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The Hindu Republic: Seven decades of Muslim exclusion in India

PakBrother mine,

Your wish is honoured... I have delted the post out of respect for you!!!

However, I was/am trying to disect Dialectics of Hindutva with a rationalised framework..without giving it any emotional bias. @masterchief_mirza

Invention of myths is what we have seen through out history... Nazi also invented a lot of myths... similarly Hindutva/RSS invents myths... nothing wrong with it really...

However, these myths are ConditioningTools to gear a Genocide of Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan ...and wipe out OurCivilisation from MaqboozaHindustan...

Hence, it becomes impartive to expose the inherit contradictions within GanguFacism which is now mainstream... and is in absolute power...

You know me long enough... I don't consider myself better than Ganguz... not at all... but these Ganguz wish harm to OurLand and OurPeople... so we need to deconstruct their narrative at every level...

My intention, as you know, was not in any shape or form a critique on religious believes of Ganguz... but more to deconstruct their PsychologicalDrivers ... since, if they cann't depict their deity in thier own form and Gorafy it...then what is foundation on which Hindutva is standing... doesn't it make this a FakeConstruct?

Anyhow, as always... your wish, PakBrother mine, is taken as command!


Thank you sir..
PakBrother mine,

Your wish is honoured... I have delted the post out of respect for you!!!

However, I was/am trying to disect Dialectics of Hindutva with a rationalised framework..without giving it any emotional bias. @masterchief_mirza

Invention of myths is what we have seen through out history... Nazi also invented a lot of myths... similarly Hindutva/RSS invents myths... nothing wrong with it really...

However, these myths are ConditioningTools to gear a Genocide of Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan ...and wipe out OurCivilisation from MaqboozaHindustan...

Hence, it becomes impartive to expose the inherit contradictions within GanguFacism which is now mainstream... and is in absolute power...

You know me long enough... I don't consider myself better than Ganguz... not at all... but these Ganguz wish harm to OurLand and OurPeople... so we need to deconstruct their narrative at every level...

My intention, as you know, was not in any shape or form a critique on religious believes of Ganguz... but more to deconstruct their PsychologicalDrivers ... since, if they cann't depict their deity in thier own form and Gorafy it...then what is foundation on which Hindutva is standing... doesn't it make this a FakeConstruct?

Anyhow, as always... your wish, PakBrother mine, is taken as command!


Excellent post. Your concerns in the quoted post are well placed and very valid. They are not hypothetical, but clear and present. We can only ignore them, on the cost of our peril. Psyche of Gangus is hell bent on destructing this whole region. We have no choice, but to confront it, relentlessly, by all means and manners.
O Pajee,

We were the only Firewall against GanguMalice... and Our Great Baba warned everyone...even when he talked to Arabas about the GanguEvilEmpire....

And today once again we are the Only Firewall against this MalignEmpire... even though KhooniLiberals on Gangu pay roll sing GanguSong on MarasiMedia... we ordinary Paks intuitively understand what we are confronted with.

I do strongly believe that the GanguFacistRegime and Hindutva has support of Intl MarasiCommunity...who gives two hootz about PakKashmiri lives or lives of Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan....

Older Paks here must help YoungPaks to understand what a pure evil has arisen to our east...and NO amount of Woodstock Sufism of PMIK is going to convice Ganguz to come to Peace...

Ganguz wish to become overlords to quench their bloodlust and take revenge for 1000years of slavery...

We must keep on unmasking Hindutva and its DarkPsychologicalDrivers!



Yes. It was the same dark demon, hidden in their psyche, which compelled India to wage war on Kashmir, in October, 1947, and occupy it by force. It was, in fact, the expression of their naked desire for imposing hegemony on Pakistan, at the very onset. As simple as that.
Annexation of Hyderabad by Gangu means.

Annexation of Sikkim and South Tiber by Gangu means.

Ganguz have been wagging war on Pakistan for more than 2 Centuries..even when we have not Separated Ourselves from Ganguz...even when the name Pakistan did not came to fore...

Do you realise that we, Paks, chose a name for OurLand, OurCivilisation...Pakistan...yet Ganguz accepted name given to them by a ColonialMaster!!!

Regardless, as WP did an article about 370 ...and named it Hindu Victory Over Islam.

Gora sahib said it...so it msut be true!

Ganguz will never rest or feel secure as long as Pakistan exists... notwithstanding AllooGoshtTraitorz!

Treatment of disease named Gangueria:
Chhitterol (1+1+1) + Litterol (1+1+1)
True that, Brother sahib!!!

Pajee, this process goes back to before 1850... and we can superimpose all Gangu actions on the inherit existential angst you have pointed out...

My question to @PakSword was more to understand the compelling psychological drivers of Gorafying their heroz or deities... Why?

If you look at Gangu narrative of 40.000 years old civilisation and whatnotz.. then shouldn't they feel comfortable under their skins to depict themselves into such figures?

@Reddington @masterchief_mirza @Areesh @Rafi @Rafeh @DESERT FIGHTER lads, what is your take on it... if Hindutva/RSS is so superior then why they have compelling need to Gorafy?
A valid question. I'm no expert in sociology so this is just my opinion. Many possible answers to this, some related to the inevitable (either deliberately or by accident) contemporary "whitewashing" effect of a eurocentric social and scientific dominated post-industrial world. The white man has been the undisputed propogator of cultural, social and technological changes across the world since the decline of the ottomans, perhaps before. Certainly in Hindustan, a British colony, the white man was God-like to many ordinary people.

But there's more when you consider India's specific history, in particular the "Aryan" narrative, paler skinned advanced invaders (or emigrants who immigrated again if you buy into some more recent accounts). The whole notion that certain races gave rise to certain castes and certain tribes who formed rigid layers of a religious hierarchy in itself will lend support to a sense that certain races or tribes will always eternally be superior. This is why - I believe - deities and even mortal heroes are cast in paler skin tones.

White folks paint Jesus white. Indian folks paint their gods pale. It's win-win for the white race. They worship themselves and their subjects worship them too.

However, these myths are ConditioningTools to gear a Genocide of Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan ...and wipe out OurCivilisation from MaqboozaHindustan...
Yes, this is the problem that has arisen from the various strands of brainwashing that occurs in India.

Yes. It was the same dark demon, hidden in their psyche, which compelled India to wage war on Kashmir, in October, 1947, and occupy it by force. It was, in fact, the expression of their naked desire for imposing hegemony on Pakistan, at the very onset. As simple as that.
Even the British knew of their obsession. Around partition, Mountbatten famously commented that Pakistan is by default in a fight to the death just to survive against Hindustan.

It's a strange obsession to the informed neutral observer. When people cut through the "Islamist terrorism" nonsense and realise how obsessed Hindustan is with subduing Pakistan regardless of what Pakistanis do or don't do, it really starts making onlooking people feel a bit uncomfortable, even when they don't give the slightest damn about this part of the world.
Indian Muslims will give you two options

1) Covert to Islam

2) or Perish

Yes. Islam will rule India and Muslims of India will live happily in future.

you are self appointed spokesperson of indian muslims ? thank you , but we don't like to associate with anything pakistan, we rejected two nation theory in 1947 , we know how respectfully muhajirs are living in pakistan .

Annexation of Hyderabad by Gangu means.

Annexation of Sikkim and South Tiber by Gangu means.

Ganguz have been wagging war on Pakistan for more than 2 Centuries..even when we have not Separated Ourselves from Ganguz...even when the name Pakistan did not came to fore...

Do you realise that we, Paks, chose a name for OurLand, OurCivilisation...Pakistan...yet Ganguz accepted name given to them by a ColonialMaster!!!

Regardless, as WP did an article about 370 ...and named it Hindu Victory Over Islam.

Gora sahib said it...so it msut be true!

Ganguz will never rest or feel secure as long as Pakistan exists... notwithstanding AllooGoshtTraitorz!

great piece of comedy ...........:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
you are self appointed spokesperson of indian muslims ? thank you , but we don't like to associate with anything pakistan, we rejected two nation theory in 1947 , we know how respectfully muhajirs are living in pakistan .

great piece of comedy ...........:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
Don't worry. Modi Jee will send you and the Sikhs to the front lines soon enough. Then you can put that patriotism to good use defending some fat gujjus squatting in Delhi.
Traitors like sharjil imam will be treated according to law. Keep dreaming about ghazwa hind.

There are 1000s of Sharjeel Imams being groomed by ISI.

Ab Tera Khel Khatam

you are self appointed spokesperson of indian muslims ? thank you , but we don't like to associate with anything pakistan, we rejected two nation theory in 1947 , we know how respectfully muhajirs are living in pakistan .

You are a Hindu acting as a Muslim.

Actual Muslims in real life like Sharjeel Imam, Saif Ali Khan, Naseeruddin Shah, Soni Razdan and many others who are groomed by my ISI are speaking out and creating a revolution in India.

Days of you stinky black Hindus are now numbered.

Leave India before you perish.

India banega Pakistan.

Please go ahead and try. I see so much chest thumping here on PDF lol. I don't even take your stupid comments seriously now. Earlier, I used to take effort to make you guys understand but now I know. You guys are beyond help.
And yes, feel free to dream.

My agencies has groomed 1000s of soldiers in India. They will take care of you.
Ok i will edit, but Why you Savarkar and Godse lover sanghis are suddenly mad at me calling Gandhi and Nehru pigs? :rofl:

PDF is a Pakistani forum...So each action and post of privilaged Pakistan posters reflects the true characters of this forum...So rather than Indian poster, there is more onus on Pakistan posters to showcase your product in a positive way...
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