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The India-Vietnam Axis

5 years??? I give 1 years to bring Vietnam down to its knees, combine water blockage and diversion or even better flooding an area that it shouldn't be...maybe we wont be able to dry up the river by at least a great panic to scare them hell out of sh1t.

if you underestimate Chinese civil engineering...just watch the Great Canal that Chinese people dig from north to south. I bet we can do better with machinery and satellite imaging of the terrain and a good planning.

Yeah yeah i know about ur civil engg.... All u want is to build world's largest this or that.... with no idea about the feasibility....

eg. The mighty dams being built in tibet all suffer from massive sedimentation problem. So, if one of the dam has installed capacity of lets say 1000 MW, it practically means 400MW only at any point of time... with added probability of severe earth quakes.
ASEAN is not a defence related group and when you look at a so called strings of perls against China (from Indian point of view), your country, Singapore, S. Korea and Japan are way more important.
It is good for India to have good economic ties with Thailand, but the defence relations have simply not the same directions and forget about countering China in east Asia without US support, that's not realistic!
forget about countering China in east Asia without US support,
Are you sure ? What make you so scare of CHina ?? we fought against USA in 20years and we still kicked her out, and you think we will be defeated by CHina armed with cheap copy weapon ??
Kiss_of_the_Dragon said:
5 years??? I give 1 years to bring Vietnam down to its knees, combine water blockage and diversion or even better flooding an area that it shouldn't be...maybe we wont be able to dry up the river by at least a great panic to scare them hell out of sh1t.

if you underestimate Chinese civil engineering...just watch the Great Canal that Chinese people dig from north to south. I bet we can do better with machinery and satellite imaging of the terrain and a good planning.
If China fight against us, CHian will collapse in 50 days, so you'd better bring us down faster .:P
Are you sure ? What make you so scare of CHina ?? we fought against USA in 20years and we still kicked her out, and you think we will be defeated by CHina armed with cheap copy weapon ??

That was a land based war, but we were talking about a naval war in east Asia right? India can't deploy too much naval forces to this area, like the US can and the only navies in that area that can compete to some extend with PLAN are S. Korean and Japanese. That's why I said, in this regard, they and Singapore navy are more important for Indian navy, while your country with it's location and land borders to China can be also be interesting for India, just like Pakistan is for China. When you can force your opponent to split it's forces to different locations, he gets weaker and the US are looking for the same advantage with getting India as a partner, because we have land borders with China and the strategic location in the Indian Ocean. If we are strong, China has to split their forces, while the US and their allies in the east gets advantages.
That was a land based war, but we were talking about a naval war in east Asia right? India can't deploy too much naval forces to this area, like the US can and the only navies in that area that can compete to some extend with PLAN are S. Korean and Japanese. That's why I said, in this regard, they and Singapore navy are more important for Indian navy, while your country with it's location and land borders to China can be also be interesting for India, just like Pakistan is for China. When you can force your opponent to split it's forces to different locations, he gets weaker and the US are looking for the same advantage with getting India as a partner, because we have land borders with China and the strategic location in the Indian Ocean. If we are strong, China has to split their forces, while the US and their allies in the east gets advantages.

yeah,most of chinese forces are deployed at eastern part.if this is the case,then we should deploy one squad near afghanistan too may be ayni or some where else.
That was a land based war, but we were talking about a naval war in east Asia right? India can't deploy too much naval forces to this area, like the US can and the only navies in that area that can compete to some extend with PLAN are S. Korean and Japanese. That's why I said, in this regard, they and Singapore navy are more important for Indian navy, while your country with it's location and land borders to China can be also be interesting for India, just like Pakistan is for China. When you can force your opponent to split it's forces to different locations, he gets weaker and the US are looking for the same advantage with getting India as a partner, because we have land borders with China and the strategic location in the Indian Ocean. If we are strong, China has to split their forces, while the US and their allies in the east gets advantages.

It's not easy to deploy a Large naval forces in SCS(east sea), we fought against US seven fleet and beat it badly with supprise air attack . CHina still have No real experience in Naval mordernwarfare battle, she simply have No chance to win when we have lots of Yakhont-Brahmos.

Singapore simply too small to do anything, bro.
Are you sure ? What make you so scare of CHina ?? we fought against USA in 20years and we still kicked her out, and you think we will be defeated by CHina armed with cheap copy weapon ??

If China fight against us, CHian will collapse in 50 days, so you'd better bring us down faster .:P
LOL..... you are so proud of getting barbecued by napalm and sprayed with agent orange....... when we go to war this time, China is happy to let you declare "victory" after getting massacred again :lol:
China has effectively declared war on Vietnam!!!

India's involvement complicates South China Sea dispute

In recent years Vietnam has carried out a number of activities in the South China Sea which have threatened China's sovereignty. Seizing 29 islands claimed by China, it cooperated with Russia in developing oil exploration technologies and purchased advanced submarines and other weapons. As the United States launched its "return to Asia" strategy last year, Vietnam also enhanced its military cooperation with the U.S.

This year, Vietnam has continued its efforts to complicate the issue. Brushing aside opposition from Beijing, Vietnam recently reached an agreement with India on oil and gas exploration in the South China Sea and has also enhanced its military cooperation with India.

China has constantly advised India to avoid involvement in the South China Sea dispute. Despite this, Indian oil companies have been cooperating with Vietnam in its energy exploration efforts. India's ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL) recently invested 2250 million U.S. Dollars for oil and gas exploration projects in the South China Sea. The Indian and Vietnamese governments also said that they will increase their military, trade and investment cooperation. As part of the deal, India will help Vietnam train its submarine forces.

Vietnamese Minister for Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh said that he fully supported ONGC Videsh's investment. The Indian embassy in Hanoi also confirmed Vietnam's cooperation in the venture. Indian Foreign Minister SM Krishna asserted that the exploration projects do not violate international law, and that China's opposition has no legal basis.

China's protests and warnings have been unable to dissuade India and Vietnam from cooperating. Based on India's recent actions, we can draw the conclusion that India has a vested interest in siding with Vietnam in the South China Sea disputes because it also wishes to contain China's influence in the region.

On the surface, Vietnam has been developing friendly ties with China while secretly colluding with the U.S., Russia and India in its oil exploration efforts. Upon viewing the evidence, Vietnam's intentions are very clear. It wants to occupy the islands it snatched from China as long as possible and contain China's development in the region, in hopes of gaining more leverage in Sino-Vietnamese negotiations.

Maintaining friendly relations with Vietnam and India are of strategic importance to China. However, the recent display of Indian-Vietnamese cooperation has added a new level of difficulty to the South China Sea dispute. As more actors become involved, finding a peaceful solution to the problem becomes increasingly complicated.

India's involvement complicates South China Sea dispute - China.org.cn
LOL..... you are so proud of getting barbecued by napalm and sprayed with agent orange....... China is happy to let you declare "victory" after getting massacred again :lol:
China napalm and agent orange are no use to Vn bcz we consider Nothern VN as battle zone with CHina, so we don't develope anything or encourage people to live there. But VN napalm and agent orange will be very useful for Chinese aggressor :lol:.

Pray God before steping a foot on Vn soil , you can can go to Heaven , not Hell :sick:
China napalm and agent orange are no use to Vn bcz we consider Nothern VN as battle zone with CHina, so we don't develope anything or encourage people to live there. But VN napalm and agent orange will be very useful for Chinese aggressor :lol:.

Pray God before steping a foot on Vn soil :sick:
HA HA HA don't worry after we are done with spraying napalm and agent orange all over Vietnam, China will leave and then Vietnamese can declare your glorious victory again :lol:
HA HA HA don't worry after we are done with spraying napalm and agent orange all over Vietnam, China will leave and then Vietnamese can declare your glorious victory again :lol:
Hehe, you can not just leave so easy like that bcz we will revenge by destroying you merchan ship in Malacca :sick:
Hehe, you can not just leave so easy like that bcz we will revenge by destroying you merchan ship in Malacca :sick:

don't worry buddy all they can do is whine and issue warning to everybody he he but nobody gives a damn to their warnings. we will harvest the oil fields soon :cheers:
Hehe, you can not just leave so easy like that bcz we will revenge by destroying you merchan ship in Malacca :sick:
LOL...... you are so powerless you can't even take back the Paracels...... keep deluding yourself jungle tribe....... you can never be like us -- the great Han Chinese! :)

And watching these two third world holes seething with envy at China's wealth and power, cooking up dirty plots against us, just makes me laugh out loud :rofl:
It's not easy to deploy a Large naval forces in SCS(east sea), we fought against US seven fleet and beat it badly with supprise air attack . CHina still have No real experience in Naval mordernwarfare battle, she simply have No chance to win when we have lots of Yakhont-Brahmos.

Singapore simply too small to do anything, bro.

That's true we are small in the region :cry:

Then again we do refine 1.4 Million barrels of Oil a day which is 10 times more the Vietnam and more then anyone else in the region (3rd largest worldwide). So unless ships run on seawater you're gonna have a hard time topping up your tank without us if you in our region.

Then again I don't see why Indonesia, Malaysia & Singapore would want to risk war with China. Most likely everyone will stay neutral. I think you better bring a refuel-er along.
LOL...... you are so powerless you can't even take back the Paracels...... keep deluding yourself jungle tribe....... you can never be like us -- the great Han Chinese! :)

That borders on racism.
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