When were these commitments given?
If you declare a nation outlawed by placing it under sanctions.. therby declaring it a pariah in the international community, it does what it need to do to survive.
There was ONE exchange made under the COMPLETE TACIT APPROVAL of the GoP which was the purchase of the NoDong Missile for money. This was done via AQ's KRL acting as a private middleman/broker... After having developed relations with the North Koreans AQ Khan exploited the free hand give to him by the Pakistan government(as they consider his organization vital for national security and therefore trusted blindly) to promote his centrifuge designs to the North Korean officials who were looking for such items. Being a Private contractor liaising with the Government AQ khan did have friends in the military who were responsible for turning a blind eye to his deals. Thus, for reasons having NOTHING to do with the Ummah or unity AQ Khan did business of an enriched nature with Iran,Libya, Syria and NK solely for personal profit under the guise of helping fellow Muslims countries.
Even the "Oil for Nuke umbrella" deal with the Saudi's after the 98 tests(not valid anymore) was done through KRL supported by the establishment.
Pakistan's Government owned and managed organizations such as PAEC,NESCOM and the like have NEVER dealt with these states when it comes to sensitive technology.
There is no Islamic Bomb.. the whole idea of uncontrolled destruction is absolutely against the principles of warfare laid out for Muslims. But then .. who follows religion to the letter?