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The India-Vietnam Axis

If Vietnam tries anything we will just dump 1000 tons of finely powdered, soluble nuclear waste salts into the Mekong right at the Chinese border. Better than blocking off the water.
So you intend to kill all Laos-Camb people in oder to kill small group of VN ?? are you sure ??:sick:
Any action on our friend Vietnam and we will bomb your commercial ships in the malacca straits back to kingdom come :whistle:
i know, 1000 tons might be too little, should increase to 10000 tons.

WOW! The genocidal tendencies of some Chinese seem to be a leftover of the Mao days!

I wonder how these ''kill all japanese'' ''kill all viets'' ''kill all philipinos'' utterances of the middle kindgom are tolerated here...
Well, your aircraft carrier would become the sub, what else you want it to be? :smokin:

We dont even need our aircraft carrier just look at the location of the malacca straits and you will see the Andaman Islands :agree:
We dont even need our aircraft carrier just look at the location of the malacca straits and you will see the Andaman Islands :agree:

Well, our next ASBM platform is well over 8000km, your small cheap AC has nowhere to hide in the Indian Ocean. :P
You don't have spend lots of money to set up any base in ASEAN countries like CHina using money to set up 'String of Pearl' base around you .

Convincing Thailand to join the defensive line means you help ASEAN countries getting stronger , so ASEAN can stand independencely without USA military support .

Who knows when will US withdraw from ASEAN due to the economy problem, if ASEAN strong enough to hold up CHina in SCS (east sea), India will not need to worry about CHina's invasion in India Ocean also:cheers:

ASEAN is not a defence related group and when you look at a so called strings of perls against China (from Indian point of view), your country, Singapore, S. Korea and Japan are way more important.
It is good for India to have good economic ties with Thailand, but the defence relations have simply not the same directions and forget about countering China in east Asia without US support, that's not realistic!
Bravo.. bravo... to sound like God living....., to give evidences upon the words print in bold, Viet Nam country and economy, food... we are self-help not to the Chinese and other foreigner think or help
Almost the foreign manufacturers have been having in Viet Nam almost serve for export. Yah, underpay labors at Viet nam but we live relaxed, into China maybe someone else are cannibalistic and suicide because the life very hard.

Don't flattered yourself, if you're happy to live under foreigners control of your country then so be it...Lol talking about cannibalistic and suicide...you vietnameses not better saints in this world...if moral is your only opion that you can bring on to discussion...than I advise that temple is better place not military forum.
Just Curious : Where will China divert the mighty mekong river's waters ?

If u say a dam then it would obviously take 5 years to come up with it. In the mean time Vietnam can always come up with some work around...

5 years??? I give 1 years to bring Vietnam down to its knees, combine water blockage and diversion or even better flooding an area that it shouldn't be...maybe we wont be able to dry up the river by at least a great panic to scare them hell out of sh1t.

if you underestimate Chinese civil engineering...just watch the Great Canal that Chinese people dig from north to south. I bet we can do better with machinery and satellite imaging of the terrain and a good planning.
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