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The Illusion of Chinese Weakness


Your economy does not mean diddly sh-t---you are at the mercy of the united states---the next nationalistic president comes into power in the u s and starts the slogan be American buy American----you wellbeing will be history.

All this industrial might that you want to talk about is due to the good old white boys----those who shifted businesses from the u s to china----.

Your economy is so large that you have not been able to build a world class engine for a fighter aircraft that could come close to something build by the americans with 50's technology in the 60's.

As for your naval and submarine fleet ---- 6 maybe 3 wolfe class submarines will totally annihilate them without belching.
With 6 wolfe class submarines----your mighty industrial and military complex would be shattered.

What you believe in---that is what your generals and politicians believed before the 1st gulf war started----after 24 hours their shock was beyond belief and within 72 hours of the start of war----they were walking with dazed looks ---shoulders slumped and heads bowed down---when they came across the pictures of the highway of death---the decision was made and sealed----there will be no direct confrontation with the united states military at any cost.

You can build as many carriers---but you have no experience operating them.

Did you know that Pakistani submarine fleet has more experience and battle field experience than whole of your submarine fleet---did you know that Pakistani agosta's maybe more advanced than your Chinese subs that you have of similar class.

Did you know that pakistani F16 blk52 has more advanced technology and weapons than any aircraft in your air force---.

Before the 1st GW and before the afghan invasion---I told my pak colleagues what u s would do---they were just like you----.

So how did we seize the Scarborough shoal in 2012, and force America to abandon their "mutual defense treaty" with the Philippines?

Like I said, they have not been interested in a direct conflict with China since the 1950 Korean War.

You guys on the other hand can continue to bet on America, and those "good old white boys" that you keep boasting about.

Since you do not have the capability to reliably deliver thermonuclear weapons onto the American mainland, you are indeed at their mercy.

Don't confuse your position with ours.

so youre claiming the Pakistani navy is stronger than PLAN?...okay i have absolutely nothing to said against that, others can make up their own minds.

right so f-16s are now superior to true 5th gens okay, again i got nothing to say against that, others can make up their own minds.


Your economy does not mean diddly sh-t---you are at the mercy of the united states---the next nationalistic president comes into power in the u s and starts the slogan be American buy American----you wellbeing will be history.

All this industrial might that you want to talk about is due to the good old white boys----those who shifted businesses from the u s to china----.

The nationalistic president G.W Bush had never been a fan of "American buy American", it's the Democrats who love that slogan.

As for the good old white boys, they are more concerned that soon the US will become "The United States of Amigo":laugh:
So how did we seize the Scarborough shoal in 2012, and force America to abandon their "mutual defense treaty" with the Philippines?

Like I said, they have not been interested in a direct conflict with China since the 1950 Korean War.

You guys on the other hand can continue to bet on America, and those "good old white boys" that you keep boasting about.

Since you do not have the capability to reliably deliver thermonuclear weapons onto the American mainland, you are indeed at their mercy.

Don't confuse your position with ours.


Did you aim to Subic harbor ?
In short, The Japanese signed knowing that if the US started closing the door to Japan through quotas or tariffs, other countries could do so also and Japan would face a major recession or depression since the economy was essentially export driven. But the US didn't want a trade war, and was trying to fix the worsening trade imbalance without setting up hundreds of tariffs against Japanese goods. Their solution was to make Japanese goods more expensive by weakening the value of the dollar versus the yen. And with American goods becoming cheaper, the idea was more Japanese would buy US goods.

That accord turned out to be pretty much a failure for the US, since cheaper imports into Japan only fattened up the bottom lines of the countless redundant middlemen in the wildly complicated Japanese distribution system - in the end, Japanese consumer prices barely budged. Plus, many American companies were completely ignorant of Japanese consumer needs - the failure of selling a significantly higher number of US cars is one example.

The Plaza Accord itself didn't cause the asset price bubble. First came the Plaza Accord and then the BoJ's misguided reaction to it was an easy money policy. It was the latter that caused the bubble, not the Accord. The essence of the Plaza Accord was inevitable sooner or later and the idea that the USA somehow forced it on an unwilling Japan is bogus. The only way forward for Japan at the time was a floating yen and becoming partners in the global financial system. One big factor would be that it was no longer feasible for Japan to be a cheap labour economy by the 1980s, therefore a rising yen would enable Japanese firms to invest overseas and become truly global players. If you look at the Japanese auto plants in North America, that is exactly what happened.

The pre Plaza Accord situation was tolerated as long as the Japanese economy was in a rebuilding mode. Like Shido says, once the Japanese economy "grew up" it was time to play on a even playing field and the Japanese people understood that. The fact that the fallout was handled badly doesn't make the Plaza Accord a bad thing.
The Plaza Accord did cause the asset bubble in Japan because it has artificially pumped up the value of the Yen. The result was that the Japanese were feeling much richer than they actually were and begun to spend and speculate wildly with this "new found wealth". Which in turn has created a lot of malinvestments which was the root of the asset bubble. And yes, afterwards the Japanese government and the central bank didn't want to collapse the bubble and bailed out everyone in sight with cheap money and started a massive spending spree to keep up economic growth and prevent bankruptcies in the economy. So doing the Japanese government has made the problem many times worse. Something similar happende in the US with the strong dollar policy of the 1990's under Bill Clinton. And there are even signs of that in China today.
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