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The Iraqi Armed Forces

Ina lillah va ina elaih rajeoon .

shahid (martyr) heydar al-jabari , iraqi pilot , who's chopper was shot down by ISIL terrorist freaks :


rest in peace and our condolences to iraqi nation .
3 Million fighters - from tribal fighters, to local defence squads.

Please don't spew information like this. You're too misinformed.

Almost all Iraqi provinces are free and under national security protection, apart from CITIES like Mosul, Fallujah, Ramadi, and other smaller cities which are all contested.
how am i spewing misinformation, maybe you need a reality check , Mosul and falujiah, baji oil refinery 90% under ISIS, diyala pretty much gone and today the main border post between syria and iraq, from what i see the only thing is left is the capital.

Ina lillah va ina elaih rajeoon .

shahid (martyr) heydar al-jabari , iraqi pilot , who's chopper was shot down by ISIL terrorist freaks :


rest in peace and our condolences to iraqi nation .
what did he fly do you know
On Thursday the
Iraq Ministry of Science and Technology
announced that Iraq plans to launch its
satellite for scientific studies, this evening,
from a base in northern Russia.
A three-unit CubeSat, TigriSat, is the first
satellite to be launched for Iraq. Built for
the country’s Ministry of Science and
Technology by Iraqi students working at the
La Sapienza University in Rome,
TigriSat will
be used to monitor dust storms in Iraq.
Iraq previously claimed to have launched a
satellite in 1989, however this was
discredited after footage of the rocket
exploding during first stage flight surfaced.
Analysts have also determined that it was
unlikely to have been an orbital launch
attempt in any case.
The ministry said in a statement that “in
spite of all the difficulties and security
events plaguing Iraq, today we will launch
the first satellite, Dajla, at 10:11:11 pm,
according to the timing of Baghdad.”
The statement stressed that “the rocket
launch would be from Aazina space area,
Federal Republic of Russia and aboard the
Dnepr rocket.”
Tigrisat will be deployed from the Italian
UniSat 6, which in turn has been booked for
a launch aboard a Dnepr launch vehicle
operated by Kosmotras.
The statement pointed out that “the rising
moon is 620 km from the ground level and
97.97 degree angle deviation within the
orbit oval compression.
from what ive read they lost a few, i really hope the iraqi government is working hard to replace them ASAP, they have a very small AF with no fighters so they going to need every heli they can get.
from what ive read they lost a few, i really hope the iraqi government is working hard to replace them ASAP, they have a very small AF with no fighters so they going to need every heli they can get.

loss is 3 MI 17's and a UH1 from what I know.

Today ISIS has anti aircraft 23mm gun & some manpads unlike when the US was operating here, helicopters have to fly very low and at night to minimize the danger, the pilots aren't doing that, often they fly at daylight, low speed medium height above them, easy to get shot down.
15 billions worth of Arms from USA
wow cannot even defend so this cool pics are useless sadly
if it was old Iraq army i understand
but now they are marching towards Baghdad and ISIS got 425 mil usd from the vault
it is sad they could not defend the terrorist and the city and civilians

ive said it before... all the posses = dont look proffessional...

Sorry but thts true... or maybe because these men didnt have any reason or will to fight... hope iraq doesnt become another syria..
loss is 3 MI 17's and a UH1 from what I know.

Today ISIS has anti aircraft 23mm gun & some manpads unlike when the US was operating here, helicopters have to fly very low and at night to minimize the danger, the pilots aren't doing that, often they fly at daylight, low speed medium height above them, easy to get shot down.
they really do need some fighters dont think the US will send the F16 anymore, at least not with this crisis.
ive said it before... all the posses = dont look proffessional...

Sorry but thts true... or maybe because these men didnt have any reason or will to fight... hope iraq doesnt become another syria..

They didn't abandon because of fear, or lack of will. They abandoned because of treason of the high commanders that ordered the retreat, a bad hierarchy of command and chain of command allows such things to happen. After the majority followed the retreat order there were a few left, there are always units that don't receive the retreat command thus some decided to fight, some took on civillian clothing to escape.

People here keep making it look like the army was afraid so they ran away while soldiers themselves explained the situation on video confirming what i'm saying.
They didn't abandon because of fear, or lack of will. They abandoned because of treason of the high commanders that ordered the retreat, a bad hierarchy of command and chain of command allows such things to happen. After the majority followed the retreat order there were a few left, there are always units that don't receive the retreat command thus some decided to fight, some took on civillian clothing to escape.

People here keep making it look like the army was afraid so they ran away while soldiers themselves explained the situation on video confirming what i'm saying.

Hardly an excuse my friend.. but i hope n pray for the safety of your country.. may the Almighty protect you.
Hardly an excuse my friend.. but i hope n pray for the safety of your country.. may the Almighty protect you.

Theres no excuse, i'm explaining what happened.

In a good organized military structure such thing would not happen, if commanders were to abandon or betray the army there would be another independent force or commander to overlook the situation, in Iraq that was not the case. This military force was dissolved in 2003 and rebuilt quickly, it's unorganized.

Soldiers follow orders, they did what they were told. The masses of low ranking soldiers are never to blame, they just do what their superiors told them. In this case the superiors are to blame.
Theres no excuse, i'm explaining what happened.

In a good organized military structure such thing would not happen, if commanders were to abandon or betray the army there would be another independent force or commander to overlook the situation, in Iraq that was not the case. This military force was dissolved in 2003 and rebuilt quickly, it's unorganized.

Soldiers follow orders, they did what they were told. The masses of low ranking soldiers are never to blame, they just do what their superiors told them. In this case the superiors are to blame.
if thats true that makes it high treason, and they should be put to death
if thats true that makes it high treason, and they should be put to death

There have been plans to expand ISOF from 10.000 to 30.000+ forces, a force independent from the other commanders in the army. Their presence in Mosul and other cities would have prevented army soldiers retreating and following such an order. Most countries have multiple independent forces to keep each other in check, Iraq used to have the same. Army, republican guard and special republican guard, 3 groups independent from each other. Currently there isn't, another factor why things aren't organized well.
how am i spewing misinformation, maybe you need a reality check , Mosul and falujiah, baji oil refinery 90% under ISIS, diyala pretty much gone and today the main border post between syria and iraq, from what i see the only thing is left is the capital.

what did he fly do you know
Stop your bullshitting.

This is Baiji refinery, TODAY. Under complete control of the army. Under constant patrol of army aviation. All attempts to enter the refinery has failed. The media is full of shit, don't swallow what they feed.

Diyala is 95% under army control, with local tribes people supporting the army. Apart from some small villages. The border with syria is also under complete control of the army, it was announced today !!

The media is full of crap.

As for the pilot, I believe he flew Bell UH-1.
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