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The illicit wine-makers of Pakistan's north

This uncle is not a hadith:
He will come up with interpretation that suit himself. This is the result of discardation of Sunnah. Quran itself without the support of Sunnah is free to any kind of Interpretation. That is the purpose behind rejection of Sunnah so that they can interpret what they want.
Oh bawa ji gand as in ye gandi cheez hay oh bawa ji kasmay 21 topaan di salaami tuano

Menu ki pata sigha uncle noan ey peen pilaan da shook ey
bhai jo ap ne likha wohi hum samjhy main ne natural jawab diya apki baat ka
But that is the point: Allah commands us to pray to Him, so we agree that is very important. If He does not tell us how and when and how many times to pray, then we can follow His Prophet PBUH, but the exact method cannot be as important, since we know that His beloved Prophet himself said prayers in many different ways, and therefore other ways are also acceptable. We cannot always follow everything what Mohammad PBUH did in his time exactly as he did, obviously.

Bhai jaan- the number and how to do the namaz is shown by the nabi as'salaathu was'salaam. I am SHOCKED sitting on a PAKISTAN DF that I'm talking about faraid; i.e namaz. It is a pillar of Islam. Rejecting the number of NAMAZ in a day i.e 5 is KUFR. Even the Shia don't differ with us on this!

Following the Nabi as'salthu was'salaam as I have mentioned before with verse, MUSLIMS have NO choice to obey the Nabi as'salaathu-was'salaam. There is NO compromise, no negotiations!

I am talking about the farid, like the namaaz as this is what this topic is about. MUSLIMS have to follow and do it!
These people are Wajib-ul-Cuddle, right @Imran Khan
haan ye logoon ko shaheed kerty hain

Daffa karro.... sanno keee? It's up to Allah to show the righteous path to whomever He wishes and blind an entire race that he doesn't wish to enlighten, it's ALL entirely up to Him. Wisdom maybe equivalent to your combined life experiences over a lifetime or maybe a function of your IQ / grey matter and time, however, that necessarily doesn't equate to righteous behavior... think about it, if it were, then Abu Jahl would've retained his earlier laqab of Abu Hakkam.

Who am I to interfere in his divine judgements and destiny that he has written for these people. I don't have the moral authority to declare anyone of them a Momin or an Infidel.

Live and let live, the problem will only arise when someone puts a stone in my path.

This uncle is not a hadith:
اس دنیا میں چند ہی چیزیں ملیں جن کی وجہ سے کہا جا سکتا ہے کہ زندگی خؤبصورت ہے

علم میں فلاسفی - علم کائنات (cosmology) تاریخ اور سائنس
کھانے میں گوشت کی سٹیک اور بریانی
پینے میں کافی سکاچ وہسکی پیپسی
دیکھنے میں سمندر اور نیچرل بیوٹی اور خلا
جانوروں میں پینگوئن اور کتا
موسیقی میں غزل
موسموں میں برفانی موسم

ورنہ سچ تو یہ ہے کہ اور یہاں رکھا ہی کیا ہے کہ انسان زندگی سے چمٹا رہے
The home made wine made from fresh grapes gives a good kick and tastes good too :P
And You are wrong as well.
In 5:05 it is permitted to consume all good things.
Small amount of Alcohol has been proven to have a positive influence of health.
This means 5:05 permits SOME alcohol.

OK! Lets have this silly debate!

This day are (all) good things made lawful for you. The food of those who have received the Scripture is lawful for you, and your food is lawful for them. And so are the virtuous women of the believers and the virtuous women of those who received the Scripture before you (lawful for you) when ye give them their marriage portions and live with them in honour, not in fornication, nor taking them as secret concubines. Whoso denieth the faith, his work is vain and he will be among the losers in the Hereafter. (5) Surah Al-Maida v5

Surah 5:05 The word ''hilal'' means permitted food, NOT haram from the people of the book. The food that Allah has already directed as haram stands and it is the consensus of the Islamic scholars and even Shia scholars agree on this.

Show me a tafsir that states otherwise?
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The home made wine made from fresh grapes gives a good kick and tastes good too :P
and then you know what are you drinking . one of my friend is land lord his servants made sugarcane and some more goodes wine and yes it was one of greatest wine i drink every sip taste you a taste
5:90 gives advice that intoxicants may make your life a misery,

The actual verse is this:

O ye who believe! ''khamaru'' and games of chance and idols and divining arrows are only an infamy of Satan's handiwork. Leave it aside in order that ye may succeed. Surah Al-Maidah v 90

Again what point are you trying to make by making up verses? Everyone can check your reference and mine and they're different! Khamrul and games of chance (gambling),....are haram/forbidden!
and then you know what are you drinking . one of my friend is land lord his servants made sugarcane and some more goodes wine and yes it was one of greatest wine i drink every sip taste you a taste

agreed bro if ingredients added are good then it makes out to be much better then then the imported ones

agreed bro if ingredients added are good then it makes out to be much better then then the imported ones
but i am not in the favor of drinking all the time home made because we have no lab . so i prefer imported and pakistani made alcohol
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