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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

And you think none of the countries from the West has this type of technology and infrastructure?
Lots of countries have.
This is the new era.
But most countries do not have.
Half of top10 ports are in China.

Bridge to the biggest port in the world

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Lots of countries have.
This is the new era.
But most countries do not have.
Half of top10 ports are in China.

Bridge to the biggest port in the world
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View attachment 396720 View attachment 396721

Yes, China needs all those ports as currently China is the manufacturing base for all the stuff that is being manufactured and imported into the Western countries.

Once West completes implementing the automation in their respective countries, the demand for Chinese manufactured goods from West would drastically fall which means China needs to find new demand from the emerging markets which do not have automation yet. Which means your OBOR routes to Asia, Africa and Latin America would be of more critical than the OBOR routes to EU or US/Canada.
China: Putin and Xi Jinping join world leaders for Belt and Road Forum family photo
More than 1,300 people from more than 130 nations, NGO and all major institutions like UN, World Bank, IMF etc joined the opening of OBOR, the biggest gathering outisde United Nations.

Only sour grapes would take this event as insignificant.

The UN Chief gave speech in OBOR.

BEIJING, May 14 (Xinhua) -- The highest-level forum on the Belt and Road opened Sunday in Beijing, an important boost to the grand plan for interconnected development and sustainable growth.

Before heads of state and government from 29 foreign countries and delegates from more than 130 countries, Chinese President Xi Jinping, who proposed the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013, outlined principles and measures for advancing the open and inclusive plan in a keynote speech at the opening of the two-day event.

Special envoys and delegates from many developed countries, such as France, Germany and the United States, attended the meeting. Greater consensus is being built among countries with different political systems and cultures to push the initiative.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said the Belt and Road Initiative is "promising" and his country has supported the initiative.

Given the challenges like protectionism and development gaps, it is necessary to find new development engines to promote justice and equality, he said.

The coordination of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union strategy will boost the Eurasian development, said Putin.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the Belt and Road is an important initiative which connects Asia and Europe and other continents.

The mechanism will promote sustainable development and improve the lives of people and bring mutual benefits to all countries, he said, confident of its success at the forum.

"The speech is very very impressive and presents a very clear roadmap for the future," said Zafaruddin Mahmood, a delegate from Pakistan.

Xi pledged more financial support for the Belt and Road construction, including an additional 100 billion yuan (about 14.5 billion U.S. dollars) to the Silk Road Fund, and assistance worth 60 billion yuan in the coming three years to developing countries and international organizations participating in the initiative.

Hailing the solid progress of the initiative in the past four years, Xi proposed five guiding principles for the pursuit of the Belt and Road initiative: building the Belt and Road into a road of peace, prosperity, opening up, innovation and connecting different civilizations. He outlined priorities such as infrastructure and industrial cooperation.

"Xi's speech is encouraging and points out the priorities of the plan. The forum undoubtedly is a landmark event for economic and trade cooperation," said Mirzohid Rahimov, a delegate from Uzbekistan.

In a complicated international political and economic environment, the Belt and Road Initiative has met the need for win-win development and the common interests of most countries, he said.

The five fields of connectivity -- policy, infrastructure, trade, finance and people -- are important for all countries, he added.

China will play a very important role in multilateralism with the Belt and Road Initiative, basically a global development vision, said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, mentioning the Chinese proverb "If you want to get rich, first build a road."

The initiative reflects a new model of international cooperation and interaction with mutually beneficial cooperation through the connection of policies and development strategies.

"President Xi was talking about the future. He analyzed the challenges, but said more about solutions," Umberto de Pretto, secretary-general of the International Road Transport Union.

The Belt and Road Initiative is a vision of the future of the whole planet, not just China or Eurasia, he said.

"Since the launch of this initiative, we have seen increasing support from governments, businesses and other stakeholders within and beyond the Belt and Road region," said Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum.

He regards the Belt and Road Initiative as a shining model for regional collaboration, development and growth.

This initiative respects the differences between countries and their various paths for development, not imposing a specific plan or ideological framework, but seeking to create common ground for cooperation and mutual benefit, he said.

"Xi's commitment is taken very seriously and it shows that China is engaging the world like never before and I think that is the overarching vision that he gave," said Robert Lawrence Kuhn, an international corporate strategist.

"China is not seeking hegemony, China is seeking its rightful role," said Kuhn.

Li Xiangyang, a researcher with Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the forum will gather consensus and dismiss doubts.

"The Belt and Road is an unprecedented project of vast magnitude. It is important for us to explore ways to solve problems," he said.

"The initiative is far beyond the economic strategy of any single country or region, its mission is to make the world more innovative, dynamic, and equal," Alibaba founder Jack Ma said.

"The Belt and Road is a great vision with a bright future," he said.

Another news report:-
Spotlight: World leaders chant Belt & Road chorus
Source: Xinhua| 2017-05-14 21:52:18|Editor: Hou Qiang

BEIJING, May 14 (Xinhua) -- World leaders brainstormed the advancement of the Belt and Road Initiative at a two-day event starting here Sunday, joining China in a chorus of common prosperity.

Characterized by extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, the Belt and Road links countries and regions that account for about 60 percent of the world's population and 30 percent of global economic output.

Speaking at the opening of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said the ambitious intercontinental initiative is "rooted in a shared vision for global development."


Chinese President Xi Jinping, in a keynote speech delivered at the international gathering attended by heads of state and government from 29 countries, among thousands more others, said the initiative is "a project of the century" that will benefit people across the world.

The Belt and Road Initiative proposed by China in 2013 consists of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. It aims to build a trade and infrastructure network connecting Asia with Europe and Africa along and beyond the ancient Silk Road trade routes.

"Spanning thousands of miles and years, the ancient silk routes embody the spirit of peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit," Xi told an audience of more than 1,500.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said the historical experience of cooperation between countries linked by the ancient Silk Road through Asia, Europe and Africa is important in the 21st century when the world is facing "very serious challenges."

Calling the Belt and Road Initiative an example of cooperation in such fields as infrastructure, transport and industry, the Russian president said his country has supported the initiative from the very beginning.

Chilean President Michelle Bachelet said the breadth of the initiative, the level of participation and its strategic dimensions, highlight its capacity to become the biggest economic cooperation project in place today.

Czech President Milos Zeman, for his part, said he salutes China for this courageous, long-term project.

Over the past years, the Belt and Road Initiative has grown from an embryonic proposal into a network, while a cooperation pattern of shared growth through discussion and collaboration has taken shape.

As of the end of 2016, more than 100 countries and international organizations have expressed their support for the initiative. China has signed 46 cooperation agreements with 39 countries and international organizations, covering a broad range of fields.

The Belt and Road Initiative brings enormous benefits to all involved and serves as a main driver of the global transformation under the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, said Peter Thomson, President of the UN General Assembly who is also present at the forum.


The "courageous" vision of the Belt and Road Initiative is becoming a reality and bearing rich fruit in more fields than expected.

Four years after it was proposed, Belt and Road countries have seen increased connectivity in policies, infrastructure, trade and finance, as well as strengthened people-to-people bonds.

According to World Trade Organization Director General Roberto Azevedo, infrastructure is essential, a point also highlighted by special envoy of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Minister of Economic Affairs Brigitte Zypries.

"A lack of proper transport network was on top of the trade cost list and the One belt, One Road is hugely important in responding to this need," Azevedo told an international audience at the high-level meeting of the Belt and Road forum.

Calling the forum "a new and decisive step in the progress of the initiative," special envoy of France's just sworn-in President Emmanuel Macron, former French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin noted the development potential brought by the Belt and Road Initiative in tourism, financing, culture and environment.

"The Belt and Road Initiative is about connecting cultures, communities, economies, and people, and about adding new economic flavors by creating infrastructure projects that are based on 21st-century expertise and governance standards," said International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde.

Greece also highly values the initiative, with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras saying it brings important opportunities for people-to-people contact, cultural exchanges and tourism.


With various advantages and needs, the partners pay close attention to keep the initiative open, inclusive and beneficial to all.

Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif told the forum: "Let me make it very clear, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, an economic undertaking, is open to all countries in the region."

Sitting at the crossroad of Asia and Europe, Turkey wishes to bring its unique geographical location into full play, said the country's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Special envoy of British Prime Minister Theresa May, Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond, said his country is "a natural partner" in the grand development initiative.

He expects that with China driving at the east, and Britain at the western end of the Belt and Road, all countries along the routes could work together to bring more jobs, growth and higher living standard for all people.

Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, said the Belt and Road Initiative is "a pioneering, international framework based on an open platform concept."

For World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, the Belt and Road Initiative can meet the aspiration of those people living in the countries that are still in need of development support.

For ordinary people, the initiative could well represent something simple, "like a fragrant cup of tea," according to Lagarde, which has for centuries "brought cultures, communities and people closer together," and is ready to burst with new economic flavors.
Yes, China needs all those ports as currently China is the manufacturing base for all the stuff that is being manufactured and imported into the Western countries.

Once West completes implementing the automation in their respective countries, the demand for Chinese manufactured goods from West would drastically fall which means China needs to find new demand from the emerging markets which do not have automation yet. Which means your OBOR routes to Asia, Africa and Latin America would be of more critical than the OBOR routes to EU or US/Canada.

China and India roughly has same export percentage of GDP, between 20% and 25%. China does not depend SO MUCH on export as you think. The most export orientated economy is South Korea and Germany, roughly 40% - 50%.

I refer a paragraph of report from IFR 2016:

"75% of the global robot sales in five countries There are five major markets representing 75% of the total sales volume in 2015: China, the Republic of Korea, Japan, the United States, and Germany. Sales volume increased from 70% in 2014. Since 2013 China is the biggest robot market in the world with a continued dynamic growth. With sales of about 68,600 industrial robots in 2015 – an increase of 20% compared to 2014 - China alone surpassed Europe’s total sales volume (50,100 units). Chinese robot suppliers installed about 20,400 units according to the information from the China Robot Industry Alliance (CRIA). Their sales volume was about 29% higher than in 2014. Foreign robot suppliers increased their sales by 17% to 48,100 units (including robots produced by international robot suppliers in China). The market share of Chinese robot suppliers grew from 25% in 2013 to 29% in 2015. Between 2010 and 2015, total supply of industrial robots increased by about 36% per year on average. (For more details see chapter 3.3.1.)"

Who is western countries? East Asia is both the largest robotic market and supplier of the world.

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Is that why Modi is visiting other countries asking for investment? Talk about being deluded.
That is promoting , show me where India is selling its assets and asking for aid?

Yes, China needs all those ports as currently China is the manufacturing base for all the stuff that is being manufactured and imported into the Western countries.

Once West completes implementing the automation in their respective countries, the demand for Chinese manufactured goods from West would drastically fall which means China needs to find new demand from the emerging markets which do not have automation yet. Which means your OBOR routes to Asia, Africa and Latin America would be of more critical than the OBOR routes to EU or US/Canada.
They want to kill the advantage that other countries have like cheap labour, human resources, potential growth prospects and resources.

Reason why they are venturing into Vietnam, Pakistan , Africa etc...etc.

95 % of margin goes to china on a mobile manufactured with Chinese parts sold in India, imagine what these can do to other countries who are under the grip of obor. Chinese will suck all the resources dry and leave once the potential decreases and the countries no longer has potential growth prospects.
That is promoting , show me where India is selling its assets and asking for aid?

What do you think investment is? Not money?

95 % of margin goes to china on a mobile manufactured with Chinese parts sold in India

95% of margin goes to USA on goods assembled with USA made parts in China. Welcome to the real world. You start with low cost manufacturing and gradually move up the value chain. But India hasn't even gotten on the first step and you declared we don't need money. Sure.
China is not only regional power,it is also super power and if they implemented this project successfully, it will bring revenue,sheer amount of money.this country China has invested billions in Pakistan.only a good friend can do it.a friend like china in this generation is a blessing!
China is not only regional power,it is also super power and if they implemented this project successfully, it will bring revenue,sheer amount of money.this country China has invested billions in Pakistan.only a good friend can do it.a friend like china in this generation is a blessing!

Ah but my iron buddy, Indians don't think China is a super power in making. Many people consider China and Russia are just regional powers because we don't have that kind of military muscle to project power all around the world. Yes both are rational powers who don't venture off to other sides and bomb citizens to oblivion. But geopolitics is so much more than playing war games. It's about behaving responsibly and rationally. OBOR is a masterpiece from Xi trying to help out undeveloped countries. This gigantic project is something we are dedicated to make it work, fully committed to it. That is why so many countries are willing to get involved, participate and believe in our sincere efforts striving for a better world, a better place for humanity. It's so huge we won't be seeing it paying off in 5,10,15,20 years but everybody will see the benefit when they look back 50-100 years from now and they are glad their countries did not miss the boat. Everybody now most likely won't witness what that future will be like but future generations will be thankful their countries boarded the vessel. The Great Zheng He sailed with his armada exploring the world and doing trade, with the revitalized silk road we are recreating the same kind of spirit from the past. It's all about connectivity, co-prosperity, commitment seeing the globe as a collective community receiving fund to develop. Developed countries in Europe and even US can greatly benefit from this massive network of trade. China too is proud having a trustworthy friend as Pakistan. All the best to our Iron buddy :china::pakistan:

Britain says it's a natural partner for China's new Silk Road

British finance minister Philip Hammond said on Sunday Britain is a natural partner for China's new Silk Road program, and as it leaves the European Union (EU) it wants more trade with the world not less.

China is one of the countries Britain hopes to sign a free trade agreement with once it leaves the EU, and London and Beijing have been keen to show that Britain's withdrawal from the bloc will not affect ties.

The two countries have in recent months announced closer cooperation in areas such as financial services as the British government prepares to negotiate its EU divorce.

Hammond offered strong support for what China formally calls the Belt and Road initiative, as he spoke at the opening of a summit on the plan in Beijing.

"It is my belief that Britain, lying at the western end of the Belt and Road, is a natural partner in this endeavor. Britain has for centuries been one of the strongest advocates on an open global trading system," he said.

Britain can be a natural partner in delivering infrastructure in Belt and Road countries by supporting the finance and planning needed, Hammond said.

"As China drives forward the Belt and Road initiative from the east, we in Britain are a natural partner in the west, standing ready to work with all Belt and Road partner countries to make a success of this initiative."

Britain wants to convince its trading partners that its decision to leave the EU does not mean it is against trade.

"As we embark on a new chapter in our history, as we leave the European Union, we want to maintain a close and open trading partnership with our European neighbors, and at the same time pursue our ambition to secure free trade agreements around the world with new partners and old allies alike," Hammond said.

"Our ambition is for more trade, not less trade, and China clearly shares this ambition."

Britain's vote to leave the EU and the election of Donald Trump as U.S. president last year have been two of the most obvious examples of growing unease in Western countries about globalization.

Hammond said there had to be an acknowledgement that rapid change had unsettled many people.

"As leaders, we have to respond to these concerns by continuing to seek new opportunities to expand trade but at the same time by ensuring that all our citizens are reaping the benefits that trade brings."
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