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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

Russia essentially screwed itself royally to satisfy Putin's ego when it illegally invaded and captured Crimea. Now enjoy drifting back to the 1980s under crippling western sanctions!
stupid mangaboy. illuminati hates you and they will send you towards china as canon fodder. maybe you will die in south china sea as canon fodder.

you are stupid, i don´t feel pitty for you.

And I love you too, buddy. The more you hate, the more I love you. ;)

Russia essentially screwed itself royally to satisfy Putin's ego when it illegally invaded and captured Crimea. Now enjoy drifting back to the 1980s under crippling western sanctions!

To the strategic benefit of China. ;)
you fucktard, the global elite is creating such conspiracy theories themselfs to distract people like you.

NSA is Illuminati.

write it backwards "itanimulli" on google and watch were it brings you.

Yahoo answer.......

if you type itanimulli.com it goes to nsa's website? | Yahoo Answers
Some people want to make a conspiracy out of this, and want to know why the White House and the NSA would want an Illuminati domain to point back to their respective sites. This answer took me 1 minute to solve. The answer is that it's not their domain.

I went to GoDaddy.com and did a Who-Is search for the domain's to find out who the owners are. They are owned by a two different dudes. I normally would not post someone's name and address, but in this case it is public information and is directly relevant. This is all public information that is easily accessible to anyone wanting to know.

Itanimulli.us is owned by:
Scott Lamb
25 Venita Drive
Athens, Georgia 30606
United States
GoDaddy search results: Link

Itanimulli.com is owned by:
John Fenley
1985N 360E
Provo, Utah 84604-1803
United States
GoDaddy search results: Link

All that is going on here is this: These two guys bought the addresses, and then did a redirect for each domain. They simply made Itanimulli.us forward visitors to WhiteHouse.gov, and Itanimulli.com forward visitors to NSA.gov.

Mystery solved. Nothing nefarious here. Just practical jokers creating an internet myth.
Like CCP is a trojan horse for chinese people. or my i say against chinese people?

Mao was illuminati. he was ordered to destroy chinese culture. Illuminati started their war against china with opium dealers to destroy chinese community. later they created communist maniacs who killed their own fathers, mothers and children to worship the demigod mao.

CCP ordered 1 child policy, so poor chinese will be erased from china and only the rich illuminati supporters will survive.
lol ok. It Putin illuminati too?
forget Russia what about Venezuela. China has lent them over $50 billion over the last 8 years. getting paid back in oil. .China is getting nearly 50% more oil since the collpase of oil prices instead of Venezuela paying off those loans with $100+oil it's in the $50 dollar range.


Do you know advanced theoretical physics?

Yes, i do.

Do you know what Microwaves are and how they are beeing created?

Microwaves dissolve the atomic nucleus and heat up the atomic structure of materials. That is why your meal is cooking in the microwave oven. There is no thermal heat in microwave oven.

This same microwave weapons can be used concentrated over huge distances in scalar wave forms to heat up geo structures inside of the earth, beneath the ocean plateus.

The fukushima earthquake and tsunami was not a natural disaster. also not the tsunami in the indian ocean killing nearly 200.000 people.



It is the west screwing Putin and Putin really got screwed. USA got nothing else better to do by creating an enemy. Russia have always want peace with USA.

Not a single Russian can stomach the lost of Ukraine, unless this guy is a race traitor. The lost of Ukraine is like China losing yellow river, India losing Indus, Germany losing Rhein..etc. And Putin is acting in restrain.

USA will pay the bad karma for her bad in Russia.
It is the west screwing Putin and Putin really got screwed. USA got nothing else better to do by creating an enemy. Russia have always want peace with USA.

Not a single Russian can stomach the lost of Ukraine, unless this guy is a race traitor. The lost of Ukraine is like China losing yellow river, India losing Indus, Germany losing Rhein..etc. And Putin is acting in restrain.

USA will pay the bad karma for her bad in Russia.

Putin is only in power cuz of Russia's nukes. It is the West that is acting with restraint cuz of Russian nukes, otherwise Russian army would have been slapped around and defeated and sent back to the Kremlin's where-the-sun-dont-shine for Putin's illegal invasion of Crimea. Russia is a joke!
Russian despite all her past wrong did liberated Europe from Nazi.

And during 1989, 300,000 Russian troops left Germany without firing a shot, unprecedented in history. Russia could have stayed there now we still see 2 Germany.

Russia also allow Nato to her doorstep, and even former USSR land like Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

The conduct of western europe today against Russia is really Brutus style of ungrateful.

Putin is only in power cuz of Russia's nukes. It is the West that is acting with restraint cuz of Russian nukes, otherwise Russian army would have been slapped around and defeated and sent back to the Kremlin's where-the-sun-dont-shine for Putin's illegal invasion of Crimea. Russia is a joke!

Russian defeated Napolean and Hitler. Dont play with them.
Russian defeated Napolean and Hitler. Dont play with them.

That wasn't Putin's Russia. Lets not confuse different type frames of history with what Russia is today. It is a country run by Putin and his corrupt scum friends and where dissent or opposition is silenced. Plain and simple.
That wasn't Putin's Russia. Lets not confuse different type frames of history with what Russia is today. It is a country run by Putin and his corrupt scum friends and where dissent or opposition is silenced. Plain and simple.

Putin kills corrupt scums like JUKOS oligarch jews.
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