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The head of Iran’s cyber warfare programme has been shot dead

Wrong title. He was not the head of Iran's cyber warfare program.
Iranian cyber warfare commander shot dead in suspected assassination
The head of Iran’s cyber warfare programme has been shot dead, triggering further accusations that outside powers are carrying out targeted assassinations of key figures in the country’s security apparatus.

Iranian cyber warfare commander shot dead in suspected assassination - Telegraph

I'm so glad I always had the common sense to stick to application software development and never get interested in the power that hacking promises ;)

This guy must've had the wrong foreign computer hacked by his subordinates, but that does not mean I support 'targetted killings' of foreign officials, definately not always at least; i might make an exception for a scientist being killed who was developing WMD for a country which (is reasonably suspected to (secretly)) intend(s) to use such weapons.
I'm so glad I always had the common sense to stick to application software development and never get interested in the power that hacking promises ;)

This guy must've had the wrong foreign computer hacked by his subordinates, but that does not mean I support 'targetted killings' of foreign officials, definately not always at least; i might make an exception for a scientist being killed who was developing WMD for a country which (is reasonably suspected to (secretly)) intend(s) to use such weapons.
they killed many scientists and many not working in nuclear program. One was even not even linked to nuclear science and in the green side.
fact is Mossad that time wanted to use an Iranian group, a terrorist group named MeK, and they trusted this group. So i guess this group was just bullshiting them... maybe a personal revenge of someone or ... i expect more MeK guys in Iran are totally out of knowledges (means no position in army, politics or whatever): so they kill people without knowing anything about their background, except some obvious ones who were killed .

Israel wants to avoid any move with USA (i mean not Israel but Netanyahu) so it is a possibility they use the sepah unsatisfaction (i mean some people in sepah) and want to create a hell inside Iran so Rohani gets in troubles

Rohani will ask a referendum to the Iranians it seems to show the popularity of negociations and discussions with USA
(no doubt very large majority will support him)
they killed many scientists and many not working in nuclear program. One was even not even linked to nuclear science and in the green side.
fact is Mossad that time wanted to use an Iranian group, a terrorist group named MeK, and they trusted this group. So i guess this group was just bullshiting them... maybe a personal revenge of someone or ... i expect more MeK guys in Iran are totally out of knowledges (means no position in army, politics or whatever): so they kill people without knowing anything about their background, except some obvious ones who were killed .

Israel wants to avoid any move with USA (i mean not Israel but Netanyahu) so it is a possibility they use the sepah unsatisfaction (i mean some people in sepah) and want to create a hell inside Iran so Rohani gets in troubles

Rohani will ask a referendum to the Iranians it seems to show the popularity of negociations and discussions with USA
(no doubt very large majority will support him)
There were killed 4 "scientists", not a tinniest evidence was found that it was Israel. For example when Mossad killed Hamas terrorist in Dubai there were plenty of evidences.

Killing of this guy, who is not linked to nuclear program at all, only proves again that its Iranian regime that slaughters its own people. Just like all rogue dictatorships do.
There were killed 4 "scientists", not a tinniest evidence was found that it was Israel. For example when Mossad killed Hamas terrorist in Dubai there were plenty of evidences.

Killing of this guy, who is not linked to nuclear program at all, only proves again that its Iranian regime that slaughters its own people. Just like all rogue dictatorships do.

New book claims Mossad assassination unit killed Iranian nuclear scientists | World news | theguardian.com

plus MeK website in that period said that MeK got a formation by mossad for these actions.

many French newspapers that period said the operative was too sophisticated to be "inside" job only.
I'm so glad I always had the common sense to stick to application software development and never get interested in the power that hacking promises ;)

This guy must've had the wrong foreign computer hacked by his subordinates, but that does not mean I support 'targetted killings' of foreign officials, definately not always at least; i might make an exception for a scientist being killed who was developing WMD for a country which (is reasonably suspected to (secretly)) intend(s) to use such weapons.

LOL! Our beloved 'peace-fan' demonstrates once again how 'peaceful' he is! :laughcry::rofl:
There were killed 4 "scientists", not a tinniest evidence was found that it was Israel. For example when Mossad killed Hamas terrorist in Dubai there were plenty of evidences.

Killing of this guy, who is not linked to nuclear program at all, only proves again that its Iranian regime that slaughters its own people. Just like all rogue dictatorships do.

Not a tinniest evidence was found that it was the 'rogue' regime. But, yet again, it only proves again that the regime slaughters it's own cyber warfare programmers.

Give me a break.

You remind me of 'peace-fan' he claims violence around the world is senseless and doesn't take sides in any conflict except when it comes to Israeli violence he excuses it no matter who is killed.
These are not evidences. Rogue regimes kill own people - thats fact.
it is not 100% sure if it is what you mean. but there are some evidences as said in article and MeK group is not kind of group saying Israel helped them just for fun. anyway i suggest you to read the article.

but yes some guys in Iran kill Iranians . we could see in 2009. that doesn't make the above possibility impossible.
Only Israel is allowed to carry out targeted assassinations of officials of other countries. The rest of the world must adhere to the rules of Israel's buddy US, or US will go democracy and freedom on your %*$£.
Only Israel is allowed to carry out targeted assassinations of officials of other countries. The rest of the world must adhere to the rules of Israel's buddy US, or US will go democracy and freedom on your %*$£.

That's why it should be in ALL our interests to *#$! that Zionist ***
it is not 100% sure if it is what you mean. but there are some evidences as said in article and MeK group is not kind of group saying Israel helped them just for fun. anyway i suggest you to read the article.

but yes some guys in Iran kill Iranians . we could see in 2009. that doesn't make the above possibility impossible.
Its just their wishful thinking.

Not a tinniest evidence was found that it was the 'rogue' regime. But, yet again, it only proves again that the regime slaughters it's own cyber warfare programmers.
They were midst of Iran, which is a brutal authoritarian dictatorship. How its possible to kill regime guys there without leaving traces? - Its absurd.

Lack of evidence tells that regime killed them.

You remind me of 'peace-fan' he claims violence around the world is senseless and doesn't take sides in any conflict except when it comes to Israeli violence he excuses it no matter who is killed.
I never claimed that violence around the world is senseless.

Actually I wish Mossad was so powerful that could kill regime guys in midst of authoritarian countries without leaving any traces. But I know that its impossible. Alas.
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