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"The Hindu God of Fire" - Fox news reports on Agni-V

India is on its way to becoming a superpower.

Indian Ocean will become India's Ocean.

This is a dangerous precedent. That means India is a threat to the world.

hmm... let us have a look at what you have to say...

1) India is on its way to become a superpower. - - Everything seems good till now.

2) Indian Ocean will become India's Ocean. - - hmm... An Assumption. No base given but it's ok.. Its your assumption.

3) This is a dangerous precedent. That means India is a threat to the world. - - WOW!! What logic :cheesy: Awesome logic man.. Dunno how you came to the conclusion, but hey, at least you made India look evil.
lol attacking Iran :D thats the funniest thing.

I remember a few years ago Indian companies were even under sanction by the US due to aiding Iran's missile program. So bottom line given a chance we will give them the tech but never aim our missiles against them.

Agni 5 has a specific purpose and will be used only to serve that specific purpose.

I love the way ppl feel about the rise of India "Truly peaceful indeed"

India is a warlike military regime that wants to be a superpower. That is to say, India is just like Imperial Japan. India already needs lebensraum for its booming population trapped in a space 1/3 the size of China, and its mythical legend of an Akhand Bharat.
India is a warlike military regime that wants to be a superpower. That is to say, India is just like Imperial Japan.

Lets see :

-- ICBMs with > 10,000 km range : China
-- Non-disclosure of military budget : China
-- Routine maritime harassment of neighbouring countries - Vietnam , Phillipines , Japan : China
-- Routine suppression and manipulation of media : China
-- ASAT weapons testing : China

Imperial ... Fascist ... Bully - hence applies to which country in current context : China

How much more hypocrite can you guys get ?
India is a warlike military regime that wants to be a superpower. That is to say, India is just like Imperial Japan. India already needs lebensraum for its booming population trapped in a space 1/3 the size of China, and its mythical legend of an Akhand Bharat.

That's a good reason to HATE India :D
This is just India's slow and peaceful rise. Nobody should have any problem
India is a warlike military regime that wants to be a superpower. That is to say, India is just like Imperial Japan. India already needs lebensraum for its booming population trapped in a space 1/3 the size of China, and its mythical legend of an Akhand Bharat.

And how did you come to this conclusion that India is like Imperialistic Japan???
Hey, look... India developed and test fired a missile whose range is still equal to our best. This means they are imperialistic. After all, who develops a missile with range of 5000 km. Ours?? Oh, that's nothing. That's for defence.

And what has India's population got to do with this. If I am correct, yours is still the most populous country in the world. As for the most dense, India is not the most densely populated country in the world. So, I don't see any thing wrong here.
Lets see :

-- ICBMs with > 10,000 km range : China
-- Non-disclosure of military budget : China
-- Routine maritime harassment of neighbouring countries - Vietnam , Phillipines , Japan : China
-- Routine suppression and manipulation of media : China
-- ASAT weapons testing : China

Imperial ... Fascist ... Bully - hence applies to which country in current context : China

How much more hypocrite can you guys get ?

1.) China's ICBMs are purely defensive and not aimed at any particular country, while India has explicitly made its intentions clear by calling this weapon a "China killer".

2.) China's military budget is fully disclosed.

3.) It is China that is being harassed.

4.) What does media have to do with anything?

5.) ASAT is a useful civilian technology for reducing the danger from unstable satellites. There is no peaceful civilian application of your dangerous and illegal missile.

And how did you come to this conclusion that India is like Imperialistic Japan???
Hey, look... India developed and test fired a missile whose range is still equal to our best. This means they are imperialistic. After all, who develops a missile with range of 5000 km. Ours?? Oh, that's nothing. That's for defence.

And what has India's population got to do with this. If I am correct, yours is still the most populous country in the world. As for the most dense, India is not the most densely populated country in the world. So, I don't see any thing wrong here.

India needs living space for its people. That is not just due to population, but due to India's ideology of Akhand Bharat, recreating the Mughal Dynasty and achieving total supremacy in South Asia, and beyond.
1.) China's ICBMs are purely defensive and not aimed at any particular country, while India has explicitly made its intentions clear by calling this weapon a "China killer".

2.) China's military budget is fully disclosed.

3.) It is China that is being harassed.

4.) What does media have to do with anything?

5.) ASAT is a useful civilian technology for reducing the danger from unstable satellites. There is no peaceful civilian application of your dangerous and illegal missile.

India needs living space for its people. That is not just due to population, but due to India's ideology of Akhand Bharat, recreating the Mughal Dynasty and achieving total supremacy in South Asia, and beyond.

Care to explain how your own ICBM is for peaceful civilian application? And yes, how is our missile Illegal when it is being made by the ones who define the laws of the land? Or do you not understand what illegal means?

Also, who told you that it is India's ideology of being an Akhand Bharat? Please give me an official source that says so.
1.) China's ICBMs are purely defensive and not aimed at any particular country, while India has explicitly made its intentions clear by calling this weapon a "China killer".

2.) China's military budget is fully disclosed.

3.) It is China that is being harassed.

4.) What does media have to do with anything?

5.) ASAT is a useful civilian technology for reducing the danger from unstable satellites. There is no peaceful civilian application of your dangerous and illegal missile.

India needs living space for its people. That is not just due to population, but due to India's ideology of Akhand Bharat, recreating the Mughal Dynasty and achieving total supremacy in South Asia, and beyond.

1 media called it china killer. Our media is free to call any thing like some of our Chineses friends on PDF
2. Milltary budget is disclosed ??? I think you announced 100 B$. additional is disclosed. India declare all. It's 1.7 % of GDP. Well under limit
3. Media has to do everything. It's your state control media stating disintegration of India and claiming AP. so India has to be prepared
4. ASAT is civilian tech ??? Thanks for info :D we are planning to lauch mini sats with A5. Civilian tech. Any more que ???
India needs living space for its people. That is not just due to population, but due to India's ideology of Akhand Bharat, recreating the Mughal Dynasty and achieving total supremacy in South Asia, and beyond.

This is exactly why you need to understand India a lot more than you do now. I dunno who feeds this into you but we do not need more space for our population. (as of now)
We have enough space for everyone. As I said before, we are not the most densely populated place on Earth.

Also, Akhand Bharat is not something the GoI is looking forward to. The dream of Akhand Bharat is something which some Hindu Nationalists used to have. However, after the separation of Pakistan on the basis of religion, this dream is nearly dead.
Officialy, we have never pursued that goal. Please read a bit more about India from a bit neutral sources.
people its FOX News they are the worst. no need to start Shyt over what they r saying. bunch of fools sitting in front of the camera with tons of money. no one listens to them any more they are loasing viewers every year
Lets see :

1. ICBMs with > 10,000 km range : China
2. Non-disclosure of military budget : China
3. Routine maritime harassment of neighbouring countries - Vietnam , Phillipines , Japan : China
4. Routine suppression and manipulation of media : China
5. ASAT weapons testing : China

Imperial ... Fascist ... Bully - hence applies to which country in current context : China

How much more hypocrite can you guys get ?

1. Developed for military retaliation hehe WE ARE OPEN on this not BS "deterance":rofl:
2. as good as you can see it. no one can fathom the true military budget of any country. let alone pitiful india with huge budget deficit and still spending on the biggest military acquisitions like tomorrow is the end of their days
3.get you mindset straight. Its the vietcongs, pinoys and japs harrassing us and drumming along by indian cheerleaders
4.india is implementing draconian / marshall laws, the "license to kill" on its civilians, constant curfews on its people ...
5 thank you for your acknowlegement of our superiority but no thanks!

the biggest cunning wolf hidden in a sheep's skin now has its tail half exposed! shameful india - the world's growing hegemonic imperialist in the making!

4.india is implementing draconian / marshall laws, the "license to kill" on its civilians, constant curfews on its people ...

Care to explain or provide a source?

About killing its own citizens, I don't think China is a country that needs to give us lessons, especially after Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. I can name many other examples. Can you?
Care to explain how your own ICBM is for peaceful civilian application? And yes, how is our missile Illegal when it is being made by the ones who define the laws of the land? Or do you not understand what illegal means?

Also, who told you that it is India's ideology of being an Akhand Bharat? Please give me an official source that says so.

They need an ICBM with long range landing capabilities to deliver all those 1 week after purchase warrantied stuff they are mass producing duh
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