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The Indian Threat: Naxals have labs to test weapons

Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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United Kingdom
Rajnish Sharma | The Asian Age

Naxals have now developed a fully hi-tech weapons testing laboratory similar to the ones used by the defence forces and the DRDO.

This has been revealed during investigations by the National Investigation Agency and other Central intelligence agencies following the arrest of Sadnala Ramakrishna, alias Techie Anna, the head of the Naxals’ technical committee.

Intelligence agencies have information that the Naxals have two fully developed weapons testing labs operational in Chhattisgarh, where they have been putting to test their sophisticated weapons like rocket launchers, claymore mines and a range of booby traps.

Sources said before any new weapon is inducted for mass use by the Naxal cadres, they are first put through stringent checks at these testing laboratories.

Though security agencies have launched a massive hunt to track the exact location of these two laboratories, it is suspected that they are situated deep inside the thick jungles in the Abujhmad region.

It is believed that these laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and the Naxals have invested crores of rupees in them.

22 truckloads of equipment sent to Naxal labs

National Investigation Agency (NIA) and Central intelligence agencies have information that Naxals have set up a weapons testing laboratories in the Abujhmad forests of Chhattisgarh.

“We did get some leads during Techie Anna’s interrogation but then more intelligence was developed following which we got concrete information that Naxals were developing dangerous weapons through R&D at these laboratories. Now we trying to trace their exact location,” a senior investigating official said.

Sources claimed that the equipment for developing rocket launchers was sent to these laboratories from various cities, including Kolkata and Mumbai, by Naxal sympathisers.

Investigations have also revealed that at least 22 truckloads of equipment was sent from various places across the country to these weapons laboratories for developing rocket launchers under the direct supervision of Techie Anna.

“There is also information that Naxals book various consignments under false names showing that they are transporting some goods, though in reality they send weapons and important components for developing weapons by trucks to Chhattisgarh,” the official said.

Intelligence sources also added saying that Naxals have been working on their rocket-launcher project for a few years now and have achieved 90 per cent accuracy with this lethal weapon.
wtf man they are planning an allout war on india, kill them right now.
They are going to enrich uranium to make a nuclear weapon. :tup:
If I were a troll like you I'd be posting this in big,red font-
"Ooh ooh Chinese are propagating Nuclear proliferation........What a bunch of Hypocrites"
But since I am not a troll I wouldn't post anything like that..........:smokin:
I think the phrase "hi-tech" is stretching it a bit. Indian media are beyond a joke somtimes.

This all propoganda to step up the heat ...You need solid ground to allow military like action inside nation........first you spread the Info abt how dangerous and deadly this maoist are And then Order a Swipe clean OP .....No human right Abuse headache....After all this not China were you can just Roll on tanks over ppl..And still Ppl cheer for them out of fear

And I m with GoI on this..no matter whats the issue ,,,no one can be allowed to hold State and Law for Ransom...There are forum for adressing the issues..........Violence Against state is not a option........... Law is above all..I hope finally GoI will clean this Dumb head taking help from Our Enemy nation,& clear of my Motherland .....Jai Hind :sniper:

The terrorists now have weapon labs?

sure...what do you think??they are bunch of tribals with bow and arrow???most of these maoist leaders are higher educated people.plus,their den is on areas that consists leading illegal gun making factories in India,Munger,Bihar,Jharkhanda etc.so no wonder they got few of this labs.though most of their arms are on crude tech.they built some improvised mines and rocket launchers.police busted few of these a long time ago.so this is hardly a news.police busted techies who are behind this,plus a lot of raw materials that they are going to use it in Rocket launchers.read this....

7 arms units doing well: Maoist top gun
I think the phrase "hi-tech" is stretching it a bit. Indian media are beyond a joke somtimes.

Not really. The naxals have shown some incredible capability when it comes to manufacturing small arms. They have been able to replicate AK-47s which amazed our own defence ppl. the first mistake we are making is underestimating them. This makes us go into a false sense of security coz we think we are fighting a rag tag bunch of miltants. Its hard for me to understand how they are able to do it themseleves but it is possible. One issue I am deeply intrigued by is how the govt routinely uses and interchanges the term Maoist and Naxals. It seems they make no distinction.

sure...what do you think??they are bunch of tribals with bow and arrow???most of these maoist leaders are higher educated people.plus,their den is on areas that consists leading illegal gun making factories in India,Munger,Bihar,Jharkhanda etc.so no wonder they got few of this labs.though most of their arms are on crude tech.they built some improvised mines and rocket launchers.police busted few of these a long time ago.so this is hardly a news.police busted techies who are behind this,plus a lot of raw materials that they are going to use it in Rocket launchers.read this....

7 arms units doing well: Maoist top gun

It is not crude tech. Either you are highly misinformed or the govt is pushing BS reports. The reality is far from it.
With Chinese assistance, will it ever explode.

bhartis don't worry its made in china.:china:
they are becoming increasingly sophisticated and seems they enjoy much support amongst the tribals -esp. in the red corridor where they are thriving
Still ! Thats red corridor area seems to be decreased as compared to as it was in last year, Again its another ideology which have already spreaded among heavily populated tribal areas, instead of just some specific ethinic group it is getting popular among all sectors of public. still their are no perfect estimates that how many civilians are now following it, cuz it will be the crucial circumstance of this war, as the conditions will get heat up, more realities will be revealed about them and their capabilities.
Still ! Thats red corridor area seems to be decreased as compared to as it was in last year, Again its another ideology which have already spreaded among heavily populated tribal areas, instead of just some specific ethinic group it is getting popular among all sectors of public. still their are no perfect estimates that how many civilians are now following it, cuz it will be the crucial circumstance of this war, as the conditions will get heat up, more realities will be revealed about them and their capabilities.

It will remain and is destined to remain a tribal supported (not led) movement. The top leadership of Maoists is till dominated by educated non-Tribals especially belonging to the upper caste.
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