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The head of Iran’s cyber warfare programme has been shot dead

Why would a regime that causes heavy sanctions on their country for the nuclear program, wants to hinder themselves by killing their top scientist ?

You sound very wrong but since there is no evidence your words against them.
Iran has tens of thousands scientists so killing 4 would not affect anything at all. On the other hand it greatly increases sympathy to the regime inside country, increases hate towards Israel and distracts people from huge internal problems.

Let's talk it your way. Exactly, that's why we believe that all those incidents in Thailand, India, Bulgaria and etc were inside jobs by Mosad since Israel gained the most from those false flag operations.
Probably because they were caught pants down? Or should I say legs down?


Mr. Saeid Moradi.
I don't think Iran is behind this assassination. The regime is usually much more skilled in putting away dissidents or its opponents. There is no need and logic in killing a senior/junior member of your own cyber warfare division in such way if there are tons of other ways to silence such target.

Doesn't make sense.
Israelis think by assassinating scientists and cyber warfare commander they will intimidate others not to work for Gov. it's having the exact opposite effect.

in one interview one of the Israeli sources said after the assassination of Iranian scientists, other Iranian scientists will think twice about working for the nuclear program.

But it's actually having the opposite effect where hundreds of students in Sharif university changed their major so they can study whatever subject that will make them eligible to work for Iran's peaceful nuclear program. These Israeli terrorist activities also made Iran improve it's security.
Israelis think by assassinating scientists and cyber warfare experts they will intimidate others not to work for Gov. it's having the exact opposite effect.

Israel doesn't care about the social implications of their actions. By assassinating top members of Iran's important military sections, Israel is trying to weaken the strength of Iran's armed forces. For instance, since Israel has assassinated Hassan Moghaddam, chief of Iran's ballistic missile program, Iran has not made any gains with its ballistic missiles. Several tests have failed (confirmed by satellite photos) and several announcements have been delayed.

If it doesn't have any effect, Israel would probably have stopped with these operations already. The fact that such killings continue prove its efficiency.
Israel doesn't care about the social implications of their actions. By assassinating top members of Iran's important military sections, Israel is trying to weaken the strength of Iran's armed forces. For instance, since Israel has assassinated Hassan Moghaddam, chief of Iran's ballistic missile program, Iran has not made any gains with its ballistic missiles. Several tests have failed (confirmed by satellite photos) and several announcements have been delayed.

If it doesn't have any effect, Israel would probably have stopped with these operations already. The fact that such killings continue prove its efficiency.

Assassinating Iranian scientists, yields short term benefits for Israel.

Iran hezaran Ibn Sina dareh, yekishono koshtan momkeneh keh yek kami moshkel dorost koneh, vali to zaman deraz moshkel assai dorost nimikoneh.
Assassinating Iranian scientists, yields short terms benefits for Israel.

As well as long-term benefits, if the right men are targeted. You can already see that with the example I gave. There is a reason why many of Iran's top scientists working in the military industry are wearing doctor-like face-masks now during public unveilings.


There were killed 4 "scientists", not a tinniest evidence was found that it was Israel. For example when Mossad killed Hamas terrorist in Dubai there were plenty of evidences.

not even the tinniest evidence that showed eichmann had one drop of dirty jew blood on him, and plenty of evidence that jews illegally kidnapped an honest man, illegally transported him across international borders, and illegally murdered him.

this is evidence enough that eichmann's colleagues indeed faced an urgent and necessary task to liquidate jews in their own nation.

jojo, criminal, stateless, lawless jews talking about evidence.
Israel doesn't care about the social implications of their actions. By assassinating top members of Iran's important military sections, Israel is trying to weaken the strength of Iran's armed forces. For instance, since Israel has assassinated Hassan Moghaddam, chief of Iran's ballistic missile program, Iran has not made any gains with its ballistic missiles. Several tests have failed (confirmed by satellite photos) and several announcements have been delayed.

If it doesn't have any effect, Israel would probably have stopped with these operations already. The fact that such killings continue prove its efficiency.

these money makers periodically make money and periodically get cleansed for the money they fleeced off the righteous. but the money makers still try to make money. that these money makers always try to make money doesn't say one bit about the irrationality of the self-destructiveness of the jews as a race at all.

but being a iranian jew you have your reason to spew the bullshit what you spewed
these money makers periodically make money and periodically get cleansed for the money they fleeced off the righteous. but the money makers still try to make money. that these money makers always try to make money doesn't say one bit about the irrationality of the self-destructiveness of the jews as a race at all.

but being a iranian jew you have your reason to spew the bullshit what you spewed

These money makers make money because the people that lose money are too stupid to make money.
Seems like Jason Bourne was in a vacation at Iran...:whistle:. May he rest in peace.
Iran has tens of thousands scientists so killing 4 would not affect anything at all. On the other hand it greatly increases sympathy to the regime inside country, increases hate towards Israel and distracts people from huge internal problems.
1/ it is a terror logic
2/ it is very easy to say "they are pasdarans killing Iranians" but don't think many were trying to know about it
from now the most serious sources are the kind of article i showed to you plus the words from MeK sources
3/ you're totally wrong about hate towards Israel: this is your fantasm since long in this forum/ you seem to hate us deeply ;)
LOL! Our beloved 'peace-fan' demonstrates once again how 'peaceful' he is! :laughcry::rofl:

oh you are a smart one eh, NOT...

I advocate a continued DISbalance of military power between fundamentalist muslims and NATO+Israel, because it's fundamentalist muslims first and foremost who will try another war when it even remotely seems military power is balanced.
Probably because they were caught pants down? Or should I say legs down?

Mr. Saeid Moradi.

Strange how all the attacks against the jews foil and is just good for the israelis who can make embargo and call their ennemies terrorists

Attacks against the arabs are real and kill people
Iran has tens of thousands scientists so killing 4 would not affect anything at all. On the other hand it greatly increases sympathy to the regime inside country, increases hate towards Israel and distracts people from huge internal problems.

Probably because they were caught pants down? Or should I say legs down?


Mr. Saeid Moradi.

How does it exactly prove that Iran's gov was behind them?
Let's say I hire an Iranian, Indian,Chinese,European or American to do a dirty job, then it doesn't mean that Iran, India, China,Europe or U.S were behind the false flag terrorist attacks. There are many sell outs who can be bought with money, so it wasn't that hard for Mossad to hire some of them and don't forget that Israel gained the most from these false flag attacks, while Iran gained nothing at all.
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