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The humanity thread


Oct 31, 2014
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I would like to create this thread where we can free ourselves from the limitations of countries and nations and discuss about the problems and solutions regarding the whole of our human species as we progress towards greater prosperity and enlightenment.
The foremost issue that humanity faces today is that of poverty. Poverty means lacking access to the needs of living which causes terrific decline in the quality of life as it consumes the chance for a man to employ his faculty of cognition through which he takes account of this world and achieves peace, tranquillity and felicity.
Poverty reduction is the single biggest challenge and duty of ours in the present day. The greatest thing that happened in recent times is undoubtedly the elimination of poverty in China on a grand scale. Due to the sheer number of people involved it significantly raises the bar of human dignity. As China represents a fifth of humanity, its progress has great consequences for the world. But a country that represents another fifth is performing rather poorly. India spends very little on infrastructure development which is keeping millions in poverty when they could easily come out of it. The backward mentality of its leaders will change after some time. But the backwardness of African thought will take even longer to change. Among the other highly populated Asian countries Pakistan is the only black sheep with its thinking on par with Africans. All in all East Asia represents the hope in today's world. Many others will mature much later.
Poverty alleviation report card for 10 biggest countries:
(marks out of ten)

1. China ----------------------- 8 ( Poverty greatly reduced, much work still left )
2. India ------------------------ 4 ( Has only initialized poverty reduction)
3. America -------------------- 9 ( some pockets of poverty still left )
4. Indonesia ------------------ 7 ( eliminating poverty at a rapid pace )
5. Brazil ------------------------ 5 ( not properly focused on poverty elimination )
6. Pakistan -------------------- 2 ( doesnt even want to reduce poverty )
7. Nigeria ---------------------- 0 ( what else to expect from africans )
8. Bangladesh ---------------- 6 ( has made great strides in poverty alleviation )
9. Russia ----------------------- 9 ( the poor not completely benefiting from the country's riches )
10. Japan --------------------- 10 ( the country where everyone is middle class )
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