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The Greatest Leader of all Time!

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Though I am not a big fan of him, I would say Gandhi is the greatest leader of all time. It would take super human efforts to lead a sub continent size population irrespective of religion, region, and caste

I understand your point that he did unite a lot of people and people did follow him but would you say that he was very effective?
The greatest person (not only as a leader) in my opinion is Zhou Enlai.
For Mao Zedong, I don't like him. For Deng Xiaoping, I respect him.
However, for Zhou, I love him with my whole heart and consider him the greatest in the history of China.
His death broke hundreds millions peoples' heart.
37 years past, he is still considered as an Saint by most Chinese.
I won't get into modern leaders, because their times are way too recent and personal feeling will get into the debate.

For ancient China, personally I think the greatest leader is Ying Zheng, or more commonly known as Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China. He ended the age of Feudalism in China by setting on civil servants to government the land instead of nobility. He also started the unification process of Chinese culture, language, writing and standardized measurements. While his empire itself did not last long, his legacy would benefit Chinese people for thousands of years to come. He is the reason why the ancient Chinese are able to maintain large empires for a very long period of time.
Phillip II of Macedon for transforming a semi barbaric country to a strong,prosperous state and creating a disciplined,loyal army which would take on the world's most formidable enemies one day under the leadership of his own son.
For those who named the person without explanation please edit your post and tell us WHY the person you named is the greatest leader of all time.
Do not question each others choice please,ty.
Its only about personal opinions.
Prophet muhammad(صلى الله عليه و سلم)
The greatest person (not only as a leader) in my opinion is Zhou Enlai.
For Mao Zedong, I don't like him. For Deng Xiaoping, I respect him.
However, for Zhou, I love him with my whole heart and consider him the greatest in the history of China.
His death broke hundreds millions peoples' heart.
37 years past, he is still considered as an Saint by most Chinese.

Bibi Netanyahu
Your not serious.

King David
David Ben gurion
Again why,for those who dont know the reason.
Hmm :). My leaders will be very biased. So sorry in advance :)

Mehmed alp arslan.

Simply because he laid the foundation for the Turkish presence in Anatolia. No disrespect to our other great leaders like Kanuni, Fatih, Yavuz and Mustafa Kemal. İt's just my opinion that our anatolian home started with Alp Arslan with the battle of mamzikert.
Hmm :). My leaders will be very biased. So sorry in advance :)

Mehmed alp arslan.

Simply because he laid the foundation for the Turkish presence in Anatolia. No disrespect to our other great leaders like Kanuni, Fatih, Yavuz and Mustafa Kemal. İt's just my opinion that our anatolian home started with Alp Arslan with the battle of mamzikert.
No sorry,its your opinion and there is no questioning.
King Solomon
Cyrus the great
Golda Meir
Theodor Herzl
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