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The Iraqi Armed Forces

Happy to see One United Iraq... may Allah bless People of Iraq. and RIP Saddam Hussain.
Saddam, Saddam Aanta ya Saddam ...
fifth mechanized division



Refurbished from the old salvage yard.


Military engineering corps refurbishing saddam era armor.



Equipment to be refurbished, some to be put into active service, others for training.
12 BM-21


10 BMP-1

16 T-72

10 T-55
Sadam committed a crime against humanity. He never bother to look at faith or race, anyone opposing him will be crushed. I understand how does it feel like being an Iraqi citizen with his country getting destroyed. What matter now is Iraq not the political system or the Shia-Sunni issues. As far as my knowledge is concerned Iraqis are very tolerant and open-minded. Sunnis marrying Shias weren't a big deal to them at all.
-Not all algerian are terrorists
-Algerians (islamic fanatic bigots) are used as a tool of terrorism - by gulfie financial sponsors
-Don't know anything about your late president - nor I care
-the hell with your convicts in our prisons - kill them all as long as they have proven connection with terror (as they do)
-saddams execution one of the greatest/joyous events in Iraqs modern history -

you heard the phrase : بشر القاتل بالقتل ولو بعد حين ... ...or live by the sword, die by the sword.

saddam got what he deserved..after dragging iraqis through decades of hardships, from wars, to torture and mass killing campaigns..

finally, a huge **** you, to any saddam lover, sympathiser.. and all this 'arab brethren' rhetoric among arabs ..is a joke..wish we were never part of it..just live as Iraqis, nothing else, far away from the stone age fucktards.

Iraqi forces Kill a major terrorist financer in Diyala province, Najm Harbi. This is a video of the vehicle, the video of the body is too graphic so I wont post it.
Iraqi Forces Arrest al-Qaeda-linked terrorists during operation along borders

Iraqi joint forces today carried out military operations in the Iraqi regions bordering Syria to hunt the terrorist al-Qaeda gangs, arresting scores of terrorists and seizing their weapons and equipment.

An Iraqi Security source who spoke on condition of anonymity said that joint forces of the federal Police and the 27th battalion, backed by fighting helicopters carried out several raids in the areas al-Anbar, Ninawa and to the west of al-Mosul.

He added that the terrorist gangs have resorted to the deserts fleeing the successive strikes of the Iraqi army. The source affirmed that the military operation resulted in the arresting of 42 terrorists and seizing their weapons including rifles, bombos, explosives and mortars.

MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian military equipment exporter Rosoboronexport, the state corporation incoming Rostekhnadzor, put into Iraq has six Mi-35 helicopters for $ 256 million in addition to defense contracts for $ 4.2 billion, according to Reuters, a source close to Rosoboronexport.

The representative of Rosoboronexport declined to comment.

The authorities of Russia and Iraq agreed to supply arms to the amount of $ 4.2 billion, including 36 helicopters Mi-28, in October last year. In November, the Iraqi government refused to contract on suspicion of corruption, but then supplies were resumed.

New contract for 6 cars for $ 217 million ($ 256 million with ammunition) for delivery in October 2013 was signed during a visit to Iraq, the head of Rostekhnadzor Chemezov together with the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, on Tuesday, the source said.

"In the sphere of military-technical cooperation with Russia in Iraq is now being implemented contracts totaling $ 4.2 billion, mainly on the supply of Russian helicopters," - said in a statement Rostekhnadzor reported on Wednesday.

The report also says the plans localization service support equipment supplied as part of the strategy for the development of Rostekhnadzor global aftermarket.

"There are other prospects in the area, which are currently being considered by the parties at the expert level," - said in a statement.

With the Iraqi authorities also discussed the expansion of contracts for the supply of military equipment to $ 8 billion from the current $ 4 billion, but no final agreement, the source said.

"Russia has quite an extensive experience of partnership with the countries of the Middle East and Iraq - one of our large customers - are reported Rostekhnadzor words Chemezov. - We are interested to see our defense products used solely to protect the citizens of this country and serve the cause of strengthening the sovereignty of the Republic of Iraq.
So with all those military, why don't they drive al Nusra/FSA away from West Iraq?
So with all those military, why don't they drive al Nusra/FSA away from West Iraq?

The FSA controlls the Syrian side. alqaeda wonders in the vast dessert of Anbar but doesn't "control" anything, other than empty desert. It's hard to track them because Iraq has no proper air forces and drones yet.

The "control" they have is similar to the mujahideen in the Sinai peninsula in Egypr.
Because they are good for training

Iraqi army must thank al qaeda
Turkish army must thank PKK

without them we have less experience

I rather have stability and peace then gaining then clashes with fellow human beings, But gues the world doesnt work that way.
I rather have stability and peace then gaining then clashes with fellow human beings, But gues the world doesnt work that way.

I was joking
I prefer peace aswell

these terrorists are a danger for citizens more then they are to soldiers
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