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The head of Iran’s cyber warfare programme has been shot dead

These money makers make money because the people that lose money are too stupid to make money.

jews like you like to say that, don't you? so that when you do get killed for it, like what has happened so many times, you can pretend that you don't deserve your death because it was okay to fleece the poor and righteous because they were stupid in losing money to you.

but the fact remains that jews are a profoundly stupid race and what your race sees as smartness in your actions constitutes profound, suicidal stupidity and irrationalism, just like the myopic assassination of iranian scientists. you jews will pay dearly for such petty, dirty tricks.

dirty jews...
Everybody know that the MOSSAD killed thousands of iraqis scientists, they're again doing this
1/ it is a terror logic
2/ it is very easy to say "they are pasdarans killing Iranians" but don't think many were trying to know about it
from now the most serious sources are the kind of article i showed to you plus the words from MeK sources
3/ you're totally wrong about hate towards Israel: this is your fantasm since long in this forum/ you seem to hate us deeply ;)
1) On contrary. Terror logic is to think that killing 4 out of tens of thousands affect something.
2) There is not a single evidence for it. I wish Mossad could kill in midst of huge authoritorian countries 2000 km away without leaving traces, but all history shows that its impossible.
3) I am saying that these murders increase solidarity with regime, increase hate towards Israel and distract from huge problems. And reaction of the Iranians on this forum proves my words.

How does it exactly prove that Iran's gov was behind them?
Let's say I hire an Iranian, Indian,Chinese,European or American to do a dirty job, then it doesn't mean that Iran, India, China,Europe or U.S were behind the false flag terrorist attacks. There are many sell outs who can be bought with money, so it wasn't that hard for Mossad to hire some of them and don't forget that Israel gained the most from these false flag attacks, while Iran gained nothing at all.
Yeah, some Iranians decided to attack Israeli diplomats out of blue.

This chick who rent room for three musketeers from Thailaind, managed to escape to Iran.

No one tried her for terrorism there. Surprise surprise.

not even the tinniest evidence that showed eichmann had one drop of dirty jew blood on him, and plenty of evidence that jews illegally kidnapped an honest man, illegally transported him across international borders, and illegally murdered him.

this is evidence enough that eichmann's colleagues indeed faced an urgent and necessary task to liquidate jews in their own nation.

jojo, criminal, stateless, lawless jews talking about evidence.
This what happens when doctors forget to lock the computer room.

Strange how all the attacks against the jews foil and is just good for the israelis who can make embargo and call their ennemies terrorists

Attacks against the arabs are real and kill people
There are plenty successful terror attacks against Jews, both inside Israel and outside.
@500 - Shalom, brother !

What do you think is the solution to all of this incessant & absolutely wasteful fighting ? What would Israel require from Iran & the Palestinians to even think about giving something in turn ? Which is to say what should the first step be towards peace ?
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1) On contrary. Terror logic is to think that killing 4 out of tens of thousands affect something.
10yo kid brain ?
of course it is a method: many groups used the same methods to show they can kill or bomb any where .
blame me to be a terrorist because i am saying this... that shows the level of your stupidity.
keep on supporting terrorism and your fellow friend of Nusrah on Syria topic...
2) There is not a single evidence for it. I wish Mossad could kill in midst of huge authoritorian countries 2000 km away without leaving traces, but all history shows that its impossible.
many evidences = no evidence .

oh yeah we didn't find an Israeli passport ... i guess that means there is no evidence.
we should ask conspirationnists methods like the famous passport in NYC...

And the argue about 2000 kms is bullshit , totally bullshit
you have taken once in Emirates ... how far it is from your country ?

some honnesty needed here . pls.
3) I am saying that these murders increase solidarity with regime, increase hate towards Israel and distract from huge problems. And reaction of the Iranians on this forum proves my words.
that's what you think.
a forum on the internet doesn't proove anything.
you have zero knowledge about our culture and the people of Iran. don't be arrogant to say what think Iranian people.
@500 - Shalom, brother !

What do you think is the solution to all of this incessant & absolutely wasteful fighting ? What would Israel require from Iran & the Palestinians to even think about giving something in turn ? Which is to say what should the first step be towards peace ?
Well there is no any reason for conflict between Israel and Iran. We dont conflict in any field. That purely political move of current Iranian regime and we cant do nothing about it.

When in comes to Palestinians, the only possible solution is two states, but its not really realistic now because neither side is interested in such solution currently.

10yo kid brain ?
of course it is a method: many groups used the same methods to show they can kill or bomb any where .
blame me to be a terrorist because i am saying this... that shows the level of your stupidity.
keep on supporting terrorism and your fellow friend of Nusrah on Syria topic...
Thinking that killing 4 people might affect something is silly and irrational. Mossad would not act silly and irrational.

many evidences = no evidence .

oh yeah we didn't find an Israeli passport ... i guess that means there is no evidence.
we should ask conspirationnists methods like the famous passport in NYC...
There is no any evidence beside anonymous sources saying something anonymously.

And the argue about 2000 kms is bullshit , totally bullshit
you have taken once in Emirates ... how far it is from your country ?
Thats exactly my point: when we killed 1 guy in Emirates there were tons of evidences left. In Iran there is none.

that's what you think.
a forum on the internet doesn't proove anything.
you have zero knowledge about our culture and the people of Iran. don't be arrogant to say what think Iranian people.
Even you think that its Israel. Same do 99+% of other Iranians. So it proves my point.
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They are many operations that of course nobody knew and nobody could have any proof.
Other wise Mossad wouldn't have this excellent reputation.
so there is non sense to say Mossad is not able to do this or that, especially formation.
come on.

let me repeat the data we have: specialists said so , many European services said so, as i remember even USA blamed the use of MeK, and the link above that some pro Israel in USA promote MeK.
this is not coming from Iranian sources at all , but western sources.

still i am not saying this is obvious that this is Israel.
but saying it is not possible it is Israel for the reasons you say is non sense.
Well there is no any reason for conflict between Israel and Iran. We dont conflict in any field. That purely political move of current Iranian regime and we cant do nothing about it.

it depends who in Israel.

during Khatami some Israelis were doing everything to avoid a better relation...
but it was much better than now with Rohani:

seriously don't say me Netanyahu is not doing eve"yrthing to make a hell to Rohani...
there are hundred articles in a few days about the words from him ;)
it depends who in Israel.

during Khatami some Israelis were doing everything to avoid a better relation...
but it was much better than now with Rohani:

seriously don't say me Netanyahu is not doing eve"yrthing to make a hell to Rohani...
there are hundred articles in a few days about the words from him ;)

During Khatami, Israel send agriculture experts to Iran to help with certain problems.
let me repeat the data we have: specialists said so , many European services said so

it depends who in Israel.

during Khatami some Israelis were doing everything to avoid a better relation...
but it was much better than now with Rohani:
During Khatami Iranian sponsored terrorists killed over 1000 Israelis. Much more than during any other Iranian president.

I spoke with some Iranian Jews (lots of them live in my city) and they told me that actually during Ahmadinejad relation to Jews actually improved.
During Khatami, Israel send agriculture experts to Iran to help with certain problems.

there is no doubt that Israel is always generous helping, from earthquakes to any other kind of help
of course i don't generalize
i have many friends in Israel and even one having a good position in politics (pro Feiglin)
i like very much Dagan
but sadly people like Netanyahu are not helping... helping to what ? helping to stop animosity

500 says many times in this forum Iranians are anti Israel and full head of propaganda
this person doesn't know that in Iran most people know very clearly that we don't live in freedom of speech
this person doesn't know for exemple that vast majority of people want better relations with USA
if you only see Iran watching the Iranian regime propaganda with the burning flag , of course you don't see this

During Khatami Iranian sponsored terrorists killed over 1000 Israelis. Much more than during any other Iranian president.

I spoke with some Iranian Jews (lots of them live in my city) and they told me that actually during Ahmadinejad relation to Jews actually improved.
stop your crap.
first the president in Iran didn't have any power concerning actions in foreign countries or terrorism. Many people inside Iran wanted to make a hell to him. when he was shaking hand of an Israeli when he came back to Iran he got beaten by pressure group.

i know a lot of Iranian Jews. Even three in Israel. None is saying your crap.
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