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The JS Izumo is Unleashed !

Very unfortunate it's not an LHD. Nowadays hardly anybody build flat deck only.
A masterful demonstration of engineering! Nothing less would have been expected from Japan's massive industrial know-how and output!

Simply a beast and beauty to the eye. Congrats, neighbor! Your success in technology, development and social cohesion has always been a model for us to learn from.

This, I hope, will serve a great contribution to Japan's further normalization and taking the rein of its destiny in its own hands and reducing the reliance upon foreign agents.

A fully sovereign and strong Japan is a must for peace and prosperity in East Asia.
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@Nihonjin1051 which F35 the JMSDF order?all publication mentioned the F35A and not the marine/F35B version

Japan hasn't yet decided on the purchase of the F-35B yet (F-35As are being procured for the JASDF), the version that would be needed for operations from the deck of Izumo, but Japan has opted for this:







It is worth noting that Izumo has the necessary aircraft launching and support capabilities, so using the F-35B is an option. LHA and LHDs of the United States Navy do have the capability to launch, recover and support the F-35B, as seen with USS Wasp, F-35B deployments are planned for the America and Wasp Classes and the Izumo-Class can follow this template too. The capabilities of Izumo and F-35B are talked about here:

Why Izumo-class and F-35B is a great couple ? | Page 3

Very unfortunate it's not an LHD. Nowadays hardly anybody build flat deck only.

True. Its hull classification should either be DDH (helicopter destroyer) or CVS (Anti-submarine warfare carrier). Izumo doesn't fit into the traditional hull classifications of LHA, LHD, LPD or LPH.

In principle and in operation it serves as the Japanese analogue to the US America Class:

America-class amphibious assault ship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

America Class Amphibious Assault Ship - Naval Technology

It's about time. America needs allies, not guys who sleeps on your couch. We already got our German cousins for that.

France, I believe the nation your looking for in Europe, our European Japan, is France. France and the US pull well above their weight. Germany is a slacker, but Japan isn't going to be too militaristic either, so I wouldn't compare them to France on an equal basis. Japan provides invaluable support, basing, logistics and intelligence capabilities to the US, but France also provides kinetic support. I don't see Japan doing this and they don't want to either.

「いずも」就役 史上最大の護衛艦「ほとんど空母」

View attachment 207599

I see "RAM":yahoo:. Mr.RAM looks lonely though, perhaps a friend is needed;).


View attachment 207600

I see OPS-50, hasn't its fire-control systems been omitted (Compared to the FCS-3 complex on the Akizuki-Class, from which the OPS-50 was derived)? I only notice one set of antennas, probably C-Band. This isn't a problem considering the Izumo isn't an attack platform and always travels with defense capable ships and support, just an observation.

And Japan has made amazing progress in naval AESA, those arrays are tiny!

Isn't it against the Japanese Constitution to have aircraft carrier ?
This is just like Nazi Germany before WWII.

It's not an aircraft carrier, its a helicopter destroyer (either DDH or CVS hull designation, rather than CV - for conventional carrier). Semantics, but a legal loophole. Just as the America, Wasp and Tarawa Class ships of the United States Navy aren't considered aircraft carriers, they are amphibious assault ships, the Japanese hyuga, Izumo and South Korean Dokdo classes shouldn't be and are not considered aircraft carriers either.

Izumo can carry aircraft though

Does this video sound like something we should fear?

Japan has the necessary capabilities to defend its ships.

Japan is also receiving the SM-6, which has counter missile capabilities.

Japan already uses SM-2 which has counter missile capabilities as well

Poor guys:rofl:. That knot looks horrible.
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France, I believe the nation your looking for in Europe, our European Japan, is France. France and the US pull well above their weight. Germany is a slacker, but Japan isn't going to be too militaristic either, so I wouldn't compare them to France on an equal basis. Japan provides invaluable support, basing, logistics and intelligence capabilities to the US, but France also provides kinetic support. I don't see Japan doing this and they don't want to either.

..................? I'm pretty sure I meant Germany.
..................? I'm pretty sure I meant Germany.

You miss read what I wrote. You talked about a nation that can pickup some slack and provide the US with military support, "America needs allies, not guys who sleeps on your couch".

Japan isn't going to do that, it's more like Germany in that it provides logistics support, though Japan also provides intelligence, but neither provides kinetic support (Germany sometimes, but it's infrequent). France is the nation that provides the US with all-aspect military support.

Japan is an ally, just like Germany, but their roles are different form other allies like France. Japan has no appetite for armed conflict, Japan has no willingness to follow the path of the US. It will act like Germany, provide support, logistics, basing and intelligence, but unless it is attacked, Japan will continue to provide only those and not kinetic support.
You miss read what I wrote. You talked about a nation that can pickup some slack and provide the US with military support, "America needs allies, not guys who sleeps on your couch".

Japan isn't going to do that, it's more like Germany in that it provides logistics support, though Japan also provides intelligence, but neither provides kinetic support (Germany sometimes, but it's infrequent). France is the nation that provides the US with all-aspect military support.

Japan is an ally, just like Germany, but their roles are different form other allies like France. Japan has no appetite for armed conflict, Japan has no willingness to follow the path of the US. It will act like Germany, provide support, logistics, basing and intelligence, but unless it is attacked, Japan will continue to provide only those and not kinetic support.
Japan needs to man up, hopefully Abe can change that stupid constitution and start sending troops. Though I'm hopeful, Japan may not be like France, but it's very powerful, in terms of a navy, could be the deciding factor in the Pacific.
@Nihonjin1051 which F35 the JMSDF order?all publication mentioned the F35A and not the marine/F35B version

The F-35As (42 are ordered, but a total of 100 is planned) will be appropriated for the JASDF (Japan Air Self Defense Force), as a replacement for the 71 units of F-4 Phantom IIs.

However, the my contacts in the JMSDF (Japan Maritime Self Defense Force) have told me that the decision to procure 4 squadrons worth of F-35Bs --- in Japanese Military Context , 1 Air squadron = 24 planes. A conservative estimate is that Japan will procure anywhere from 80-96 units of F-35Bs. Remember that Japan commands 5 light carriers (the 6th one is on its way):

a) 2 units of the Osumi Class




b) 2 units of the Hyuga Class



c) 2 units of the Izumo Class (the 2nd one is under construction)


Plus there are rumors within the JMSDF community that Japan is looking to purchase a Wasp-Class AAS (or something similar)

Onodera sets out plans to buy amphibious assault ships - IHS Jane's 360

So, we are expecting, by 2020 - 2025 -- the Japanese Navy will field 6 light carriers, and anywhere between 1-2 Wasp Class AAS, so around 7-8 carriers in our fleet. 4-5 squadrons of F-35Bs is necessary. :)

Tho I think that in the future, Japan will expand the number of F-35Bs, to at least 10 squadrons worth. We are a Blue Water Navy. We already have a base in Djibouti, Africa. Hence, Naval Aviation is a must.

Japan has always been a Potent Naval Power. This century will see our rise to former capabilities. :)
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You miss read what I wrote. You talked about a nation that can pickup some slack and provide the US with military support, "America needs allies, not guys who sleeps on your couch".

Japan isn't going to do that, it's more like Germany in that it provides logistics support, though Japan also provides intelligence, but neither provides kinetic support (Germany sometimes, but it's infrequent). France is the nation that provides the US with all-aspect military support.

Japan is an ally, just like Germany, but their roles are different form other allies like France. Japan has no appetite for armed conflict, Japan has no willingness to follow the path of the US. It will act like Germany, provide support, logistics, basing and intelligence, but unless it is attacked, Japan will continue to provide only those and not kinetic support.

The Japanese Self Defense Forces are largely interested in maintaining freedom of navigation throughout the four corners of the globe. The overseas activities of the JSDF in years past have largely been restricted to escort activities of international merchant fleet through the Persian Gulf as well as the Djibouti Straits, peace keeping initiatives and post-war nation restructuring , rebuilding.

Due to the assymetry of terrorism and the rising instability that has been brought unto the world by terrorist groups such as ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, and other splinter groups, anti-terror activities and campaigns may be necessary. Japan, as the third largest economy in the world, and a major global player in stability and peace, needs to increase her contributions in the global effort against terrorism. Aside from working with the United States through various strategic praxes, Japan has forged greater cooperation with France in anti terror activities. In fact, a recent declaration of French-Japanese cooperation in the latter is a welcome sight:

France and Japan to talk joint anti-terror ops - The Local

Japan, France eye antiterror, defense cooperation | Kyodo News

@Gabriel92 mon ami.... pour Liberte , Fraternite et Egalite ! :)


You should edit wikipedia bro, you are still in this section Green-water navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia you must erase that and make your Navy as Blue one :devil:


There are Japanese members that would scold me for saying we are a Blue Water Navy, for purpose of appearing 'weak'. I say that is unecessary. We have a permanent naval and air base in Djibouti, Africa, and any of our ships patrols around the Tip of Africa, in the Mediterranean , and are anywhere in the vastness of the Pacific Ocean. Calling ourselves a 'green water navy' is an insult to our own selves. Given, Japan's navy is larger than the British, French and German Navies combined. lol.

The Japanese Self Defense Forces are largely interested in maintaining freedom of navigation throughout the four corners of the globe. The overseas activities of the JSDF in years past have largely been restricted to escort activities of international merchant fleet through the Persian Gulf as well as the Djibouti Striats, peace keeping initiatives and post-war nation restructuring , rebuilding.

Due to the assymetry of terrorism and the rising instability that has been brought unto the world by terrorist groups such as ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, and other splinter groups, anti-terror activities and campaigns may be a necessary. Japan, as the third largest economy in the world, and a major global player in stability and peace, needs to increase her contributions in the global effort against terrorism. Aside from working with the United States through various strategic praxes, Japan has forged greater cooperation with France in anti terror activities. In fact, a recent declaration of French-Japanese cooperation in the latter is a welcome sight:

France and Japan to talk joint anti-terror ops - The Local

Japan, France eye antiterror, defense cooperation | Kyodo News

@Gabriel92 mon ami.... pour Liberte , Fraternite et Egalite ! :)

This isn't surprising,we always had good relations with Japan,and seeing that they are increasing is better,in the future Japan could be (If it hasn't already) become our best ally concerning the operations in Africa. :welcome:

I hope one day to see these 2 men,fighting hands in hands and killing terrorists. :nana:


This isn't surprising,we always had good relations with Japan,and seeing that they are increasing is better,in the future Japan could be (If it hasn't already) become our best ally concerning the operations in Africa. :welcome:

I hope one day to see these 2 men,fighting hands in hands and killing terrorists. :nana:


View attachment 207838

French Special Forces are masters of eradicating the enemy. Your boys' success in wiping out the enemy in Mali is testament to the power and capability of the French Military. Now, i hope our boys (Japan Special Forces Group) can learn from the experienced, battle hardened, noble SOC,....!!

@Gabriel92 ,

You know, mon ami, relations between the French Navy and the Japanese Navy goes back over a century. During the Russo-Japanese War of 1905, the Japanese Admiral Togo Heihachiro (who is credited with eviscerating the Imperial Russian Navy's Baltic Fleet in the Battle of Tsushima Straits) was influenced by French naval strategy , as well as the Admiral Togo had close friends with French Naval Ministry. One can say, Japan's victory over Russia was influenced by French Naval Strategy.

Here is an old picture , taken in the early 20th century (couple of year after the Russo-Japanese War) --- of Admiral Togo (center) with the Commander of the Imperial French Navy and his staff. Taken in Gifu, Japan.

This isn't surprising,we always had good relations with Japan,and seeing that they are increasing is better,in the future Japan could be (If it hasn't already) become our best ally concerning the operations in Africa. :welcome:

I hope one day to see these 2 men,fighting hands in hands and killing terrorists. :nana:


View attachment 207838

:smitten: I do love a man in uniform:yahoo:.

The Japanese Self Defense Forces are largely interested in maintaining freedom of navigation throughout the four corners of the globe. The overseas activities of the JSDF in years past have largely been restricted to escort activities of international merchant fleet through the Persian Gulf as well as the Djibouti Straits, peace keeping initiatives and post-war nation restructuring , rebuilding.

Due to the assymetry of terrorism and the rising instability that has been brought unto the world by terrorist groups such as ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, and other splinter groups, anti-terror activities and campaigns may be necessary. Japan, as the third largest economy in the world, and a major global player in stability and peace, needs to increase her contributions in the global effort against terrorism. Aside from working with the United States through various strategic praxes, Japan has forged greater cooperation with France in anti terror activities. In fact, a recent declaration of French-Japanese cooperation in the latter is a welcome sight:

France and Japan to talk joint anti-terror ops - The Local

Japan, France eye antiterror, defense cooperation | Kyodo News

I don't think we're discussing the same thing (US expectations versus Japan's realism), so in this case let me just say that I support Japan's contributions to world peace and stability and leave it there.

French Special Forces are masters of eradicating the enemy. Your boys' success in wiping out the enemy in Mali is testament to the power and capability of the French Military. Now, i hope our boys (Japan Special Forces Group) can learn from the experienced, battle hardened, noble SOC,....!!

@Gabriel92 ,

You know, mon ami, relations between the French Navy and the Japanese Navy goes back over a century. During the Russo-Japanese War of 1905, the Japanese Admiral Togo Heihachiro (who is credited with eviscerating the Imperial Russian Navy's Baltic Fleet in the Battle of Tsushima Straits) was influenced by French naval strategy , as well as the Admiral Togo had close friends with French Naval Ministry. One can say, Japan's victory over Russia was influenced by French Naval Strategy.

Here is an old picture , taken in the early 20th century (couple of year after the Russo-Japanese War) --- of Admiral Togo (center) with the Commander of the Imperial French Navy and his staff. Taken in Gifu, Japan.

View attachment 207841

Thank you,very interesting. :cheers:

What unit are these boys in, @Gabriel92 ? Foreign Legion?

Yep,2e REP (2e Régiment étranger de Parachutiste),don't mess with them,or you'll die like the rest. :nana::nana::nana:



Here's the full gallery if you want.

Barkhane : Superbe reportage photos de Thomas Goisque sur les légionnaires du 2e REP |
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