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The Hamid Mir case: 'In Pakistan, they used to censor journalists – now they shoot us'

When journalists cross the boundary, I have no sympathy for them.
I urge the all informed all knowing and all enlightened.. to explain to me and teach me and guide me in simple language...

why should my former colleagues and my former organisation pick on a fight with media when it is already bogged down fighting with terrorists? why should I rattle the nest of the media when even without doing so its a constant target of smear and hatred almost every evening?

To fix whats obviously broken? You answer your own question. All these media attacks will be contained, if not stopped, if there are consequences, hence the attack.
@illusion8 I mean no disrespect so please dont take it personally
but I loved this piece you sourced from the internet.

I have taken the liberty of picking one piece and trying to figure out its stature in the creative writings.

extract from Article
The light torture story

He was picked up by people who came in pickup trucks(1), told the students that they were from the sensitive agency and that they were taking him to ask a few questions. Nobody except me, sitting far away from the crime scene in London, had any doubts that the ISI had kidnapped our reporter. I had heard from Islamabad journalists that they were visited on and off by ISI people to brief or debrief them about national affairs(2). People were occasionally reminded that we were all brothers. Why, they asked, didn't some journalists love their brothers in the ISI as much as their ISI brothers loved them.(3)

When our reporter went missing or, as his family and eyewitnesses said, was kidnapped by the officials of a sensitive institution, we were worried. You can't really call up the ISI headquarters and ask them if they have kidnapped a reporter. So we called everyone(4) else.

A friend of a friend's contact(5), a colonel in the ISI(6), confirmed that our reporter was indeed with the ISI(7). This colonel must have been a really sensitive type (8) because he assured us (9) that he didn't have anything to do with the kidnapping; it was another cell within the ISI,(10) and our reporter would be released soon

1. Trucks!!? Really? Talk about not being discrete. But then again why didn’t they use freight trains? To carry the amount of all this BS “they” really needed Trucks for that, I will raise a point of using freight trains next time for similar job.

2. Right…!!! Briefing or debriefing (fill in whatever suits you, reader) the journalists about national affairs is an “on and off” job of ISI. Seems legit argument, moving on.

3. Talk about ISI not getting the hint!!! The brotherly love cant be forced cant be demanded from these journalists, it has to be earned (far better if paid in untraceable bonds and US dollars by foreign nationals cough cough).

4. Who you gonna call? Ghost busters? Its been over 8 years that judiciary, media and the lawyers are grilling the agencies over missing persons. All that was needed was to go on Ch Iftikhar Hotline who starts getting fits when he hears the word Pakistan military or ISI and then there is always trusty Asma Jhangir. With “democracy” in power even an FIR at any Islamabad police station would have sufficed. Any PPP/ PMLn MNA could have made a career out of it.

5. What? Who.. friend of friend’s what? Reminds me of the line from the movie spaceballs Dark Helmet:I am your father'sbrother's nephew's cousin's former roommate. (Spaceballs (1987) - Quotes - IMDb)

6. Colonel in ISI? Yea sure its sourced from Military officers from 3 services (hence the name). hey but wait. What about your claim at number 4? You called everyone but the ISI? Oh I see but he is friend of friends brothers’ somebody.. but still an ISI guy.. so was he contacted? But that goes against the golden rule of not contacting anyone but an ISI.. or maybe he was undercover? Or maybe this circular argument is worth a sack of bullshite oozing with the stench of nonsense.

7. Confirmed? Or did he brief or debrief? Whatever he did that seems legit as the point number 2. Good job ISI keep up your briefing and debriefing.

8. A sensitive ISI colonel? Wait that’s contradictory statement. Sensitive to what? Sunlight? Love? Hate mail ? email spam? Nuts? A sensitive type station commander. Who briefs and debriefs the journalists before imploring them with brotherly love and then abducting them in trucks.

9. By God I didn’t do it, he did it. New Sensitivity test, if someone assures you he didn’t do it then he is sensitive to it. So it seems an assurance from a senior ISI officer is enough sometimes as long as the blame is shifted within the organization to someone else and the “principles of Journalism” stay intact.

10. The Other Cell: Hello other Cell? Yes this is other cell, who is this and how did you get this number? Well I am the journalist and I am not contacting you directly because our Code of practice dictates that we contact everyone else but the ISI… Other Cell: Ok? Then why are you contacting me…? Well the thing is .. there is an ISI colonel… he is really sensitive type you see.. and he said he didn’t do it.. you did it. Other Cell: do what? .. used the trucks to kidnap our journalist and all our bullshite. Other Cell: but we freed him didn’t we? Why you calling now? … well we need our bullshite back… Other Cell.. na .. you cant have it. make some more of it. we are currently feeding your bullshite to the another journalist.. you see he wont take any other food.

@Xeric @fatman17 @Icarus please stay away from this noble debate.

@waz @Cheetah786 @Armstrong @batmannow @BATMAN @Dazzler @DESERT FIGHTER you will see that many haters will waste a lot of time reading this and will hate me even more
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Unfortunately this sold (lifaffa) journalists keep barking and later it proves otherwise. Here is a tv report

@VCheng says when there are so many allegations against ISI it tells you there is something wrong with the agency and the way it works. I concur with that on face value.

yes a BUT was inevitable

1. in today's media onslaught. too much of lies turn into a truth
2. how does USA deal with this? isnt USA accused of the world problems? toppling governments, causing civil unrest, assassinations? what is it doing differently which we can adapt to change this view?
I think, the media and the government has handled this case very badly. Army and intelligence agencies are the backbone of the country, demeaning them in this way is not good for the country. There was the case in the United States, in which a journalist leaked the CIA informant in the white house, that journalist was asked to show its evidence and on refusal he was imprisoned by the court of law. If Geo would be in the U.S. it was banned right now.
In this particular case, Nawaz Sharif and media, both made a big blunder. I think, it was the duty of the PM, when Geo has started the campaign against the army and ISI, he should be on the national network and support its army and ISI. He missed the chance.
Coming days, i am seeing bad days for Nawaz Sharif and media particularly.
@VCheng says when there are so many allegations against ISI it tells you there is something wrong with the agency and the way it works. I concur with that on face value.

yes a BUT was inevitable

1. in today's media onslaught. too much of lies turn into a truth
2. how does USA deal with this? isnt USA accused of the world problems? toppling governments, causing civil unrest, assassinations? what is it doing differently which we can adapt to change this view?

Whatever goes on, please note that trying to ban a major media outlet on the basis of news coverage is going to be a losing game for the ISI. Always.

I have no problem with ISI. It is the premier security agency with a hugely important task. But it has no business meddling in the internal affairs of Pakistan. That is illegal. trying to muzzle the media is not correct either.
@Irfan Baloch - here's the full account of Saleem Shehzad and the article that killed him. @Roybot, @Ajanabahu, @karan.1970 - ISI indeed is a much feared agency..........in Pakistan, check this out -

LOL.....pakistani's live in all kind of fear. Fear of God, Fear of their Feudal masters, Fear of AMrika, Fear of Taliban, Fear of armed thugs, fear of poverty and starvation, fear of India, Fear of their Army, fear of ISI, fear of drugs etc.

No need to give ISI any extra credit for this. Its a society that is driven to the edge by fears. :disagree:

Most Indians do not understand this. If Indians understood this, we would have more sympathy for the pakistanis than hate or anger.
Whatever goes on, please note that trying to ban a major media outlet on the basis of news coverage is going to be a losing game for the ISI. Always.

I have no problem with ISI. It is the premier security agency with a hugely important task. But it has no business meddling in the internal affairs of Pakistan. That is illegal. trying to muzzle the media is not correct either.
btw the way , can any of journalists in america would go to a police station , & can ask police to regester a case of attempted murder against CIA , S CHIEF?
reality allways bites?
@illusion8 I mean no disrespect so please dont take it personally
but I loved this piece you sourced from the internet.

I have taken the liberty of picking one piece and trying to figure out its stature in the creative writings.

1. Trucks!!? Really? Talk about not being discrete. But then again why didn’t they use freight trains? To carry the amount of all this BS “they” really needed Trucks for that, I will raise a point of using freight trains next time for similar job.

2. Right…!!! Briefing or debriefing (fill in whatever suits you, reader) the journalists about national affairs is an “on and off” job of ISI. Seems legit argument, moving on.

3. Talk about ISI not getting the hint!!! The brotherly love cant be forced cant be demanded from these journalists, it has to be earned (far better if paid in untraceable bonds and US dollars by foreign nationals cough cough).

4. Who you gonna call? Ghost busters? Its been over 8 years that judiciary, media and the lawyers are grilling the agencies over missing persons. All that was needed was to go on Ch Iftikhar Hotline who starts getting fits when he hears the word Pakistan military or ISI and then there is always trusty Asma Jhangir. With “democracy” in power even an FIR at any Islamabad police station would have sufficed. Any PPP/ PMLn MNA could have made a career out of it.

5. What? Who.. friend of friend’s what? Reminds me of the line from the movie spaceballs Dark Helmet:I am your father'sbrother's nephew's cousin's former roommate. (Spaceballs (1987) - Quotes - IMDb)

6. Colonel in ISI? Yea sure its sourced from Military officers from 3 services (hence the name). hey but wait. What about your claim at number 4? You called everyone but the ISI? Oh I see but he is friend of friends brothers’ somebody.. but still an ISI guy.. so was he contacted? But that goes against the golden rule of not contacting anyone but an ISI.. or maybe he was undercover? Or maybe this circular argument is worth a sack of bullshite oozing with the stench of nonsense.

7. Confirmed? Or did he brief or debrief? Whatever he did that seems legit as the point number 2. Good job ISI keep up your briefing and debriefing.

8. A sensitive ISI colonel? Wait that’s contradictory statement. Sensitive to what? Sunlight? Love? Hate mail ? email spam? Nuts? A sensitive type station commander. Who briefs and debriefs the journalists before imploring them with brotherly love and then abducting them in trucks.

9. By God I didn’t do it, he did it. New Sensitivity test, if someone assures you he didn’t do it then he is sensitive to it. So it seems an assurance from a senior ISI officer is enough sometimes as long as the blame is shifted within the organization to someone else and the “principles of Journalism” stay intact.

10. The Other Cell: Hello other Cell? Yes this is other cell, who is this and how did you get this number? Well I am the journalist and I am not contacting you directly because our Code of practice dictates that we contact everyone else but the ISI… Other Cell: Ok? Then why are you contacting me…? Well the thing is .. there is an ISI colonel… he is really sensitive type you see.. and he said he didn’t do it.. you did it. Other Cell: do what? .. used the trucks to kidnap our journalist and all our bullshite. Other Cell: but we freed him didn’t we? Why you calling now? … well we need our bullshite back… Other Cell.. na .. you cant have it. make some more of it. we are currently feeding your bullshite to the another journalist.. you see he wont take any other food.

@Irfan Baloch ji,

Honestly, I don't find anything wrong with the piece that you picked up, though the whole article is written in a condescending style / tone.

It did't take away anything from the situation that the author wanted to highlight.
btw the way , can any of journalists in america would go to a police station , & can ask police to regester a case of attempted murder against CIA , S CHIEF?
reality allways bites?

He'll be picked up even before he decides to go to a police station and would rather end up in some black hole........but than who are you telling this too...........the ultra liberalist aka hypocrites:rolleyes:
As the article shows, the good news is that ISI is successfully in curing that diarrhea by putting a bullet into the head of the "enemies of pakistan" . :lol:

....apparently this innovative solution also puts an end to trolling in your news media too. Congratulations on your Number 1 spy agency. I wish it more such success :enjoy:

LOL.....pakistani's live in all kind of fear. Fear of God, Fear of their Feudal masters, Fear of AMrika, Fear of Taliban, Fear of armed thugs, fear of poverty and starvation, fear of India, Fear of their Army, fear of ISI, fear of drugs etc.

No need to give ISI any extra credit for this. Its a society that is driven to the edge by fears. :disagree:

Most Indians do not understand this. If Indians understood this, we would have more sympathy for the pakistanis than hate or anger.

In another thread:

LOL....pakistan has probably 80-120 nukes and the locations of all of them are probably known. In an unstable country like pakistan there is no way the army is going to distribute the Nukes :lol: ...... they are probably more scared of losing the nukes to islamic nut cases than the USA anyway.

A Joint task force based out of Afghanistan and India backed by massive force can if required seize all the nukes. Everything is possible if there is a political will.
How on earth can pakistan even dream of retaliating against the USA ? India only has to play a passive role and provide invisible support.

P.S:Only the india = passive part seems correct...

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He'll be picked up even before he decides to go to a police station and would rather end up in some black hole........but than who are you telling this too...........the ultra liberalist aka hypocrites:rolleyes:
thts what i meant sir?
inna daa bila katey tey koi nahi, sada katey tey toba toba?
Its the same thing thats happening for years,Same happened with salim shahzad

Salim shehzad (tortured & murdered in 2011 by 'khooofia idaras') wrote in his book "Inside Al Qaeda and Taliban" Page 116 (published 10 days before murder) that ISI wing was involed in the preplanned mumbai attacks

Download Book - Inside Al Qaeda and Taliban : Saleem Shehzad : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

By the Way

Hamid has reiterated --------------->Hamid Mir defiant, still holds ISI responsible for attack - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
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