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The Holocaust Lie.

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Oh sure! Communist Jews running the USSR kept no records. :rofl:

Just watch these videos and learn something:

Please ignore this Ignorant Joe, he even talk about European Jews as Semitic people!!!
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Isn't this the same David Irwing who claimed that 400,000 people were killed in Dresden when a commission by the German Government found that the death toll to be about 25,000.
Just like how the allies first claimed 4 million Jews were exterminated at auschwitz but then later on changed that number to 1.5 million?:lol:



So whatever happened to the 2.5 million from the old number of people exterminated in the gas chambers at auschwitz? They disappeared into thin air huh??:lol: Or are they hiding in your basement?

And I am suppose to believe this nut on the Holocaust. :rofl:

:rofl: Well, if you can believe even bigger nuts and their myths then who is David Irving?

The Jewish genocide figure has constantly been decreasing and increasing throughout the years, why is that?

BTW guys, i announce to you that the number of Jews exterminated by Hitler and the evil Germans is now believed to be 6 billion according to a recent report by Raul Hilberg LOL!!!!!

And while we are at it. What do other tragedies have to do with the Holocaust?

It is called the law of cause and effect, it is a natural law, too powerful for humans to avoid, if they do not understand its meanings and first avoid to cause it. It comes in a form of a vicious cycle, and is thus more vicious when it is perpetrated.
How is their serving under Hitler a necessity for you to transfer your admiration of the Wehrmacht, the Heer, the Kriegsmarine and the Luftwaffe, to Hitler? Or to the Nazis?
If it wasn't for Hitler and the Nazis, the Luftwaffe would not have existed and the Kreigsmarine not allowed to operate Submarines, and no battleships ships greater than 10,000 ton displacement, the Wehrmacht not allowed to operate armored cars and tanks. None of them would have had their legendary reputation, not to mention the cutting edge technology through which they had an advantage over their adversaries due to Nazi's going forward with military R&D despite the treaty of Versailles banning Germany from doing so.

Even the person in your avatar, the person whose appellation you use as your nickname, hated the Nazis, was involved in plotting to overthrow Hitler and was forced to his death by the Nazis.

The real Rommel: Enduring myth of the decent Nazi is debunked | Mail Online

So, tell me now, has Rommel all of a sudden become "evil" in your eyes after reading this article. :lol: So when they say roll over you'll roll over as well? I won't be surprised.

I suggest you clean up your school boyish ideas about personalities and institutions.
And i suggest you stop giving childish advices, its not kindergarten anymore.
Wow, its really hilarious how you people constantly change the numbers. Some accuse the Nazis of murdering 20 million, others 30 million, and some 12-14 million, and here we have you, yet another holohoax believer stating it was 9 million. Shame on you you anti-semite, how dare you decrease the number of people exterminated in the imaginary "gas chambers".:lol:

This is the correct figure for the gas chambers, while the other figures refer to deaths of civilians due to bombing or other causes. These figures have been quoted consistently before. There has been no suggestion that either 12 to 14 million, or 20 million,or 30 million perished in the gas chambers.

If you want to pick holes in the Holocaust history, try harder. As it is, this sort of effort only embarrasses you.

I notice that the anti-Nazi martyr Rommel is still your avatar. The article you enclosed with such school boyish delight, that shows him to be a propaganda creation of the Reich, still does not detract from the fact that he plotted against Hitler and was executed for that. If you believe the article, it is all the more bizarre that you retain him as your avatar, or your nickname derived from his.

You do recall that he forms part of the 12-14 million, 20 million or 30 million that you cited with such withering contempt.
BTW guys, now i believe in the Holocaust after reading this oh so heart breaking story:

Holocaust survivor's love story exposed as a fraud - Telegraph

Herman Rosenblat's Angel at the Fence has been withdrawn by its publisher, Berkley Books, an imprint of Penguin, following allegations by scholars, relatives and fellow survivors about its veracity.

Although records confirm that Rosenblat, a retired television repairman now living in Miami, was a child prisoner in several Nazi concentration camps, critics questioned his account of how he was befriended by a Jewish girl – living in secret with a Christian family – who, for months, threw him apples and bread over the fence at a sub-camp of Buchenwald.

Years later, Rosenblat claimed he met a young Polish immigrant, Roma Radzicky, on a blind date in New York and she turned out to be the same girl. They married in 1958 and have been together ever since.

But historians pointed out that it would have been physically impossible for prisoners to make contact with outsiders at the Schlieben camp, except for a spot right beside an SS barracks.:rofl:

Rosenblat's Holocaust story was a Hoax! (ABC) - YouTube

More proof that the holahoax is a hoax after all.
BTW guys, now i believe in the Holocaust after reading this oh so heart breaking story:

Holocaust survivor's love story exposed as a fraud - Telegraph

Rosenblat's Holocaust story was a Hoax! (ABC) - YouTube

More proof that the holahoax is a hoax after all.

After your misadventures with objects as intimate as your avatar and your nickname, it is clear that you are prone to jump to conclusions. What happens next in your personal soap-opera, some individual testifies to the authenticity of the Holocaust and you swing with that passing breeze?

The myth that you are destroying so assiduously is not the myth of Holocaust, as you believe it to be, but of your own credibility as a balanced observer.
This is the correct figure for the gas chambers, while the other figures refer to deaths of civilians due to bombing or other causes. These figures have been quoted consistently before. There has been no suggestion that either 12 to 14 million, or 20 million,or 30 million perished in the gas chambers.

If you want to pick holes in the Holocaust history, try harder. As it is, this sort of effort only embarrasses you.

I notice that the anti-Nazi martyr Rommel is still your avatar. The article you enclosed with such school boyish delight, that shows him to be a propaganda creation of the Reich, still does not detract from the fact that he plotted against Hitler and was executed for that. If you believe the article, it is all the more bizarre that you retain him as your avatar, or your nickname derived from his.

You do recall that he forms part of the 12-14 million, 20 million or 30 million that you cited with such withering contempt.

Oh, look, its another defender of the constantly changing number of exterminated Jews (besides the constantly changing number of people overall killed by the NAZI's).

Looks like they subtracted 2.5 million exterminated people and watered the number down to 1.5 million to make it more reasonable.


So, JoeShearer, whatever happened to the 2.5 million exterminated persons subtracted from the original 4 million number? Where did they disappear to? Since you are a such a devoted believer and ardent supporter of the holohoax myth i'm sure you have the answer to my question.

Just like how the allies first claimed 4 million Jews were exterminated at auschwitz but then later on changed that number to 1.5 million?:lol:


As u can see there is no mention of Jews on the first plate. It was a communist invention nothing else. They increased number to show that Aushwitz was not just Jewish thing. While in fact Jews were the overwhelming majority there (over 90%).

As I said, mumber of Jews died in Holocaust is based on censuses and is very precise. It did not change since the beginning till today. Thats why Holocaust deniers never discuss census numbers, but instead go to silly technical details, because its easier to fool people there.
Oh, look, its another defender of the constantly changing number of exterminated Jews (besides the constantly changing number of people overall killed by the NAZI's).

Looks like they subtracted 2.5 million exterminated people and watered the number down to 1.5 million to make it more reasonable.


So, JoeShearer, whatever happened to the 2.5 million exterminated persons subtracted from the original 4 million number? Where did they disappear to? Since you are a such a devoted believer and ardent supporter of the holohoax myth i'm sure you have the answer to my question.


I believe in facts proven by historians, and defend them against racist propaganda and against amateur poseurs who are attracted by the strutting and bombastic ceremonial that these regimes surround themselves with. It is not for nothing that such elements have been taken up by other despotic regimes in Soviet Russia, in China and in North Korea as well. Same symptoms, same disease. And same immature idiots whom these are supposed to attract - the history according to YouTube crowd.

About the figures, have you come to the point in your education where they teach you the difference between one and many?

About the table, you may (or may not, being you) have noticed that these are newspaper speculations. What leads you to shun historically valid sources and run to newspaper accounts to illuminate your ?mind?

Right, :lol:.

Demonstrators have attacked African migrants in Tel Aviv in a protest against refugees and asylum-seekers that indicates an increasingly volatile mood in Israel over what it terms as "infiltrators".

Miri Regev, a member of the Israeli parliament, told the crowd "the Sudanese are a cancer in our body". The vast majority of asylum-seekers in Israel are from Sudan and Eritrea.

Around 1,000 demonstrators took part in the demonstration on Wednesday night, waving signs saying: "Infiltrators, get out of our homes" and "Our streets are no longer safe for our children." A car containing Africans was attacked and shops serving the refugee community were looted. Seventeen people were arrested.

A reporter for the Israeli daily Maariv described it as an "unbridled rampage" and explosion of "pent-up rage".

"Suddenly one of [the protesters] noticed that in one of the cars waiting for traffic to move were two young dark-skinned men, apparently foreign workers. For the hundreds of inflamed and enraged young people, that was all they needed. Within minutes, they dismantled – there is no other word to describe it – the car and its passengers. Some of them smashed the windows with their hands and rocks, others kicked the car, bent the plastic parts and tried to attack the people inside. 'I'm not from Sudan, I'm not from Sudan,' the driver tried to tell the assailants, but nobody was listening at that stage."
Israelis attack African migrants during protest against refugees | World news | guardian.co.uk

Israeli Kirstallnacht: Violent attacks against people of dark skin color

Thousands of Israelis, including high-profile politicians, attended an anti-African demonstration in Tel Aviv. The rally turned violent, with attacks on Africans and grocery shop windows being smashed.

*The gathering, which took place in Tel Aviv’s Hatikva neighborhood, targeted the influx of African asylum seekers and was organized by Michael Ben Ari, a Knesset member from the National Union party, along with far-right activists Itamar Ben-Guir and Baruch Marzel, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reports.

Israeli Kristallnacht: Africans attacked in Tel Aviv anti-migrant demo (PHOTOS) — RT

I believe in facts proven by historians, and defend them against racist propaganda and against amateur poseurs who are attracted by the strutting and bombastic ceremonial that these regimes surround themselves with. It is not for nothing that such elements have been taken up by other despotic regimes in Soviet Russia, in China and in North Korea as well. Same symptoms, same disease. And same immature idiots whom these are supposed to attract - the history according to YouTube crowd.

About the figures, have you come to the point in your education where they teach you the difference between one and many?

About the table, you may (or may not, being you) have noticed that these are newspaper speculations. What leads you to shun historically valid sources and run to newspaper accounts to illuminate your ?mind?

I asked you a question, you give me the answer.

What happened to the 2.5 million exterminated person's? Are they in your basement? Where are they?

give me a straight forward answer rather than indulge in petty circle talks like a school boy.
Right, :lol:.

Israelis attack African migrants during protest against refugees | World news | guardian.co.uk

Israeli Kirstallnacht: Violent attacks against people of dark skin color

Israeli Kristallnacht: Africans attacked in Tel Aviv anti-migrant demo (PHOTOS) — RT

I asked you a question, you give me the answer.

What happened to the 2.5 million exterminated person's? Are they in your basement? Where are they?

give me a straight forward answer rather than indulge in petty circle talks like a school boy.

Other camps, scholar. Count the camps. This was one (1) camp. "like a schoolboy" because that's all you can handle. The day you grow up, you will get appropriate treatment.
Ironic. The very Germany that people are defending with their nonsense would send them to prison for holocaust denial had they been living there. :lol:
Ironic. The very Germany that people are defending with their nonsense would send them to prison for holocaust denial had they been living there. :lol:

Dont you know Germany, France, UK, USA, and Japan are all controlled by Jews.
Territorial maps have changed, in cost of what? Blood of Muslims.

While you care for Jewish lives, do you care also for Muslim lives as well?

Or are you a Pakistani with an inferiority complex trying to act like westerner to think you became westerner?

So what if maps have changed!?? So what!!!! You are a Genius.

What are you babbling about?

You post a map showing how Jews want to change the map of the middle east.

and then I ask what of that map has changed...and you start rambling on jewish and muslim lives....

Post the map of the middle east and tell me which borders have been re-drawn? :D
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