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The head of Iran’s cyber warfare programme has been shot dead

These are not evidences. Rogue regimes kill own people - thats fact.

Who Killed an Iranian Nuclear Expert? Israel Isn't Telling - TIME

It was Mossad.

Like three previous Iranian scientists ambushed on their morning commute, the latest nuclear expert to die on his way to work was a victim of Israel's Mossad, Western intelligence sources tell TIME. Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan, an expert on a phase of uranium enrichment, perished on a Tehran street on Wednesday after an assassin in a passing motorcycle attached a magnetized explosive to the side of his Peugeot 405. "Yeah, one more," a senior Israeli official said with a smile. "I don't feel sad for him."

Wednesday's attack followed the pattern of previous operations planned by Mossad and carried out over the past two years by Iranians trained and paid by Israel's spy agency, according to intelligence sources. The targets were chosen from the ranks of scientists seen as crucial to Iran's nuclear effort — the country's top physicist, Majid Shahriari, was killed by a magnetized bomb in October 2010 — then shadowed for weeks to determine their routines and points of vulnerability.

A year ago, Iranian television broadcast the confession of one alleged agent who described studying a scale model of the home of the scientist he helped assassinate by hiding a bomb on a motorcycle outside the front door. "It was the exact copy of the real one, even the size, material, its color, the tree next to it, its asphalt, the street curb, the bridge," said Majid Jamali Fashi on the air. He said he viewed the model in Mossad's headquarters in Tel Aviv, which he described in detail. Intelligence sources confirmed Fashi's involvement in a Mossad cell that the sources claim was revealed to Iran by a third country.

Fashi was sentenced to death for his role in the killing of nuclear physicist Massoud Ali Mohammadi, who suffered mortal shrapnel wounds in front of his house on Jan. 12, 2010. Three other nuclear scientists heard magnetic bombs snap onto their car doors during their commute to work — a method Fashi claimed he had also been taught by the Israelis. Besides Ahmadi-Roshan and Shahriari, the victims include Fereydoon Abbasi, a university professor who survived and was promoted to head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran.

Read more: Who Killed an Iranian Nuclear Expert? Israel Isn't Telling - TIME
That's why it should be in ALL our interests to *#$! that Zionist ***

I personally have no problem with Israel if it returns to 67 borders. That or agree to become one state including all gaza and west bank, give citizenship to the Palestinians living in these areas. But that will never happen of course.
Its just their wishful thinking.

They were midst of Iran, which is a brutal authoritarian dictatorship. How its possible to kill regime guys there without leaving traces? - Its absurd.

Lack of evidence tells that regime killed them.

I never claimed that violence around the world is senseless.

Actually I wish Mossad was so powerful that could kill regime guys in midst of authoritarian countries without leaving any traces. But I know that its impossible. Alas.

Lack of evidence tells that the regime killed me? LOL, how so? And besides, the investigation just got started. You want to have it both ways it's so funny.

Stop being paranoid, you want to kill lots of officials in neighboring nations.

I personally have no problem with Israel if it returns to 67 borders. That or agree to become one state including all gaza and west bank, give citizenship to the Palestinians living in these areas. But that will never happen of course.

I know, I'm joking. I support a two state solution and the majority of Palestinians due as long as we are guaranteed rights. But, as you said, all Israel is leaving us to do is guess.

Killing one Iranian cyberwarefare expert is NOT going to stop Iran. You kill one through your terror Mossad , there will be 50 more Iranian experts that will dedicate their work to the security of Iran.

they killed many scientists and many not working in nuclear program. One was even not even linked to nuclear science and in the green side.
fact is Mossad that time wanted to use an Iranian group, a terrorist group named MeK, and they trusted this group. So i guess this group was just bullshiting them... maybe a personal revenge of someone or ... i expect more MeK guys in Iran are totally out of knowledges (means no position in army, politics or whatever): so they kill people without knowing anything about their background, except some obvious ones who were killed .

Israel wants to avoid any move with USA (i mean not Israel but Netanyahu) so it is a possibility they use the sepah unsatisfaction (i mean some people in sepah) and want to create a hell inside Iran so Rohani gets in troubles

Rohani will ask a referendum to the Iranians it seems to show the popularity of negociations and discussions with USA
(no doubt very large majority will support him)

This seems like the work of Mossad through MEK.

They did the same thing when the assassinated the Iranians scientists and spread disinformation that it was the Iranian government killing it's own scientists, which was proved wrong all Western intelligence sources confirmed that it was Mossad.

The fact is that Iran will never kill it's own assets, specially scientists and cyber experts which have been helping Iran, typical Israeli misinformation to deflect blame from the terror squad Mossad.

Who Killed an Iranian Nuclear Expert? Israel Isn't Telling - TIME


Lack of evidence tells that the regime killed me? LOL, how so? And besides, the investigation just got started. You want to have it both ways it's so funny.
I am talking about previous 4 cases. Not a tinniest evidence was found.

Even in your tiny Gaza which is 5 km wide, surrounded y Israel and has tens of thousands Israeli agents inside its impossible to kill without leaving traces. But Iran is 1500 km away from Israel, its huge authoritarian country and u are telling me that powerful Mossad repeatedly kills regime guys in midst of it without leaving traces? - LOL, I wish Mossad was so powerful.

As I said, when we killed ONE Hamas guy in Dubai, TONS of evidences were found.

So either Dubais are million times smarter than Iranians, or mullah regime kills its own guys.
Mossad was training not killing (if the theory said in article by western people, mek confirmed , is true.)

When you put a bomb there are less evidences than when you come in hotel to kill someone. (that was the problem of these stupid guys)

no need to insult the intelligence of Iranians . and compare with emirates one. stupid comment.
I am talking about previous 4 cases. Not a tinniest evidence was found.

Even in your tiny Gaza which is 5 km wide, surrounded y Israel and has tens of thousands Israeli agents inside its impossible to kill without leaving traces. But Iran is 1500 km away from Israel, its huge authoritarian country and u are telling me that powerful Mossad repeatedly kills regime guys in midst of it without leaving traces? - LOL, I wish Mossad was so powerful.

As I said, when we killed ONE Hamas guy in Dubai, TONS of evidences were found.

So either Dubais are million times smarter than Iranians, or mullah regime kills its own guys.

Western intelligence sources tell Time Magazine Israel's Mossad targeted Iranian scientist

Western intelligence sources tell Time Magazine Israel's Mossad targeted Iranian scientist Israel News | Haaretz

Even your own Israeli leading military and intelligence journalist Yossi Melman, wrote a book about Mossads operations in Iran. In the his book, Melman stated that Moassad used MEK and also Jewish Iranians inside Iran to gather intelligence and carry out the terrorist attacks. The Iranian Jews were assets of Mossad from Shah's time, and Mossad just made contact with them for the assassination of Iranian scientists.

Western intelligence sources tell Time Magazine Israel's Mossad targeted Iranian scientist

Western intelligence sources tell Time Magazine Israel's Mossad targeted Iranian scientist Israel News | Haaretz

Even your own Israeli leading Israeli military and intelligence journalist Yossi Melman, wrote a book about Mossads operations in Iran. Moassad used MEK and also Jewish Iranians inside Iran to gather intelligence and carry out the terrorist attacks.


1) Intelligences dont share with each other information about secret operations.
2) Anonymous "sources" worth nothing anyway.
3) Books is not an evidence either. There are books about aliens, bogfoots and moon conspiracy.
The following is a small sample of instances of Israel's acts of violence against targets viewed as threats to its existence or interests (there is no chronological or any other type of order in the list provided below).

One of the most notorious acts of Israeli terrorism occurred in the immediate aftermath of its surprise invasion of Palestine in 1948, when Jewish forces, members of the LEHI underground (also known as the Stern Gang) assassinated Swedish Count Folke Bernadotte, a U.N. appointed mediator. Bernadotte was killed on September 17, 1948, a day after he offered his second mediation plan which, among other things, called for repatriation and compensation for the Palestinian refugees [1].

•There is also “evidence that in 1991 an Israeli undercover team planned to assassinate a U.S. president. The intended victim was George Herbert Walker Bush.” The plot was planned to be carried out when President Bush “went to Madrid for the opening day of the peace conference to be held that year.” Bush’s sin was that he had attempted to pressure Israel into ending its illegal settlement expansion on confiscated Palestinian land by withholding loan guarantees to Israel until it ended this practice. The planned assassination was not carried out, however, presumably because Victor Ostrovsky, a former Mossad agent, who had written a book exposing Israel’s spy agency, had given it away [2].

•Iranian scientists are not the first to fall prey to Israeli-orchestrated targeted killings. Israel has over the years “assassinated a number of scientists of various nationalities.” For example, “In 1990 a Canadian-American scientist and father of seven, Gerald Bull, was assassinated in Belgium. All indications are that it was an Israeli Mossad hit team that drilled five bullets into the back of his head and neck” [2].

•In a similarly cold-blooded fashion, a number of US peace activists have in recent years been “intentionally killed, maimed, and injured by Israeli forces, including 23-year-old Rachel Corrie, 21-year-old Brian Avery, 37-year-old Tristan Anderson, 21-year-old Emily Henochowicz, and 21-year-old Furkan Dogan” [2].

• In 1967, Israeli air and sea forces perpetrated an almost two-hour assault in which they tried to sink a U.S. technical Navy ship (USS Liberty) with a crew of 300. While the attack failed to sink the ship, it succeeded in killing 34 Americans and injuring 174. Analysts have conjured that this was a false-flag operation, intended to blame Egypt for the attack, had the ship gone down and the evidence of Israeli culpability was not discovered [2].

• In 1954, Israeli secret agents planted explosives in the U.S. diplomatic and “cultural” centers in Cairo and Alexandria in an effort to create animosity between Egypt and the United States by blaming the plot, known as the Lavon Affair, on Egyptians. A premature detonation of one of the devices undid the plot before it could cause horrendous death and destruction. Israel later honored the perpetrator, Marcello Ninio [3].

• The first known act of deliberately shooting down a civilian airline was carried out by Israel in February 1973. “Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114 was a regularly scheduled flight from Tripoli to Cairo via Benghazi. . . . The aircraft was piloted by a mostly French crew . . . under a contractual arrangement between Air France and Libyan Arab Airlines.” On the orders of the then Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, the plane was shot down by Israeli fighter jets, killing 107 of its 113 passengers, including the entire French crew [4].

• Zionist terror did not even spare Jews. In 1940, Menachem Begin's Irgun Zwei Leumi terrorist gang bombed the ship Patria in Haifa harbor, killing 240 Jewish refugees, so as to put the blame on the British for political gain. And in 1950-1951, Israeli agents were dispatched to Iraq where they tossed hand grenades into the crowded Massauda Shem-Tov synagogue, causing numerous deaths, in order to blame it on the Iraqis and encourage reluctant Iraqi Jews to immigrate to Israel [3].

Behind the Assassination of Iranian Scientists: The Original Sin
These are not evidences. Rogue regimes kill own people - thats fact.

Why would a regime that causes heavy sanctions on their country for the nuclear program, wants to hinder themselves by killing their top scientist ?

You sound very wrong but since there is no evidence your words against them.
1) Intelligences dont share with each other information about secret operations.
2) Anonymous "sources" worth nothing anyway.
3) Books is not an evidence either. There are books about aliens, bogfoots and moon conspiracy.

1.All western intelligence sources concluded that it was the work of Mossad ,based on their own findings.

2.The books is written by an Israeli military and security analysts.

The series of assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists since 2010 has long been believed to be the work of the Israeli intelligence agency, the Mossad, but most of the speculation over the issue suggested that the Israelis sub-contracted the dirty work to Iranian rebel groups like the Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) or Jundullah.

A new book by respected Israeli and American journalists called Spies Against Armageddon says the Mossad would never have farmed out the job to outsiders. The killings of the four scientists and the attempted murder of a fifth, were "blue and white" operations, the Mossad parlance for Israeli.

[F]or such a sensitive, dangerous, and daring mission as a series assassinations in Iran's capital, the Mossad would not depend on hired-guns mercenaries. They would be considered far less trustworthy, and there was hardly any chance that the Mossad would reveal to non-Israelis some of its assassination unit's best methods.

The Mossad unit carrying out the assassinations is called Kidon, or Bayonet, which was infiltrated into the country by various routes

The Mossad also enjoyed fairly safe passage in and out of Iran by going through nations where the security services were cooperative – including the Kurdish autonomous zone of northern Iraq...Obviously, Israeli operatives travelled using the passports of other countries, including both bogus and genuine documents. ...In addition, the Mossad continuously maintained safe houses in Iran, dating back to the pre-1979 years under the Shah. That was an investment in the future, typical for Israeli intelligence.

The authors, Yossi Melman and Dan Raviv, also have more detail than I have seen anywhere else on Mossad efforts to smear Mohamed ElBaradei, the former director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). It fed suggestions he was in the Iranians' pocket to the Mubarak regime, to little effect, so it dreamed up other dirty tricks.

One such plan was to penetrate his bank account and deposit money there that he would not be able to explain. The psychological warfare department then would spread rumours to journalists that ElBaradei was receiving bribes from Iranian agents. In the end, that did not occur.
These are not evidences. Rogue regimes kill own people - thats fact.
Let's talk it your way. Exactly, that's why we believe that all those incidents in Thailand, India, Bulgaria and etc were inside jobs by Mosad since Israel gained the most from those false flag operations.
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