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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

OK we, can't.

but we can watch how Jews in west could manipulate and play with Chinese wallet.:D
Jews need to curry favour and say good things to Chinese even before they can touch our money :D

Do you mean AIIB is Chinese tool? Anyway, why we don't move those stuffs into the right thread?
This thread is not about AIIB.
Now then you realized it? There are many articles written about purpose of AIIB. Go google it!
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how about Chinese Indonesian ? their opinion is biased too.

Well, Chinese Indonesian can be quite nationalistic. But as far as I know there are not many among them who become prominent journalist or policy Think Tank ( economics, politics, etc). The author above is also not famous in here. This is the first time I saw Indian Indonesian journalist, usually Indian Indonesian are trader.

Some Chinese Indonesian who is seen here as pro China is Marie J Pangestu (former trade minister), because of that she was replaced. Many Indonesian are not happy with her policy toward making FTA with Asean countries and also China. (Under Former Soeharto supporter and Islamist party coalition government / Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono administration)


But we love Kwik Kian Gie, Economist, and former Economic and trade coordinator Minister under Abdurrahman Wahid administration ( under Former Soeharto supporter and Islamist party coalition government ). This is the most respected Chinese Indonesian in our country,


Kwik Kian Gie

Another respected Chinese Indonesian is a Shariah economic expert Syafii Antonio, he is also a stong figure as an Ulama (Muslim preacher). In Indonesia there are many Ulama comes from professionals background. For this man, he will favor his own country also. No doubt, even his wife is a Minangkabau (native)


Syafii Antonio
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Jews need to curry favour and say good things to Chinese even before they can touch our money :D

Now then you realized it? There are many articles written about purpose of AIIB. Go google it!

FED president is Jew, she know well how to do with this, to be manipulated simply with paper USA's bond on market, which is collected by China.


US, Vietnam Gear Up To Build Stronger Ties To Take On China – Analysis
March 27, 2015 Eurasia Review

By Veeramalla Anjaiah*

After having strengthened economic and political relations during the last two decades, the United States and Vietnam have now embarked on a new course to deepen the bilateral cooperation in new areas such as law enforcement, transnational crimes, maritime security and cyber security.

This year both countries are celebrating the 20th anniversary of normalization of diplomatic relations. As part of the commemoration of this historic event, Vietnam’s Public Security Minister Tran Dai Quang visited the US last week and met with several key senior officials and senators, including the US Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson and Republican Senator John McCain.

During his week-long historic visit, Minister Quang, a politburo member of the Vietnam’s communist party and a powerful official in the Vietnamese government, expressed his satisfaction and happiness about the progress in cooperation between both countries in the fields of politics, diplomacy, economy, science and technology, education, environment, health, humanitarian issues, defense and security.

Basically, the main purpose of the visit was to promote the existing comprehensive partnership between the two countries on one side and explore more avenues for cooperation in the new fields on the other. The comprehensive partnership agreement was signed in 2013. Indonesia signed the similar agreement with the US in 2010.

While meeting Johnson, Quang discussed the possible cooperation in law enforcement, information sharing, transnational threats, human trafficking, intellectual property rights, maritime and cyber security.

Quang also signed a letter of agreement with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) regarding the transfer of DNA testing software.

During the Vietnam war, Americans dropped more than 7 million tons of bombs on Vietnamese people and more than three million people were killed in the entire war. But today Americans and Vietnamese are good friends and their countries on a fast track to become strategic partners. Vietnamese people have forgotten the bloody past and openly welcomed Americans. We can see today Starbucks, McDonalds, CFC outlets in major Vietnamese towns and cities.

Perhaps, the rising of China, both economically and militarily, might lead to the birth of this strange relationship between former foes. Indonesia, the de facto leader of ASEAN, has relatively good relationship with the world’s sole power. But now Vietnam is emerging as an important partner of the US in the region, outperforming the US traditional allies the Philippines and Thailand.

Vietnam says economic and geopolitical interests are the main reasons behind its rapidly growing relations with the US while the US considers Vietnam as a strategic partner and a possible bulwark against China under its so-called pivot or rebalancing toward Asia.

“Economic trade ties continue to stay at the heart of bilateral relations, serving both as the cornerstone of, and an engine for the overall relationship,” Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang said during his historic visit to Washington in 2013.

Indonesia’s relations with the US are much older than Vietnam’s. But why the US now favors Vietnam more than Indonesia, especially in areas like trade, investment, defense, security and even in the field of nuclear science. Big powers always put Indonesia in a different category in the game of diplomacy and geopolitics, thanks to the archipelagic nation’s “free and active foreign policy” and its big size.

Despite of its democratic credentials, giant size and rising middle class, Indonesia has failed to reap rewards from the rapidly growing US-ASEAN relations. The bilateral trade didn’t see a significant growth as the trade was hovering between US$23 billion to $27 billion during the last five years.

Both exports and imports were rather stagnant. Based on the Central Statistics Agency’s data Indonesia’s bilateral trade with the US stood at $24.70 billion in 2014, almost the same in 2013. Indonesia’s exports have been on the decline since 2010 due to wrong policies, strategies and sharp decline in commodity prices.

Though American investors are interested in Indonesia, they are reluctant to invest heavily in Indonesia due to numerous problems ranging from legal certainty, corruption, taxation, to labor problems and land acquisition.

On the other hand, during the last five years, the bilateral trade between Vietnam and its former foe was more than doubled, surging from $14.2 billion in 2010 to $36.30 billion in 2014. Vietnam is today ASEAN’s biggest exporter, according to the US Census Bureau data, to the US with $30.58 billion of exports last year.

Vietnam is the fourth biggest trading partner of the US among ASEAN members. With $46.99 billion trade, tiny Singapore became the biggest trading partner of the US in ASEAN and Malaysia ($43.57 billion) and Thailand ($38.91 billion) stood second and third respectively. Indonesia is the fifth biggest trading partner of the US in ASEAN.

With its low labor costs, resources, bold economic and political reforms, incentives for investors and relatively better infrastructure, Vietnam has become a darling of foreign manufacturers in recent years.

Several American giants like Ford, Apple, Intel and General Electrics invested heavily in Vietnam. South Korea’s Samsung found Vietnam as a favorite place for investments than Indonesia and invested $11 billion in the electronic sector in Vietnam during last two years. Perhaps, Indonesia, whose manufacturing sector is in bad shape, can learn from Vietnam’s experience.

Moreover, Vietnam is on the course to become the first country in Southeast Asia to acquire nuclear knowledge from the US. The US has agreed to provide nuclear know how to Hanoi to build a nuclear power plant in the near future.

In line with the growing friendship and affection between the two nations, Obama recently eased a ban on providing weapons to Vietnam. It was a partial lifting of the ban and now Hanoi is asking for the removal of complete ban, given its tense relations with its neighbor China over South China Sea dispute.

This year, two important visits – first Vietnam’s Communist Party Secretary-General Nguyen Phu Trong’s visit to the US and later President Obama’s visit to Vietnam – are set to reshape the entire gamut of bilateral relations and pave the way for much awaited strategic partnership.

Another landmark in the both countries’ ties will be when Vietnam officially joins the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade pact later this year. The bilateral trade will easily reach $100 billion in two to three years. More and more investments will pour in not only from the US but also from other TPP member countries.

*The writer is an author and a senior journalist living in Jakarta.

I'm tired of this articles about how US supports country X, Y or Z to counter balance China in Asia. Than those countries X, Y, Z (you name it India, Vietnam etc.) should be thanking to China's rise for the few pieces of internation dignity that they recieve from other countries especially from west.

Because we all know that how west actually looks down on Vietnam or India. But I guess that's not their problem.
Well, Chinese Indonesian can be quite nationalistic. But as far as I know there are not many among them who become prominent journalist or policy Think Tank ( economics, politics, etc). The author above is also not famous in here. This is the first time I saw Indian Indonesian journalist, usually Indian Indonesian are trader.

Some Chinese Indonesian who is seen here as pro China is Marie J Pangestu (former trade minister), because of that she was replaced. Many Indonesian are not happy with her policy toward making FTA with Asean countries and also China. (Under Former Soeharto supporter and Islamist party coalition government / Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono administration)


But we love Kwik Kian Gie, Economist, and former Economic and trade coordinator Minister under Abdurrahman Wahid administration ( under Former Soeharto supporter and Islamist party coalition government ). This is the most respected Chinese Indonesian in our country,


Kwik Kian Gie

Another respected Chinese Indonesian is a Shariah economic expert Syafii Antonio, he is also a stong figure as an Ulama (Muslim preacher). In Indonesia there are many Ulama comes from professionals. For this man, he will favor his own country also. No doubt, even his wife is a Minangkabau (native)


Syafii Antonio

Thanks for your information.

I'm tired of this articles about how US supports country X, Y or Z to counter balance China in Asia. Than those countries X, Y, Z (you name it India, Vietnam etc.) should be thanking to China's rise for the few pieces of internation dignity that they recieve from other countries especially from west.

Because we all know that how west actually looks down on Vietnam or India. But I guess that's not their problem.

don't trust on anti USA propaganda of China. in critic situation China will turn back to be by side of USA like in the past..

In this moment China is the biggest funder for US military activities in Middle East with hug amount of Bonds of USA china has been collocted.
I'm tired of this articles about how US supports country X, Y or Z to counter balance China in Asia. Than those countries X, Y, Z (you name it India, Vietnam etc.) should be thanking to China's rise for the few pieces of internation dignity that they recieve from other countries especially from west.

Because we all know that how west actually looks down on Vietnam or India. But I guess that's not their problem.

the title created by its own author, actually the content seem not link to any counter balance China...
And the received countries don't care about what purpose US aim to.
In fact, US and China conflict will only benefit others like Japan, EU, Russia..
So China is now pushing US to give up some part like SEA, Japan,
And then China will be a good partner of US.
US and China can set up G2 to control the world together..
Pacific is big enough to hold two super power like US and China..

Thanks for your information.
don't trust on anti USA propaganda of China. in critic situation China will turn back to be by side of USA like in the past..

In this moment China is the biggest funder for US military activities in Middle East with hug amount of Bonds of USA china has been collocted.
in critic situation China will turn back to be by side of USA like in the past..
got to say that‘s pretty insightful,China and US are indeed natural allies, geopolitically speaking
The anti-China campaign are mostly led by Japan,with only India so keen to follow
China is cool for ASEAN countries getting Japanese money,in fact, the more the merrier
If China in a fit of anger or playing politics, China can slow custom import export from vietnam like few years ago where Vietnam import food stranded and rot at border.

Very true. China has also played similar games against the Philippines (banana) and Japan (rare earth). And because of this VN and other countries don't want to be dependent on China. I remembered a Burmese member said his biggest concern about China is not the rebels but being too economically dependent on China.

The fact vietnam joins AIIB that she in need of money for infrastructure building which only China can provide the money and expertise. Japan and US are going to charge vietnam for an arm or leg while China is the only way be able to build up vietnam economy reasonably.

There is some truth in the second part. With the first part, VN will happily accept cheap loans from anyone. The question is, will China be able to gain any political favours or concession back? Judging by history, I'm not sure if China can.

I'm tired of this articles about how US supports country X, Y or Z to counter balance China in Asia. Than those countries X, Y, Z (you name it India, Vietnam etc.) should be thanking to China's rise for the few pieces of internation dignity that they recieve from other countries especially from west.

Because we all know that how west actually looks down on Vietnam or India. But I guess that's not their problem.

My friend, why are you "tired" of these articles? I can only remember 2 or 3 threads with articles about US supporting X country to counter China, and my memory could even be wrong. In fact, on the first page of this section, I don't see any other thread created with such articles at all.

And no one here is talking about dignity and and who's looking down on whom. Please don't project your own thoughts onto others. This thread is about the US-VN relationship, and I've already given some hints that even if there are no SCS disputes or even if China doesn't exist, the US will still want a closer relationship with VN.
Very true. China has also played similar games against the Philippines (banana) and Japan (rare earth). And because of this VN and other countries don't want to be dependent on China. I remembered a Burmese member said his biggest concern about China is not the rebels but being too economically dependent on China.
It doesn't matter which side you join, West or East, when your country behave inappropriately, you will get sanction.

There is some truth in the second part. With the first part, VN will happily accept cheap loans from anyone. The question is, will China be able to gain any political favours or concession back? Judging by history, I'm not sure if China can.
We already did, evidence by political concession in the riq deployment. You did nothing.

My friend, why are you "tired" of these articles? I can only remember 2 or 3 threads with articles about US supporting X country to counter China, and my memory could even be wrong. In fact, on the first page of this section, I don't see any other thread created with such articles at all.
Nobody cares about Vietnam. The reason the West even bother to write articles about Vietnam is because of your involvement in dispute with China. Look at country that doesn't have dispute with us, Lao, Cambodia, etc... how often do you see them in the press and make Western Analysts try to cozy up to them?

And no one here is talking about dignity and and who's looking down on whom. Please don't project your own thoughts onto others. This thread is about the US-VN relationship, and I've already given some hints that even if there are no SCS disputes or even if China doesn't exist, the US will still want a closer relationship with VN.
The US seeks relationship that expand their national interest. You are not that important to the US that make them die for you. Fact but the truth must be spoken to awake the dreamer. Hate to break the bad news to you, my friend. All this counterbalance will do nothing to shape our geopolitical interest. It is like a fruit fly, annoying to our ears but won't be a game changer if you get the click. LOL
Nobody cares about Vietnam. The reason the West even bother to write articles about Vietnam is because of your involvement in dispute with China. Look at country that doesn't have dispute with us, Lao, Cambodia, etc... how often do you see them in the press and make Western Analysts try to cozy up to them?

The US seeks relationship that expand their national interest. You are not that important to the US that make them die for you. Fact but the truth must be spoken to awake the dreamer. Hate to break the bad news to you, my friend. All this counterbalance will do nothing to shape our geopolitical interest. It is like a fruit fly, annoying to our ears but won't be a game changer if you get the click. LOL

This article from Jakarta by Indonesian, not from Hanoi and by Vietnamese.
If you read the article, you must find out that Vietnamese leaders only focus on economic aspects while avoid the direct relation with other purpose as "US considered" part
And the author use reliable statistics on trading, export ...to support his argument.
It doesn't matter which side you join, West or East, when your country behave inappropriately, you will get sanction.

So you agree that China can and will turn against VN whenever China is not happy with VN.

We already did, evidence by political concession in the riq deployment. You did nothing.

What political concession? VN did not concede any territory to China after the skirmish. On the contrary, VN openly supports the Philippines tribunal case and continue to diplomatically reject China's claim even after the rig was removed. I'm afraid you don't know what a political concession is. More importantly, China removed the rig earlier than it first declared. Only an Ah Q mentality could see this as a Chinese victory and a political concession from VN.

Nobody cares about Vietnam...blah blah blah..

Then what are you doing here in this thread? Get out then LOL. why bother "waking" somebody up if you don't care about that person? It seems like you are the member that cared about VN the most since you are part of those very few Chinese members that always appear in a Viet thread.

The US seeks relationship that expand their national interest. You are not that important to the US that make them die for you. Fact but the truth must be spoken to awake the dreamer. Hate to break the bad news to you, my friend. All this counterbalance will do nothing to shape our geopolitical interest. It is like a fruit fly, annoying to our ears but won't be a game changer if you get the click. LOL

You care too much about the Vietnamese. No one here (except for Lure) has mentioned about the US counterbalancing China. The article was written by a non-Vietnamese about the US-VN relationship so what are you whining about? You are thinking too much about Vietnam LOL.

I suggest you stay out of this thread otherwise I might think you are having an unhealthy obsession with Vietnam.
In fact, US and China conflict will only benefit others like Japan, EU, Russia..
So China is now pushing US to give up some part like SEA, Japan,
And then China will be a good partner of US.
US and China can set up G2 to control the world together..
Pacific is big enough to hold two super power like US and China..

what do you think about China pushing US to give up some part like SEA, Japan, ? What China can do when S Korea, Japan and Philippine is ally of USA now officially, then they do yearly military exersives in front of your nose.

I reminder you that, in jungle or forest it doésn't existed two tiger to be boss. such tigers would like to be boss, have to fight untill die or one of two is ran away.

Pacific ocean is big enough, it said by Madam Clinton, it mean China can go to middle òf pacific ocean where no one claim his own sea territory there.

got to say that‘s pretty insightful,China and US are indeed natural allies, geopolitically speaking
The anti-China campaign are mostly led by Japan,with only India so keen to follow
China is cool for ASEAN countries getting Japanese money,in fact, the more the merrier

You said that China and US are indeed natural allies, geopolitically speaking.

OK. Your analogy apply for all country in Asia too.
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