff!!! For coastal defense right? Similar to the role of a frigate or corvette. The LCS is nice, has an image problem, but with the right upgrades and armaments, like the proposed AEGIS LCS models being offered, these small but expensive boats can pack one massive punch!!!

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