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The Holocaust Lie.

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So what territorial maps have changed.

Please point them out? :cheesy:

Territorial maps have changed, in cost of what? Blood of Muslims.

While you care for Jewish lives, do you care also for Muslim lives as well?

Or are you a Pakistani with an inferiority complex trying to act like westerner to think you became westerner?

So what if maps have changed!?? So what!!!! You are a Genius.
Territorial maps have changed, in cost of what? Blood of Muslims.

While you care for Jewish lives, do you care also for Muslim lives as well?

Or are you a Pakistani with an inferiority complex trying to act like westerner to think you became westerner?

So what if maps have changed!?? So what!!!! You are a Genius.
Birak canim. Bu tamamen aptal mis!

You CAN 'debate' the Holocaust but it's a debate you LOSE very quickly. It happened, 6,ooo,ooo +- Jews were murdered, end of debate. There.
Betty, he is trying to imply that it is not a crime to debate any thing, even facts!

Can you tell us, or even yourself, exactly WHY this "lie" is so important to you?

It is important because Isreal is created on pre-text of this.
The Holocaust lie was created in order to Justify War by NATO and USA infact this was just a story line to give some MORAL RIGHT or something like that .. just like how in Crusade wars , the pope used to tell people you will free GOD's temple you will go to heaven etc same special op mind fu0ck

In reality , USA had economic embargo on Japan , so Japan destroyed US navy

In reality Germany was asked to Pay Billions to USA - ALLIED POWERS , this created poverty in Germany
Germany finished paying off the Billion (Trillions by current prices) recently

YOU WILL FIND ABOUT THIS RANSOM .. .MONEY . if you do some serious digging up in facts
not this HOLLYWOOD crap we are fed in Media of today ... these stories were created to FEEL GOOD... so NATO warriors would feel "Happy" and right about killing other humans

Germany refused to pay ransom money to Allied powers

Germany was not allowed to have Airforce or a Identity for nation so they were punished for standing up

Jewish media, in USA spewed lies in Newspapers to get USA involved in war ... Germany simply dislocated Jews out of Germany
Juts like USA did to Japanese POWs

There was lack of food in Europe , people had 1 loaf of bread of weeks so naturally many POWs lost lives as it happens in Mass displacements and refugees ...

NATO - USA turned it around and made it into a FAIRY Tale ...

1912 , 1/3rd pf population died ... where did those died people go ... mass burrials

In World war 1 Millions died where did they go .. mass burrials ....

In World war many died across Europe ... mass burrials

So ... what did USA - NATO do after the war , they blamed on lots of deaths to Germany in order to created this image of DEVIL
which was used as Propaganda to go to war in ...


But if you look at the war rationally ....

NATO USA , kills people in Afghanistan with bombing , kills people in Pakistan with bombings ... kills people in Palestine with third party Israel ...

So who is the good or evil ... its a matter of perspective


If GERMANY was racist , why would the "White Supremist" force ally with Japanese non whites
If Germany was racist , why would in world war 1 they have Muslim Empire on their side


ALLIED POWER BRITAIN enslaved world countries
Allied power America had blacks in society who had no rights

My prespective is , I look at Saddam when he bowed down , gave natural resources to Allied Powers NATO same shiat .. he was friend ..

When he did not .. he was called a EVIL .. SATAN ... anti christ ...

Hitler if anything was nothing more then a reformer , a man who wanted to change Germany from
being a poor country after world war 1 , to find its place in world by refusing to pay ransom money to Britain Royals

We see glimpses of the MIND GAME when the NATO soliders go to war , and then when they see reality their mind gets messed up and they end up coming home with all these "Problems" Mental issues ... as the "PRETTY" story their country tells them turns out to be false and then they are stuck with harshness of reality ...

This is what NATO calls .... "Suffering from syndrome" lol

Meanwhile its perfectly fine for them to kill 100-200 people from drone strike

Economic Embargoes kill people ... True ...
Drones kill people ---- true
Giving weapons to gorillas kills people ---- true ...
Killing democratically elected people with CIA operations kills people ---- true
Killing Arafat with radioactive isotope kills leaders --- true .....

I mean ... you can keep buying books written by Western Authors ... who will keep referring to
other biased writers who in their part wrote biased views ...

When someone examines Hitler's pictures in ordinary life , you see that he was just another man
he had family values and he loved his country he was used to a Germany that had a high standing in world after world war 1, his country was made into "Afghanistan" of that time

No jobs , poverty , empty bread shelves , no future for Germany's children , youth so he became a leader and started to reform

When Germany Refused to Pay "RANSOM" money to Allied forces , and created armed forces he was then deemed an Evil Man ... because he did not wanted to give Money to Allied forces

Thats all it was

In modern day context we see history repeating with Sanctions on Iran :P

PS the 6 Million Jews died figure is bogus , as the Engineer who examined the chambers
Said its impossible those buildings or numbers could have happened lies ... he was quickly discarded as no body and fake by Western Bodies ... his findings are there on Youtube...

There were like 100-300 million people died in war , yet we are expected to believe that 6 million Jews were so special that world war was fought ... yeah right ... special my arse

Talk about some serious propaganda

There are SO MANY things in this post that are just plain FACTUALLY INCORRECT that it's funny. WTF do they teach 'you guys' in school over there ? HOLY SH!T !!:rofl:
The Iranian-Army does not occupy another people, destroy their homes, ethnically cleans them, or drop phosphorus bombs on the world's larges open air concentration camp called "Gaza."

It's true that when the CIA tries to orchestrate a coup in Iran, the army responds: It's our country. We aren't occupying someone else's land (unlike the Jews).

Mod Edit: Unnecessary Content Removed

If the Basij dint do so, then Iran would have been syria now. Thanks for Basij. @ the time of riots Iran proved that how effectively a huge anti-country riots can be handled.

Iran apriciated again.

What a joke. You support the slaughter of tens of thousands in Syria. And in same time you shed crocodile tears about kicking butt.
If that Americans dont stuff their nose inside syria then this wouldnt happen in syria.
I dont count it as conspiracy theory. The thing you call conspiracy, I call it action ongoing now.

Let me count:

1) Somali divided,
2) Sudan divided.
3) Libya divided and destroyed.
4) Iraq divided.
5) Afghanistan divided (currently into 2, maybe more in the future)
6) Syria is having immediate threat of being divided into three parts.
7) Turkey having stronger Kurdish separatism
8) Iran having probability of US-Israeli intervention.
9) Pakistan having Taliban problem spreading into main cities.

I wonder when things start to inflame in Saudi Arabia.

It is not conspiracy, Jew. It is all-out war against Muslim countries. But odds started to turn in favor of Muslims. Muslims will pay a heavy price, nevertheless Jews wont achieve their goals.

Look at the current world map.
USSR devided.
Ethiopia devided.
Czechoslovakia devided.
Yugoslavia devided.
Serbia devided.
Georgia devided.
Moldova devided
Israel devided :)))

By the way, the biggest supporter of Kurdish separatism was Syria. Today its not even close to what happaned in 90-es, before Ocalan's expulsion from Syria.
I dont count it as conspiracy theory. The thing you call conspiracy, I call it action ongoing now.

Let me count:

1) Somali divided,
2) Sudan divided.
3) Libya divided and destroyed.
4) Iraq divided.
5) Afghanistan divided (currently into 2, maybe more in the future)
6) Syria is having immediate threat of being divided into three parts.
7) Turkey having stronger Kurdish separatism
8) Iran having probability of US-Israeli intervention.
9) Pakistan having Taliban problem spreading into main cities.

I wonder when things start to inflame in Saudi Arabia.

It is not conspiracy, Jew. It is all-out war against Muslim countries. But odds started to turn in favor of Muslims. Look at the current world map.

100% Agree. I will add, however, that Saudi Arabia is a puppet regime of the US and Jewish Lobby.

If the Basij dint do so, then Iran would have been syria now. Thanks for Basij. @ the time of riots Iran proved that how effectively a huge anti-country riots can be handled. Iran apriciated again. If that Americans dont stuff their nose inside syria then this wouldnt happen in syria.

Exactly correct. And now that a few years have passed, we can see that the people that were behind the so-called "democracy" movement were Israeli stooges who have all run to their masters.

Watch these two videos and you will see how the Israeli Lobby tries to create problems in Iran, but Iran is too smart and strong for their games.

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If that Americans dont stuff their nose inside syria then this wouldnt happen in syria.
Yeah right. 99% of Syrians love cucumber faced dictator. All protestors and rebels are disguised CIA agents.

Watch these two videos and you will see how the Israeli Lobby tries to create problems in Iran, but Iran is too smart and strong for their games.
But Iran is very poor state. So Zionists conspirators did succeed.

There is another option however: Iranian leadership is simply a failure.
You CAN 'debate' the Holocaust but it's a debate you LOSE very quickly. It happened, 6,ooo,ooo +- Jews were murdered, end of debate. There.

B@llsh*t. That's why you contacted the Mods to remove videos showing demonstrable falsehoods about the holocaust including a Discovery Channel Video on how gas chambers and crematoriums work, and whether it would have been possible to kill 6 million people in the German camps with the equipment they had.

If you believe in debate, you don't remove someone else's argument.
Troll, 6 Million Jews were killed in the Holocaust from the 9 million total that were exterminated by the Nazis.

The Gypsies, Slavs, Homosexuals, Retards, etc. numbered 3 Million.

Now keep trolling. :D

Wow, its really hilarious how you people constantly change the numbers. Some accuse the Nazis of murdering 20 million, others 30 million, and some 12-14 million, and here we have you, yet another holohoax believer stating it was 9 million. Shame on you you anti-semite, how dare you decrease the number of people exterminated in the imaginary "gas chambers".:lol:
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