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The Imam of the Grand Mosque in Brussels Abdelhadi Sewif will not be forced to leave Belgium after a


Jun 7, 2017
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Litigation Council rules in favour of Imam

Tue 28/11/2017 - 16:15 MB

The Imam of the Grand Mosque in Brussels Abdelhadi Sewif will not be forced to leave Belgium after all. The Council for Alien Law Litigation has overturned an earlier decision taken by the Secretary of State responsible for asylum and migration to revoke Mr Serif’s residency permit.
The news that the imam is to be allowed to remain comes from his lawyer Hicham Chibane.

Previously, Mr Francken had announced that he was to revoke Mr Sewif’s residency permit as there are “very clear” signals that the imam is “Salafist, very radical, very conservative and poses a danger to our society and to national security”.

Mr Sewif appealed against the decision and according to Chibane the appeal has been successful.

If the authorities base their decision to revoke a residency permit on a threat to public order they must make clear how exactly the person in question’s behaviour “poses a current, real and sufficiently big threat to society”. This may not be based on “presumptions of general considerations”.

Hicham Chibane is pleased with the Council for Alien Law Litigation’s ruling.

"This decision puts right the image that had been created on my client with regard to his position and his openness towards others. We had submitted all kinds of documents about what he has preached and other public statements. They all point in same direction. This ruling is important because the Secretary of State had portrayed my client as being a radical that spreads radicalism”.

1) Those mosques are built in Europe.

2) Those mosques are approved by the host country.

3) Those host countries approved the Imams beforehand or at least they should have.

4) The Imams and 99,9% of the visitors are all nationals of those European countries.

5) Local Imams supporting un-Islamic teachings such as suicide bombings, Daesh and what not are clamped down upon 1000 times harder and faster in most stable Muslim countries than the European Imams.

6) Radicalism among a fringe group of Muslims in Europe is many times more prevalent compared to population size than in Muslim countries which is why almost 50% (according to the newest data) of Daesh members are European nationals.

7) European politicians, lawyers etc. should ask themselves why mostly criminals (former and present) turn into terrorists and why it occurs in prisons or why such radicalization mostly occurs in ghetto areas. Something about failed integration from both sides, is what one can conclude by now.

8) Now Belgium in this case had an opportunity to close this mosque, jail this Imam or whatever so when another terrorist attack occurs in Belgium, the government and people should not blame that 1 single mosque but their own government for not acting and for failing elements within their own country.

9) Nothing stops Belgium and other European countries from giving long jail terms or deporting every single individual, whether of non-local origin or local origin if he or she voices radical opinions or breaks the law.

10) Blaming outsiders and other nonsense is not going to solve local problems or anything nor does it make any sense.

11) If an outside country supports the establishment of a mosque to serve the local Muslim community, that outside country cannot do anything which has not been approved by the host country. So whatever happens afterwards is the responsibility of the host country. In this case Belgium who are to blame for not reacting before.

12) As a side note, I have visited Bruxelles a few times and I was shocked at seeing the condition of neighborhoods like Molenbeek-Saint-Jean and the amount of ignorant radicals of mostly Moroccan Berber ancestry. I was even told to avoid it by fellow Muslims and non-Muslims. Why that terrorist nest has not been dealt with ages ago nobody will ever know. One can easily say the same thing about certain unnamed French banlieues.

Litigation Council rules in favour of Imam

Tue 28/11/2017 - 16:15 MB

The Imam of the Grand Mosque in Brussels Abdelhadi Sewif will not be forced to leave Belgium after all. The Council for Alien Law Litigation has overturned an earlier decision taken by the Secretary of State responsible for asylum and migration to revoke Mr Serif’s residency permit.
The news that the imam is to be allowed to remain comes from his lawyer Hicham Chibane.

Previously, Mr Francken had announced that he was to revoke Mr Sewif’s residency permit as there are “very clear” signals that the imam is “Salafist, very radical, very conservative and poses a danger to our society and to national security”.

Mr Sewif appealed against the decision and according to Chibane the appeal has been successful.

If the authorities base their decision to revoke a residency permit on a threat to public order they must make clear how exactly the person in question’s behaviour “poses a current, real and sufficiently big threat to society”. This may not be based on “presumptions of general considerations”.

Hicham Chibane is pleased with the Council for Alien Law Litigation’s ruling.

"This decision puts right the image that had been created on my client with regard to his position and his openness towards others. We had submitted all kinds of documents about what he has preached and other public statements. They all point in same direction. This ruling is important because the Secretary of State had portrayed my client as being a radical that spreads radicalism”.

1) Those mosques are built in Europe.

2) Those mosques are approved by the host country.

3) Those host countries approved the Imams beforehand or at least they should have.

4) The Imams and 99,9% of the visitors are all nationals of those European countries.

5) Local Imams supporting un-Islamic teachings such as suicide bombings, Daesh and what not are clamped down upon 1000 times harder and faster in most stable Muslim countries than the European Imams.

6) Radicalism among a fringe group of Muslims in Europe is many times more prevalent compared to population size than in Muslim countries which is why almost 50% (according to the newest data) of Daesh members are European nationals.

7) European politicians, lawyers etc. should ask themselves why mostly criminals (former and present) turn into terrorists and why it occurs in prisons or why such radicalization mostly occurs in ghetto areas. Something about failed integration from both sides, is what one can conclude by now.

8) Now Belgium in this case had an opportunity to close this mosque, jail this Imam or whatever so when another terrorist attack occurs in Belgium, the government and people should not blame that 1 single mosque but their own government for not acting and for failing elements within their own country.

9) Nothing stops Belgium and other European countries from giving long jail terms or deporting every single individual, whether of non-local origin or local origin if he or she voices radical opinions or breaks the law.

10) Blaming outsiders and other nonsense is not going to solve local problems or anything nor does it make any sense.

11) If an outside country supports the establishment of a mosque to serve the local Muslim community, that outside country cannot do anything which has not been approved by the host country. So whatever happens afterwards is the responsibility of the host country. In this case Belgium who are to blame for not reacting before.

12) As a side note, I have visited Bruxelles a few times and I was shocked at seeing the condition of neighborhoods like Molenbeek-Saint-Jean and the amount of ignorant radicals of mostly Moroccan Berber ancestry. I was even told to avoid it by fellow Muslims and non-Muslims. Why that terrorist nest has not been dealt with ages ago nobody will ever know. One can easily say the same thing about certain unnamed French banlieues.
Well these neighborhoods may serve as a fertile recruting ground for foolish/crazy Muslims to play into the hands of the Hegelian Hegemons...
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