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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

then why russia sells its weapon to china
the Russians just want to make money. they sell to everyone including China, Vietnam and India.
America has policy of arms embargo, while Russia not.
another silly article portraying a lower than amateurish writing
Russians dont like to see the yankies cozying up to vietcongs too
Do you think the russians are friends of vietcongs withtout milking money out of it?

then why russia sells its weapon to china

take a look at the UN security council voting of China and Russian then get a glimpse of how close or far away we are.

All the above trash talks about 'friendhips this or that ' are trade related lip services
Only China worry if VN acquire nuke bomb. Russia-US dont care.

When US or Russia transfer laser nuclear enrichment tech to VN , China must know we soon will have nuke bomb. With this tech, No one know if we enrich more than 10% or not :pop:

Cambodia and Laos will have nukes too. DPRK will have more!
We dont care!
Russia will help VN to unite Sub-Mekong region. After successfully united the region, VN will get bigger and stronger, then, both Great Russia and Great Viet will sandwich China and treat China as a cheap clown in Asia. :pop:
Lol. Vietnam will become stronger by getting smaller
We made a mistake by believing in this nonsense communist brotherhood. We used to be heavily involved in ideological battle. We are past that stage. I believe Agent Orange damage most of your Vietnamese brain because I rarely find any intelligent Vietnamese who can give a solid argument. LOL

We would support Russia and Japan and USA and India and Taiwan, and South Korea ...
Their navy and airforce could use our military facilities,

We do the same to Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Phillipines and also get access to their facilities ...

but never do that to China

Last few years, Chief of Ministry of Defense : Japan, USA, Russia, ... ever visited Cam Ranh base.
Korean, Japanese, Indian, US, Indian ... warships or coastguards visited Da Nang or Cam Ranh too
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We would support Russia and Japan and USA and India and Taiwan, and South Korea ...
Their navy and airforce could use our military facilities,

We do the same to Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Phillipines and also get access to their facilities ...

but never do that to China
So you are butthurt over us? LOL!
Cambodia and Laos will have nukes too. DPRK will have more!
We dont care!

We nearly get the free trade with USA on the nuclear technology and materials ... even we don't trade directly with USA, maybe Japan, is waiting for USA to sell us something great ...
Only China worry if VN acquire nuke bomb. Russia-US dont care.

When US or Russia transfer laser nuclear enrichment tech to VN , China must know we soon will have nuke bomb. With this tech, No one know if we enrich more than 10% or not :pop:
The Vietnamese are too naive, I must say. LOL!
Quite difficult to rule actually when u dont no your boundary.
sure, Vietnam knows its place in Asia. we are open-minded, unlike the Chinese, who think to have reached the top of the world and stop learning. :disagree:

by the way, I notice you come from Nepal. :cheers:


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Keep dreaming, my Vietnamese friend. LOL The ONE thing the P5 have common agenda and that is they want to preserve their power by keeping others from gaining nuclear weapon. I feel sorry for you Vietnamese being a pawn in this great power game. Last but not least as I said many times, you are not allow to enrich high-grade uranium. The moment you enrich more than 10%, you will set a red flag and you will be a dog in the war against P5's agenda. Good luck fighting against the P5. LOL

The Vietnamese are too naive, I must say. LOL!

Chinese mumbers o PDF is bla and blaa about IQ of Chinese, in reality you are cunning kids with Ah Q mentality, black pawn of Russia and US. You changed from Soviet's pawn to US's pawn.

No one in the world could trust on Chinese, even thought Khmer Rouge.
The author here squints hard to try and imagine 'cracks' in the China-Russia relations. But in the end, he can only amass two of the flimsiest pieces of evidence to prove that Russia is 'containing' China, which are: 1. Russia sells military hardware to Vietnam and 2. Russia co-operates with Vietnam in gas exploration. Both are explained by the fact that Russia is desperate for cash revenue, and is willing to bargain with anyone, even the cheapest hookers. If Russia really wanted to contain China, they wouldn't sell military hardware to China either because it neutralizes their hardware sales to Vietnam. The writer's argument completely disintegrates when his points are refuted like this.

All in all, this article reveals very little about Russia-China relations, but a lot about the desperate psychologies by two players:

1. The West is terrified by the Crimea incident and the possibility of a China-Russia axis. These kinds of half-baked, second-rate analyses only makes readers raise their eyebrows and scoff, killing the publication's credibility, so normally they don't dare to sink to such base standards. But with the pressure beating down on them, they lose their composure, and the result is a complete deterioration in editorial quality.
2. Vietnam is still the same desperate pawn, trying to court everyone with a smidgeon of power, like a renegade concubine, even when their clients are deep-seated enemies (Russia vs. US). The end result is that Vietnam's reputation gets flushed down the toilet, because no one can trust a wh0re state who curries favor with two different mafia bosses.
The author here squints hard to try and imagine 'cracks' in the China-Russia relations. But in the end, he can only amass two of the flimsiest pieces of evidence to prove that Russia is 'containing' China, which are: 1. Russia sells military hardware to Vietnam and 2. Russia co-operates with Vietnam in gas exploration. Both are explained by the fact that Russia is desperate for cash revenue, and is willing to bargain with anyone, even the cheapest hookers. If Russia really wanted to contain China, they wouldn't sell military hardware to China either because it neutralizes their hardware sales to Vietnam. The writer's argument completely disintegrates when his points are refuted like this.

All in all, this article reveals very little about Russia-China relations, but a lot about the desperate psychologies by two players:

1. The West is terrified by the Crimea incident and the possibility of a China-Russia axis. These kinds of half-baked, second-rate analyses only makes readers raise their eyebrows and scoff, killing the publication's credibility, so normally they don't dare to sink to such base standards. But with the pressure beating down on them, they lose their composure, and the result is a complete deterioration in editorial quality.
2. Vietnam is still the same desperate pawn, trying to court everyone with a smidgeon of power, like a renegade concubine, even when their clients are deep-seated enemies (Russia vs. US). The end result is that Vietnam's reputation gets flushed down the toilet, because no one can trust a wh0re state who curries favor with two different mafia bosses.
NO, you are totally wrong. you are clueless.

first, the author Stephen Blank is an internationally known expert on Russia and the former Soviet Union. He knows more on Russia than CCP and delusional Chinese posters here combined.

American Foreign Policy Council - Experts » Stephen Blank


second, he is right. The Sino-Russia relationship is just of a facade. a bluff.
third, in contrast, the Vietnam-Russia tie is very strong and becomes stronger in the future.
fourth, he is right in the assessment: Vietnam increasingly becomes a capable middle power.

and where is China? a pawn of Russia? :lol:

Vietnam is a mickey mouse renegade province of China that exports their women over here.

Vietnam has nothing to hurt China. PLA can just bomb the hell out of Vietnam without landing a single soldier on the ground. Target their military, industry, commercial targets and civilians.

Russia needs China now more than ever. Without Chinese markets, Russia would collapse.
you seem to run out of argument: now talk of women and girls...LOL
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NO, you are totally wrong. you are clueless.

first, the author Stephen Blank is an internationally known expert on Russia and the former Soviet Union. He knows more on Russia than CCP and delusional Chinese posters here combined.

American Foreign Policy Council - Experts » Stephen Blank


second, he is right. The Sino-Russia relationship is just of a facade. a bluff.
third, in contrast, the Vietnam-Russia tie is very strong and becomes stronger in the future.

"NO"? Lol why are you so angry? Does the truth hurt that bad? It doesn't matter if he describes himself on his own webpage as an "internationally known expert", that page is only for self-promotion. I understand Vietnamese give others a free-pass for self-aggrandizement because they are guilty of it too, so it would be hypocritical to fault others for it. But most other nationalities find it laughable and embarrassing. The reality is that "Mr. Blank", who doesn't have his own wikipedia page, works for an American propaganda organ (AFPC), and thus can't publish anything in good faith. America's is facing one of their most tense foreign policy crises right now, and it shows in their desperate half-rate propaganda leaflets.

Instead of being a cheap cheerleader for hire and hiding behind the author's (worthless) name, why don't you tell us which argument he has made that is still valid for proving his thesis statement: that Russia is attempting to contain China?
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