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The IDF's Most Expensive Weapon Begins 3,000 Mile Underwater Journey to Israel

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The IDF's Most Expensive Weapon Begins 3,000 Mile Underwater Journey to Israel
By Abra Forman December 17, 2015 , 4:00 pm

“Some went down to the sea in ships, doing business on the great waters; they saw the deeds of the Lord, his wondrous works in the deep.” (Psalm 107:23-24)


An Israeli navy Dolphin-class submarine in the water off the coast of Haifa on September 07, 2009. The Dolphin class is a diesel-electric submarine which was developed and constructed in Germany for the Israeli Navy’s specific needs. The Dolphin boats are considered among the most sophisticated and capable conventional submarines in the world. (Photo: Moshe Shai/FLASH90)

The Israeli Navy’s newest high-tech submarine has left the German manufacturing center where it was made and begun the 3,000-mile journey to its home on a Haifa naval base.

The 220-foot, 2,000-ton Dolphin-class submarine, Israel’s fifth, is named the INS Rahav. It is Israel’s second new-generation AIP (air independent propulsion) submarine. A senior naval source said on Thursday that the INS Rahav is headed home with crew of 50 on board, as well as “minimal weapons needed to protect itself”.

It will make a brief stop on its journey for a memorial ceremony at the site where one of Israel’s first submarines, the INS Dakar (“Swordfish”), disappeared in 1968.

The $2 billion submarine was commissioned over a decade ago and unveiled in Germany in May 2013, but needed another year and a half of work before it could become fully operational. It is set to arrive in Israel next week, where it will be fitted with Israeli systems.

Submarines with AIP platforms differ from older conventional subs in that they can stay underwater for significantly longer periods of time, potentially weeks, using fuel cells to supplement their diesel-electric engines. With a second AIP sub, said the naval source, Israel has “doubled its covert capabilities.”

The INS Rahav is also equipped with state-of-the-art surveillance and tracking systems, countermeasures to enable it to avoid detection, satellite communications capabilities, and other electronic warfare systems.

“The fifth submarine greatly enhances the Israel Navy’s submarine flotilla and provides us with another state-of-the-art tool to aid and defend Israel against numerous threats,” the naval officer said.

A specialized dock has been constructed by the navy in Haifa to house the new submarines. The dock will allow for the two advanced subs to be kept separately and covertly, enabling convenient and flexible movement when needed.

Among the benefits of the new advanced submarines is the ability to conduct lengthy intelligence gathering missions. The former commander of the navy’s submarine school told the Jerusalem Post in 2014, “A submarine can stay in enemy territory for weeks, and no one knows it’s there. It can lurk off coastal regions without any problem at all. The level of intelligence this brings is not heard about by the public.”

Indeed, Israel’s submarine program is kept highly secret. A rumor holds that some or all of the navy’s submarines have been modified to hold nuclear cruise missiles. Israel has never confirmed or denied the rumor.
Israel Navy Welcomes New State-of-the-Art Submarine - Israel News

@DavidSling @500 @Solomon2
Some times I wonder, what good are these stealth assets if the country's land mass is over run by infantry ?

or if the country is in irrecoverable political / economic / security turmoil ?
The IDF's Most Expensive Weapon Begins 3,000 Mile Underwater Journey to Israel
By Abra Forman December 17, 2015 , 4:00 pm

“Some went down to the sea in ships, doing business on the great waters; they saw the deeds of the Lord, his wondrous works in the deep.” (Psalm 107:23-24)


An Israeli navy Dolphin-class submarine in the water off the coast of Haifa on September 07, 2009. The Dolphin class is a diesel-electric submarine which was developed and constructed in Germany for the Israeli Navy’s specific needs. The Dolphin boats are considered among the most sophisticated and capable conventional submarines in the world. (Photo: Moshe Shai/FLASH90)

The Israeli Navy’s newest high-tech submarine has left the German manufacturing center where it was made and begun the 3,000-mile journey to its home on a Haifa naval base.

The 220-foot, 2,000-ton Dolphin-class submarine, Israel’s fifth, is named the INS Rahav. It is Israel’s second new-generation AIP (air independent propulsion) submarine. A senior naval source said on Thursday that the INS Rahav is headed home with crew of 50 on board, as well as “minimal weapons needed to protect itself”.

It will make a brief stop on its journey for a memorial ceremony at the site where one of Israel’s first submarines, the INS Dakar (“Swordfish”), disappeared in 1968.

The $2 billion submarine was commissioned over a decade ago and unveiled in Germany in May 2013, but needed another year and a half of work before it could become fully operational. It is set to arrive in Israel next week, where it will be fitted with Israeli systems.

Submarines with AIP platforms differ from older conventional subs in that they can stay underwater for significantly longer periods of time, potentially weeks, using fuel cells to supplement their diesel-electric engines. With a second AIP sub, said the naval source, Israel has “doubled its covert capabilities.”

The INS Rahav is also equipped with state-of-the-art surveillance and tracking systems, countermeasures to enable it to avoid detection, satellite communications capabilities, and other electronic warfare systems.

“The fifth submarine greatly enhances the Israel Navy’s submarine flotilla and provides us with another state-of-the-art tool to aid and defend Israel against numerous threats,” the naval officer said.

A specialized dock has been constructed by the navy in Haifa to house the new submarines. The dock will allow for the two advanced subs to be kept separately and covertly, enabling convenient and flexible movement when needed.

Among the benefits of the new advanced submarines is the ability to conduct lengthy intelligence gathering missions. The former commander of the navy’s submarine school told the Jerusalem Post in 2014, “A submarine can stay in enemy territory for weeks, and no one knows it’s there. It can lurk off coastal regions without any problem at all. The level of intelligence this brings is not heard about by the public.”

Indeed, Israel’s submarine program is kept highly secret. A rumor holds that some or all of the navy’s submarines have been modified to hold nuclear cruise missiles. Israel has never confirmed or denied the rumor.
Israel Navy Welcomes New State-of-the-Art Submarine - Israel News

@DavidSling @500 @Solomon2
Great news Indeed, I reported about that too yasterday in pakistan defense
Fifth Israel Navy submarine leaves Germany for Haifa port
as for Israel's nuclear capability, it's kind of an open secret (since every foreign power admiting it's existing)
Cruise missile with nuclear warhead would be ofc the Popeye cruise missile -
Popeye Turbo SLCM—A reportedly stretched version of the Popeye Turbo developed for use as a submarine-launched cruise missile (SLCM) was widely reported in a US Navy observed 2002 test in the Indian Ocean to have hit a target at 1500 km, it can allegedly carry a 200 kt nuclear warhead. It is believed that the stretched Popeye Turbo is the primary strategic second strike nuclear deterrent weapon that can be fired from the 650 mm secondary torpedo tubes of the Israeli Dolphin-class submarines. It is believed that the SLCM version of the Popeye was developed by Israel after the US Clinton administration refused an Israeli request in 2000 to purchase Tomahawk long range SLCM's because of international MTCR proliferation rules. While the standard Popeye is 533 mm theDolphin class submarines have four 650 mm torpedo tubes in addition to the six standard 533 mm tubes allowing for the possibility that a SLCM Popeye derivative may be a larger diameter.

The Rahav submarine will ofc be updated with the latest Israeli technologies aswell once it arrives to Israel
Great news Indeed, I reported about that too yasterday in pakistan defense
Fifth Israel Navy submarine leaves Germany for Haifa port
as for Israel's nuclear capability, it's kind of an open secret (since every foreign power admiting it's existing)
Cruise missile with nuclear warhead would be ofc the Popeye cruise missile -
Popeye Turbo SLCM—A reportedly stretched version of the Popeye Turbo developed for use as a submarine-launched cruise missile (SLCM) was widely reported in a US Navy observed 2002 test in the Indian Ocean to have hit a target at 1500 km, it can allegedly carry a 200 kt nuclear warhead. It is believed that the stretched Popeye Turbo is the primary strategic second strike nuclear deterrent weapon that can be fired from the 650 mm secondary torpedo tubes of the Israeli Dolphin-class submarines. It is believed that the SLCM version of the Popeye was developed by Israel after the US Clinton administration refused an Israeli request in 2000 to purchase Tomahawk long range SLCM's because of international MTCR proliferation rules. While the standard Popeye is 533 mm theDolphin class submarines have four 650 mm torpedo tubes in addition to the six standard 533 mm tubes allowing for the possibility that a SLCM Popeye derivative may be a larger diameter.

The Rahav submarine will ofc be updated with the latest Israeli technologies aswell once it arrives to Israel
the newer versions of the dolphin class will have an fuel cell aip similar to the one fitted on german and italian subs.
i am aware of israel having nukes, even though they deny it and the wolrd dont care because they know they have it.
the new subs can carry the popeye turbo, below
Some times I wonder, what good are these stealth assets if the country's land mass is over run by infantry ?

or if the country is in irrecoverable political / economic / security turmoil ?
Intelligence gathering about enemy navy, Provide deterrence against enemy naval movements, Second strike capabilities against enemies (via nuke cruise missiles) and the option to hit targets (coastal and inland) thousands of miles away without resorting to ballistic missiles and air-strikes (if cruise missiles are used).
Good Capability additions to the IDF. These submarines make sure that Israel has an upper hand defending its maritime borders against a numerically larger adversary.
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