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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

^^^ hahaha wow.

Didn't know UK got so many golds, is no wonder India used to be their colony.
BEIJING: India has now got company of another country, Russia, in being the target of Chinese ire over the South China Sea controversy. China on Tuesday hit out against the Russian decision to explore for oil in sea areas that Beijing claims to be its own.

China has been vehemently opposed to ONGC Videsh Limited exploring for oil in the sea area along with a Vietnamese company. A Russian company has now joined the exploration work in the area.

Talking to reporters on Tuesday, foreign ministry Liu Weimin expressed the hope that foreign companies should respect and support the efforts of countries in South China Sea region to settle their disputes instead of meddling in the affair.

He also advised other countries in the region to meet each other half way with China, and avoid getting countries outside the region involved in the sea dispute.

Asserting that China has indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands and their adjacent waters, Liu said China was committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes through direct negotiation and friendly consultation. The basis of negotiations would be respect for historical facts and international law, he said.

After warning India, China asks Russia to stay away from South China Sea - The Times of India
Chini will be soon cut to size...now that Russia too has joined the party.

Congrats Indo-Ruso-Viet co-operation...:cheers:

Why they are so eager to see middle finger from every nation? Any amusement or being curious!

Because the new found prosperity has gotten to their head and they think they can recreate one of those Tang/Ming/Qing ching chong empires or whatever by bullying neighbours.

Sadly they are soon to wake up and smell the coffee - or wonton soup !
Based on the facts, Russia does not need gas/oil from Vietnam due to Russia has rich oil sources for itself. Russia also supplies for Euro.

Based on the political between Viet Nam, India which both countries are the main incomes for Russia weapons technologies. Russia must steps in. More than that, Viet Nam and India has very good, strong relationship with Russia this is why Russia joint Viet Nam base on "signs deal oil".

Likewise, Russia also will re-enter to Cam Ranh Bay due to a matter of U-Shape China claimed.
Manmohan Singh is always quiet !!

Very harsh warning indeed. :rofl:

I lawled......

funny you say that, considering it is the likes of Krishna and your Chidambaram who are masters of crying out loud to the world

Whateva boy.

We are still there and we have diplomatically rebutted the Chinese drama queens.

Now Russia too has joined the oil party. A winsome partnership.
It would be a masterstroke if Russia and India floated a JV for oil and gas exploration and drilling in South China Sea.
Whateva boy.

is this a joke? :what:

We are still there and we have diplomatically rebutted the Chinese drama queens.

(empty breath of hot air)

Now Russia too has joined the oil party. A winsome partnership.

Russia's economy is not what it was in the early-mid 2000s.

They'll need foreign exchange and more trade with PRC and some regional countries.....

it's hard to imagine the Russians trying to escalate things militarily with China. For now, it seems South China Sea is in the grip of the Chinese; their navy also appears to becoming quite increasingly assertive

No JF 17 engine for China/Pakistan.

since Pakistan is the end user, i dont think the Russians will really care too much....only so many of those engines are produced and purchased per contract
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