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The impending collapse of China

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this is what they come up with

Buddy that video is extremely stretched and difficult to watch, I posted a better quality video earlier in the thread.

Here is the post: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/178054-impending-collapse-china-4.html#post2902663

we indians never make fun when they defecate openly. instead we try to improve them. after all they are our countrymen too.

Contrast your post about IQ to mine. :P

And in any case I don't believe that IQ results prove anything, except that a particular person is good at taking IQ tests.
remember what a chinese official once said ? India conquered china culturally and spiritually without any of its soldiers stepping on chinese soil. come back to sense cpc SLAVE

that's his sympathy towards the downtrodden indians under the british rule for 2 centuries on humanitarian grounds. you should thank him for giving you a national spiritual uplifter for so long, getting quoted by lost and found indians, and out of him for no substantial reasons Vast majority of Chinese do give a damn to what he said!

but it is automatic for indian slaves who etch all these trivials like timeless motto in their brains as if these are golden words ordered by their master
I can understand Chinese feeling for low castes in India, since what they have gone through! But fear not Chinese, low caste people in India are living fine unlike how you were treated in past!

The Southern and Northern Dynasties showed such a high level of polarization between North and South that northerners and southerners referred to each other as barbarians. The Mongol Yuan Dynasty also made use of the concept; Yuan subjects were divided into four classes, with northern Han Chinese occupying the second-poorest class and southern Han Chinese the poorest one.

Four Class System of China Yuan Dynasty, Social Status, Ruling Class

Traditional Yi society in Yunnan was class based. People were split into the Black Yi (nobles, 5% of the population), White Yi (commoners), Ajia (33% of the Yi population) and the Xiaxi (10%). Ajia and Xiaxi were slaves. The White Yi were not slaves but had no freedom of movement. The Black Yi made slave-raids on Han Chinese communities. After 1959, some 700,000 slaves were freed.
Developereo buddy, could I ask for your opinion on the video that was posted earlier?

Here is a link to the specific post:


I only watched the first 3 minutes of it and couldn't be bothered finishing it.

While it is always commendable to dream big and have high hopes, the thing I found offensive about the video is the blatantly racist message. The person who made the video clearly suffers from a severe racial inferiority complex where his metric for India's success is measured by the condition of white people. It's not enough for Indians to succeed; in his vision whites must be reduced to poverty and begging. He also needs a white tourist's appreciation to validate India.

The person who made the video has a serious case of racial inferiority complex. Unfortunately, this mentality is not that uncommon in many parts of South Asia, including India and Pakistan.
I can understand Chinese feeling for low castes in India, since what they have gone through! But fear not Chinese, low caste people in India are living fine unlike how you were treated in past!

That was something the Mongols came up with during the Yuan dynasty, it's not a Chinese concept at all. :lol:

Indians on the other hand came up with the caste system themselves, and are the only country in the entire world to be known primarily for the caste system. :azn:

Search for "Dalit burnings" using any search engine, and you will get millions of results from the Indian news. Nowhere else.
that's his sympathy towards the downtrodden indians under the british rule for 2 centuries on humanitarian grounds. you should thank him for giving you a national spiritual uplifter for so long, getting quoted by lost and found indians, and out of him for no substantial reasons Vast majority of Chinese do give a damn to what he said!

he isnt wrong

Lin Yutang (1895-1976) author of The Wisdom of China and India:

"Never before had China seen a religion so rich in imagery, so beautiful and captivating in ritualism and so bold in cosmological and metaphysical speculations. Like a poor beggar suddenly halting before a magnificent storehouse of precious stones of dazzling brilliancy and splendor, China was overwhelmed, baffled and overjoyed. She begged and borrowed freely from this munificent giver. The first borrowings were chiefly from the religious life of India, in which China's indebtedness to India can never be fully told."

Hu Shih, (1891-1962), Chinese philosopher in Republican China. He was ambassador to the U.S. (1938-42) and chancellor of Peking University (1946-48).

"India conquered and dominated China culturally for two thousand years without ever having to send a single soldier across her border."

Lin Yutang (1895-1976) author of The Wisdom of China and India:

"India was China's teacher in religion and imaginative literature, and the world's teacher in trignometry, quandratic equations, grammar, phonetics, Arabian Nights, animal fables, chess, as well as in philosophy, and that she inspired Boccaccio, Goethe, Herder, Schopenhauer, Emerson, and probably also old Aesop."

Amaury de Reincourt (1918 - ) was born in Orleans, France. He received his B.A. from the Sorbonne and his M.A. from the University of Algiers. He is author of several books including The American empire and The Soul of India, he wrote: " The Chinese travelers' description of life in India... reveals great admiration from all concerned for the remarkable civilization displayed under their eyes."

"India sent missionaries, China sending back pilgrims. It is a striking fact that in all relations between the two civilizations, the Chinese were always the recipient and the Indian the donor." "Indian influence prevailed over the Chinese, and for evident reasons: an undoubted cultural superiority owing to much greater philosophic and religious insight, and also to a far more flexible script."

(source: The Soul of India – by Amaury de Riencourt p 141 and 161).
That was something the Mongols came up with during the Yuan dynasty, it's not a Chinese concept at all. :lol:

Indians on the other hand came up with the caste system themselves, and are the only country in the entire world to be known primarily for the caste system. :azn:

Search for "Dalit burnings" using any search engine, and you will get millions of results from the Indian news. Nowhere else.

Lol stop lying through your teeth, we are not cpc-zombie!! :lol:

From 17th century to early 20th century, Chinese society was divided into closed social classes: aristocracy and officials, literati, commoners, and people with inferior status. The commoners were called liangmin (良民), meaning good people. The inferior people were called jianmin (賤民), meaning cheap, lowly and mean people. The lowest caste, jianmin, included slaves as well people who were born into families of certain occupations. These occupations considered inferior, shunned and defiling, included nupu (奴仆), changyou (倡優) and lizu (yamen runners). Within each caste, there were further hierarchies and status levels. The lowest caste, for example, included higher status actors and lower status actors. Domestic servants and agricultural slaves were considered less defiling than actors. The upper castes had special privileges and a separate legal code. For the same behavior or crime, a person of upper caste was treated differently by law than a person of lower caste. Offsprings inherited their caste status from their fathers (jiefi chengfen or chitsen).

he commoner sub-castes in China were four, and were called the simin (四民). These included the gentlemen (local nobility), farmers, merchants and artisans (士, 農, 工, 商). The simin castes were considered the pure descent people. The so-called lowly, mean people were not part of the simin castes, and they were considered as ******, dishonored and defiled by birth. Marriage between simin castes (commoners) and so-called lowly, mean castes were stringently prohibited. Marriages within commoners were also limited to those within sub-castes

Watson finds that rigid caste strata system continued after China's communist revolution, and was actively exploited in rural regions by party officials for control, at least through 1960s.
that's his sympathy towards the downtrodden indians under the british rule for 2 centuries on humanitarian grounds. you should thank him for giving you a national spiritual uplifter for so long, getting quoted by lost and found indians, and out of him for no substantial reasons Vast majority of Chinese do give a damn to what he said!

but it is automatic for indian slaves who etch all these trivials like timeless motto in their brains as if these are golden words ordered by their master
weren't you chinese pumped with britishi opium/ drugs :smokin:
The person who made the video clearly suffers from a severe racial inferiority complex where his metric for India's success is measured by the condition of white people. It's not enough for Indians to succeed; in his vision whites must be reduced to poverty and begging. He also needs a white tourist's appreciation to validate India.

"that" person is the average indian. with a population of 1.2 billion with that kind of inferiority complex is pretty darn scary.
When Xuanzang crossed the border, there was no such thing as India. :no:

And Buddha in any case was born in what is now modern-day Nepal.
That was something the Mongols came up with during the Yuan dynasty, it's not a Chinese concept at all. :lol:

Indians on the other hand came up with the caste system themselves, and are the only country in the entire world to be known primarily for the caste system. :azn:

Search for "Dalit burnings" using any search engine, and you will get millions of results from the Indian news. Nowhere else.

Didn't Aryan invaders force the original indian become dalits.perhaps Central asian hated black skinned people in ancient times?
these chinese have no regard for lower caste people. treating them as sub human

we dont have caste system in our Country. the thing you quoted were between small encounters of individuals in isolated cases. we do not have to enact laws to defend mistreatment of the "lower caste people" at all unlike sad, poor stupid and arrogance-out-of-hot-air india!
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