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The impending collapse of China

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CD a quick question, why no chinese/japanese slaves ? they dont like chinese slaves ? no ?

Because they consider whites to be at the top. Getting East Asian servants doesn't have the same appeal to an Indian audience or movie producer.

Also, I doubt they could have found any East Asian there who was willing to do it.
every developing country has it, but no one, i repeat no one has it to the scale india has.
over 700 million indians defacate.

absolutely. indians have the world's largest and freakiest glass house and they keep hurling stones at other countries like China when they are brainwashed by their government and media into believing they are living concrete buildings
It is the truth, ask any of the Pakistani members here. Even better, ask the mods themselves how many of these photoshopped pornographic images they have deleted. It will be in the hundreds, go ask them yourself, pick any random mod and ask them.

if u were unbiased, u can tell that indians by and large avoid bringing relegion here. we have been trained this way since our country is multi religious and we have be tolerant of others views to keep national cohesion.

the opposite is true for pakistan. they mantain national cohesion by abusing hindus

as i said, u would have observed this if u were unbiased
we dont need facebook or twitter or youtube.

we have our own brands, we have renren, weibo, youku, etc.

we dont need american junk, we are independent just like we are in turbofan engines(ws-10).

indians just lack the IQ to make their own brand.

Using your own brand of social network is not by choice its by compulsion. It can not hide the fact you dont have FB account coz your government just doesnt allow it. may be CPC think that their citizens are not responsible enough to make their own choice. Dont angry with me I have full sympathy with you. I am sympathizer.
Unfortuatly your scale has been provided by CPC. You guys have no option to believe whatever CPC says as there is no free media in China. When someday you will try to come out of shadow of CPC and try to think independently you will know that China has same social injustice when compare to India. Though I am agreed with first sentence in your post. I heard in China students taught that China actually won Vietnam war? Is it true?

it wasn't the cpc who said there were 600 million indians who defecate on the streets, but your beloved western "free" media.

AFP: In modern India, 600 million lack toilets

i guess that shatters your little belief.
where is the Israel's 50 cent brigade?
donno..:lol: . but here's ur 50 cents...pak false flagger:lol:


cry baby cry!:azn:
every developing country has it, but no one, i repeat no one has it to the scale india has.
over 700 million indians defacate.

well, no one has that many poor in the country. I feel sorry for the average people of India instead of trying to make fun of it. But I understand why people like you would bring it up once you watch that video.
Because they consider whites to be at the top. Getting East Asian servants doesn't have the same appeal to an Indian audience or movie producer.

Also, I doubt they could have found any East Asian there who was willing to do it.

the reason i asked was, i read somewhere in the past zionists agenda is to eliminate all blacks, arabs, white races, chinese races, asian races & only have their race & we all know the connections between zionists & hindu indians so what i read was not lie at all.
the reason i asked was, i read somewhere in the past zionists agenda is to eliminate all blacks, arabs, white races, chinese races, asian races & only have their race & we all know the connections between zionists & hindu indians so what i read was not lie at all.

hindu indians are viewed in the same light as sub-saharan africans so i doubt they would want to be affiliated with that.
the reason i asked was, i read somewhere in the past zionists agenda is to eliminate all blacks, arabs, white races, chinese races, asian races & only have their race & we all know the connections between zionists & hindu indians so what i read was not lie at all.

Honestly I don't know much about Zionism, apart from the fact that it is a political ideology to do with Israel.

They could have those opinions I suppose, but I wouldn't really know.
absolutely. indians have the world's largest and freakiest glass house and these idiots keep hurling stones at other countries like China when they are brainwashed by their government and media into believing they are living concrete buildings

this will create a rippling effect even the blacks would want to kick the indians in the gut.
Well it is matter of time. China is a pressure cooker. It will explode beyond repair.
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