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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

We do not need another nation's money and help for our needs, we can do it much better ourselves.

Funny. Do you know that India is the second large shareholder of AIIB. What's the motivation of India to join AIIB in your eyes? Lend money to others or want to get more foreign investment into India's infrastructure? BTW, AIIB just approved a $ 160 millions India project which is part of the Indian government's Power for All program, and will strengthen the power transmission and distribution system in the south eastern state of Andhra Pradesh.
Funny. Do you know that India is the second large shareholder of AIIB. What's the motivation of India to join AIIB in your eyes? Lend money to others or want to get more foreign investment into India's infrastructure? BTW, AIIB just approved a $ 160 millions India project which is part of the Indian government's Power for All program, and will strengthen the power transmission and distribution system in the south eastern state of Andhra Pradesh.

That is a loan there is a difference between going for aid and taking money on interest.

Even Western nations do that.
I dont see Pakistan connected to the route on the map ?

Funny. Do you know that India is the second large shareholder of AIIB. What's the motivation of India to join AIIB in your eyes? Lend money to others or want to get more foreign investment into India's infrastructure? BTW, AIIB just approved a $ 160 millions India project which is part of the Indian government's Power for All program, and will strengthen the power transmission and distribution system in the south eastern state of Andhra Pradesh.
Ha ha liar got caught
3 types of power in President Xi's keynote speech at BRF
by Fang Zhenghui
China.org.cn, May 14, 2017

President Xi Jinping's keynote speech at the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation on Sunday offers a profound view on the Belt and Road Initiative from the perspectives of history and reality, vision and action, as well as involving mind and matter. It is undoubtedly full of inspiration and power.

The speech demonstrates the power of conviction, the kernel of the Silk Road Spirit. Throughout history, our forefathers kept moving forward regardless of facing billowing waves, rugged mountains and endless deserts. With the same conviction in which they steadfastly adhered to building a road of peace, prosperity, openness, innovation and civilization, we have taken solid steps to implement the Belt and Road Initiative and achieved significant achievements over the past four years. Both history and reality show that,with common conviction, we can develop a shared vision and forge strong synergy.

The speech emphasizes the power of culture in the pursuit of the Belt and Road Initiative. Culture builds bridges of mutual understanding between the peoples of different countries. No matter how diverse the cultures, they share common features. The Silk Road Spirit encompasses not only cultural integration drawn from our history, but also people's aspiration for cultural exchanges today, spurring us to pursue the Initiative.

The speech presents China's image as a major responsible country and displays the power of responsibility. China has made great efforts to boost policy communications, infrastructure connectivity, trade link, capital flows and understanding among peoples since the Initiative was proposed. At the BRF, President Xi introduced new programs to further implement the Initiative. This consolidates China's image as a major responsible country, translating vision into action, and initiatives into commitments; this, in turn, bolsters the confidence of the countries along the route and the international community in general in promoting the Initiative.
IT majors praise plan for a digital silk road

By HE WEI and MA SI | China Daily | Updated: 2017-05-15


Alibaba founder and Chairman Jack Ma (second from left) talks with Ricardo Melendez-Ortiz, chief executive of the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, at the forum on Sunday. WANG ZHUANGFEI / CHINA DAILY

China aims to build a digital silk road as it identifies innovation as the driving force to pursue the Belt and Road Initiative, President Xi Jinping said on Sunday.

The nation will focus on frontier areas such as digital economy, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and quantum computing, Xi told the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing.

"Innovation is an important force powering development. The Belt and Road Initiative is new by nature and we need to encourage innovation in pursuing this initiative," he said.

Xi stressed the importance of advancing the development of big data, cloud computing and smart cities.

Alibaba Cloud, China's largest cloud computing provider, announced on Friday it will establish a data center in Malaysia this year, providing local and regional enterprises with scalable and cost-effective cloud capabilities.

Simon Hu, president of Alibaba Cloud, said the planned investment will add to its existing data centers in 14 locations worldwide, and will enhance future deployment in economies related to the Belt and Road Initiative as more Chinese companies conduct business there.

"President Xi's emphasis on digital economy and financial technology suggests huge potential to be unleashed under the Belt and Road Initiative, and is an orchestra baton to fintech firms that want to expand overseas," said ShengJia, chief executive officer of NCF Group, a payment platform for internet finance.

As the Belt and Road Initiative is set to push overseas investments to new heights, China should establish smart platforms using big data technologies to facilitate trade and investment, said Wu Qi, global vice-president of the consultancy Accenture.

Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, said at the forum that "the Belt and Road Initiative is what China has for future. The world will admire you not because of the GDP number but what you do to contribute to the growth of other countries".

Freight train begins epic journey from China to Zeebrugge :enjoy:

by Alan Hope,

A trainload of Volvo cars has left north-eastern China and should arrive at the North Sea port on 26 June, destined for dispatch around the world

World hub

The first freight train carrying Volvo cars from China to the port of Zeebrugge set off on Saturday. From Zeebrugge, the cars will be dispatched by ship to the rest of the world.

Federal economy minister Kris Peeters (pictured) was in Daqing on Saturday to witness the start of the link, which he called “very important symbolically”. The train will travel via Russia, Belarus, Poland and Germany before reaching Zeebrugge.

The first train from the Volvo factory, now owned by the Chinese Geely group, is scheduled to arrive in the port on 26 June. According to port CEO Joachim Coens, there will be three trains a week, each carrying 123 cars.

The new cars, the model S90, will then be further transported in containers. The port is looking for ways to fill the train when it returns to China.

The port expects to receive between 30,000 and 40,000 cars over a year, which suggests a higher frequency than expected – up to 300 trains a year, according to Peeters.

The train link will still only represent a small fraction of the total automobile traffic through Zeebrugge, which totalled 2.8 million vehicles in 2016. “Zeebrugge is known to be a world hub for new cars,” Coens said.


@AndrewJin @TaiShang

China to Develop Track Changing Trains To Handle Different OBOR Gauges

Posted on May 15, 2017 by China Briefing

Liu Hualong, the Chairman of China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation Limited (CRRC), China’s rail car manufacturer, has said the company is researching and developing locomotives that can travel at up to 400 kilometers per hour and also change tracks to better facilitate rail transportation between regions that utilize different track gauges. This is needed as China’s rail gauge differs in width from that used by Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and Russia, whose tracks also differ from gauges used in Europe.

Liu revealed the plans at a press conference on the One Belt, One Road initiative, held by the Information Office of the State Council. The press conference was hosted ahead of the two-day Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, which has begun in Beijing. He also stated that China was developing trains and carriages, involving new technologies and products to better adapt itself to international transport and interconnection. This also included bespoke engineering, tailoring for specific international markets. Much of CRRC’s engineering work is carried out in Dalian and Shenyang in Northeast China.

Liu stated that CRRC had, for example, received orders totaling RMB 10 billion (US$1.45 billion) from Malaysia in the past three years, with a specific brief to design carriages for female passengers as well as containing prayer rooms. He also said that in terms of international markets, CRRC’s products are sold in 83 percent of all of countries that contain railways across the world.

The gauge changing technologies will be useful and will save time and inconvenience for passengers. At present, it can take up to eight hours to lift trains off bogies and onto new ones, while freight needs to be unloaded then reloaded onto new freight platforms.

Chris Devonshire-Ellis of Dezan Shira & Associates comments: “The rail freight services envisaged by the Chinese will mainly compete with air cargo rather than shipping. Rail is ideal for transporting large, heavy goods, and equipment, and the OBOR infrastructure developments will require exactly that. It may well be that containers of Chinese goods are also transported along with this primary cargo, but the main benefit in having the train network developed is for heavy goods.”

Belt & Road: China welcomes heads of state, intl bodies at global cooperation forum
Published time: 14 May, 2017 01:15Edited time: 14 May, 2017 18:29
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The opening ceremony of the Belt and Road Forum in Beijing, China, May 14, 2017 © Thomas Peter / Reuters

Beijing is hosting a high-level international cooperation forum, dubbed "One Belt, One Road,” which brings together dozens of heads of state and government, along with financial organizations and hundreds of business representatives and entrepreneurs.
LIVE UPDATES: China hosts global Silk Road forum

"Spanning thousands of miles and years, the ancient silk routes embody the spirit of peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit," Chinese President Xi Jinping said at the opening of the forum. "The Silk Road spirit has become a great heritage of human civilization."

Xi also undertook to build a “road of peace” as he emphasized the need to respect the sovereignty and national interests of each and every state. The Chinese president added that he also wants it to be a “road of prosperity,” focusing on cooperation and production that would aim to maintain a dynamic growth.

The initiative, Xi said, is based on transparency and efficient resource allocation, with “no intention of creating a small group detrimental to stability.”

Putin: Old economic models based on ‘protectionism and unlawful restrictions’ cannot sustain global growth https://t.co/C5v1ZZgEPLpic.twitter.com/2ojW86gMiu

— RT (@RT_com) May 14, 2017
Speaking after the host of the conference, Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that, unfortunately, “protectionism and unlawful restrictions” have become the new norm in the modern world.

“We cannot resolve modern challenges by using old approaches. We need new ideas. We need to abandon all stereotypes,” Putin urged.

“We should set a role model for the global community of how we can work together, develop together, based on equality and respect for national sovereignty based on international law and the United Nations principles.”

Russia is ready to join the development of “new modern transport corridors,” Putin said, as well as to contribute to “large scale energy infrastructure projects.” Putin also called for scientific cooperation and to “set up international laboratories” which can contribute to regional development.

“Civilization project for the future,” as Putin called the New Silk Road, should bring stability and prosperity along its way.

Taking the stage after Putin, Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan emphasized that a project of such scale will encourage greater intergovernmental cooperation and strengthen the “climate of solidarity” among all partners. The establishment of a new, coherent political and economic system will “pave the way in a new era,” said the Turkish leader leader whose country was an important point of convergence during the times of the ancient Silk Road.

Rounding-off the opening ceremony as the final speaker, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, said the Silk Road project has “immense potential… far-reaching in geography and ambition.”

Putin arrived in Beijing to offer concrete initiatives to implement and strengthen the Beijing-led Silk Road project which top delegates of 29 nations will discuss over two days at the Belt and Road Forum in the Chinese capital.

Hosted by Chinese President Xi, the forum will offer a unique opportunity for the world leaders to engage in a wide range discussions. Putin is one of the keynote speakers.

High-level interactions between Russia and China have intensified over the recent years and Moscow is ready to promote ways to cooperate in trade, cultural and scientific exchange in an effort to boost the reincarnation of the ancient and famed Silk Route.

Read more
Why the New Silk Roads terrify Washington
According to the Russian president’s press service, Putin plans to present Moscow’s vision, outlining the prospects for economic development in Eurasia. He also plans to propose a number of concrete initiatives to build the shortest cost-effective and efficient transport routes through the territory of Russia for the delivery of goods from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

Among other plans, Russia wants to strengthen the interconnection of the Asian Pacific countries in the energy sector. As the demand for electricity in the Asia-Pacific region is rapidly growing, Moscow wants to create an energy ring between Russia, Japan, Korea, China and Mongolia which was first discussed at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok in 2016.

China and Russia share infrastructure development plans in the Far East region. China, for instance, has attached great importance to integrating the Eurasian Economic Union with this Beijing led mechanism.

“China regards Russia as a key partner when implementing the concept,” the Kremlin said in a statement. “Russia, in turn, is interested in using the opportunities provided by the Chinese initiative for implementing major joint projects – including the economic development of the Russian regions of Siberia and the Far East.”

Xi and Putin have been discussing potential development regularly throughout the course of the year. Both leaders met at high-level international forums, including the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in June in Astana, Kazakhstan. They also met at the BRICS summit in Xiamen, China in September and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in Vietnam in November.

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China ready to shoulder global leadership burden if others back out – senior Chinese diplomat
The Belt and Road Initiative was first proposed by China in 2013. It envisions two components: the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road that are expected to cover more than 60 percent of the world’s population and more than one-third of the global economic output.

The Chinese proposal envisages the creation of six economic corridors: Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar, China-Mongolia-Russia, China-Central Asia-West Asia, China-Indochina Peninsula, China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and Eurasian Land Bridge.

The list of the 28 confirmed heads of state and government attending the forum also include Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, Turkish President Recep Erdogan and Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni.

But not all countries are roused by the China-led project. Washington, for instance, is sending a low-level delegation led by White House adviser Matt Pottinger, while France, Germany, and Britain are to be represented by finance officials.

Politicians aside, the forum will hear from over 80 leaders of international organizations, including, the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde, and World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim. Some 1,500 business representatives and journalists are expected to attend.

Environmental protection projects in border areas
Source: Xinhua| 2017-05-16 10:20:59|Editor: liuxin

URUMQI/KUNMING, May 16 (Xinhua) -- China and other countries are working on cross-border environmental protection along the Belt and Road region.

In the Gaoligong Mountains on the China-Myanmar border, a variety of rare species thrive. China has built national and provincial nature reserves there, while Myanmar has two of its own.

The area is prone to forest fires, logging and poaching, particularly in the Nujiang, Baoshan and Dehong areas in Yunnan Province. Such incidents pose threats to both countries, making cross-border environmental protection vital.

In 2015, China and Myanmar established a research lab on biodiversity, to conduct a variety of projects such as field surveys and training. Both sides work together against illegal activities in the region.

"We often meet colleagues from Myanmar," said Li Zhengbo, deputy head of the Baoshan management bureau of the Gaoligong Mountains National Nature Reserve. Foresters on both sides have reached agreements on putting out forest fires, investigating criminal cases, and building environmental protection awareness.

From 2010 to 2015, Yunnan apprehended 130,000 suspects in regard to forest and wildlife crime in the region, many with the assistance of Myanmar.

As the Belt and Road increases pace, more joint eco-efforts are underway. Research projects on environmental protection have begun between China and Pakistan on the riverflow, landscape and geological disasters.

"We will try to find mechanisms to decrease risks and improve regional cooperation," said an expert with the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

"The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is an important part of the Belt and Road Initiative, and research on environmental protection will definitely play an important part in the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the corridor," said Lei Jiaqiang, director of the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
lol it's a joke?
if americans would not buy your products your economy would be a disaster. you are inter dependant. both dependant.
Wrong, Europeans do not buy our products is our disaster.
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