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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

sure, russia will survive. but the dream of returning to a superpower is burst.

before any chinese begin to scold, I don´t want to see it. a strong russia is better for vietnam than a weak. russia is a traditional friend and ally of vietnam, a counterbalance to china.

To counterbalance us with Russia is better than to counterbalance us with the US.

Anyway, you can't just turn into a US puppet, since they will first set up a new color revolution to topple your undemocratic government first.

There will be a price to pay if you wanna become their puppet.
First of all, let's take a calming breath. Breath in and out, in and out. The sky is not falling.

Let's examine a few things, shall we? It is true that the recent oil plunge will negatively impact Russia's economy, but in all honesty, it is nowhere near as bad as the oil plunge in late 1980s. While Russia's industrial infrastructure is not as good as USSR, it is also not running a military budget equal to 20% of its national GDP, nor is Russia today constantly deploying a million men force at its border. More important, Russia today actually has major trade partners that are willing to help it. In comparison, the situation at late 1980 was much more grim. Historians agrees that even with all these conditions, USSR only really dissolved because critical mistakes made by Soviet leaders at the time.

Also, remember something else. At the end of the day, a country like Russia is really only in trouble IF the basic living necessity of the people cannot be satisfied, such as food shortage, etc. So far we have not received any indication of this kind of problem. So, in my opinion, Russia will be fine.

To be honest, I am more worried about Venezuela than Russia. Venezuela is pretty much in an all around worse position than Russia, from political leadership, society stability to stuff like industrial infrastructure, food supply, as well as geographical location in relation to friendly trade partners.
China knows very well that after Russia, she will be the next target.


Russia needs to do her homework as well. Putin needs first to fire the central bank director Nabiullina and replace all the members of the board. She is a member of the fifth column. The central bank should be completely nationalised and be lead by S. Glazyev.

Putin, although a socialist by heart, still has a lot of (too much in my opinion) admiration of American style free capitalism. That is also part of the problem.

What irritates me but I'm somehow not surprised anymore are the Viet chirping in with their petty minds. It's like the ship is sinking and the rats are just thinking how to steal a piece of cheese out of the galley. Pathetic!

The real goal of NATO's eastward expansion is not at Russia, but directly at China. We know that very clearly.

After toppling Putin's Russia, NATO will plan to surround us from the western side by Kazakhstan, the eastern side by Japan/South Korea, the northern side by the Outer Mongolia, and the southern side by the ASEAN.

China knows very well that after Russia, she will be the next target.


Russia needs to do her homework as well. Putin needs first to fire the central bank director Nabiullina and replace all the members of the board. She is a member of the fifth column. The central bank should be completely nationalised and be lead by S. Glazyev.

Putin, although a socialist by heart, still has a lot of (too much in my opinion) admiration of American style free capitalism. That is also part of the problem.

What irritates me but I'm somehow not surprised anymore are the Viet chirping in with their petty minds. It's like the ship is sinking and the rats are just thinking how to steal a piece of cheese out of the galley. Pathetic!

Indeed, those pro-west economists and experts need to be fired off.

We and Russia both need to do our homework properly.

What irritates me but I'm somehow not surprised anymore are the Viet chirping in with their petty minds. It's like the ship is sinking and the rats are just thinking how to steal a piece of cheese out of the galley. Pathetic!

Exactly, I've told them many times that if both China and Russia fall, then the US will indeed treat them like Gaddafi.

Yet they don't wanna believe my words, since they prefer to dance with the wolves.
I do not see any future for Russia against the west in 30-50 years future. Your country is getting smaller and smaller on both gdp, no. population, and tech.ology.
Im no offense dude. I just say whay i think. What do you say?
Is it not the case?
Do not underestimate Russia. Many great empires deceived our apparent weakness. I think in the near future we will see metamorphosis of weak liberal Russia into a strong kind of imperial Russia.
By the way - the population is growing since 2012 and the territory increased since 2014.:-)
What irritates me but I'm somehow not surprised anymore are the Viet chirping in with their petty minds. It's like the ship is sinking and the rats are just thinking how to steal a piece of cheese out of the galley. Pathetic!

They are somehow jumping up high in the expectation that a fallen Russia will eventually lead to a less friendly environment for China, which, in turn, will weaken it and, from this, Vietnam will emerge victorious like never before. In a sense, they do not hate Russia, but China.

First of all, let's take a calming breath. Breath in and out, in and out. The sky is not falling.

Let's examine a few things, shall we? It is true that the recent oil plunge will negatively impact Russia's economy, but in all honesty, it is nowhere near as bad as the oil plunge in late 1980s. While Russia's industrial infrastructure is not as good as USSR, it is also not running a military budget equal to 20% of its national GDP, nor is Russia today constantly deploying a million men force at its border. More important, Russia today actually has major trade partners that are willing to help it. In comparison, the situation at late 1980 was much more grim. Historians agrees that even with all these conditions, USSR only really dissolved because critical mistakes made by Soviet leaders at the time.

Also, remember something else. At the end of the day, a country like Russia is really only in trouble IF the basic living necessity of the people cannot be satisfied, such as food shortage, etc. So far we have not received any indication of this kind of problem. So, in my opinion, Russia will be fine.

To be honest, I am more worried about Venezuela than Russia. Venezuela is pretty much in an all around worse position than Russia, from political leadership, society stability to stuff like industrial infrastructure, food supply, as well as geographical location in relation to friendly trade partners.

I yesterday talked to a classmate from Russia's east. There is a certain increase in food stuff but not dramatic. Overall, prices are stable, she says. There is no mass lay offs or any sort of economic turmoil. Life is going on. Majority of Russians are strongly behind the leadership.
the west can accept russian annexation of the crimea, but NEVER the eastern ukraine.

russia needs to be realistic. by the way, china should not support separatism, otherwise your provinces xinjang and tibet can become increasingly a target for such separatism movements.
A whole Ukraine nation including Crimea ... even West allow, the Ukraine will say NO, the conflict will continue.
What irritates me but I'm somehow not surprised anymore are the Viet chirping in with their petty minds. It's like the ship is sinking and the rats are just thinking how to steal a piece of cheese out of the galley. Pathetic!
Russia dont wanna integrate wt China coz he got lots of experience from 'integrating' wt the West, so we just remind them that Russia could ally wt VN again like in Soviet time

Do our plan of unifying sub-Mekong region still scare ur lovely China ?? :pop:
Russia dont wanna integrate wt China coz he got lots of experience from 'integrating' wt the West, so we just remind them that Russia could ally wt VN again like in Soviet time

Do our plan of unifying sub-Mekong region still scare ur lovely China ?? :pop:

The BRICS bank is clearly the first step toward the integration.
They are somehow jumping up high in the expectation that a fallen Russia will eventually lead to a less friendly environment for China, which, in turn, will weaken it and, from this, Vietnam will emerge victorious like never before. In a sense, they do not hate Russia, but China.
Thats the trust. Fallen Soviet didnt kill us, so we dont have big problem wt fallen Russia, but fallen Russia will lead to fallen China, then thats a great chance for us to take back our lost isls in SCS(east sea) :pop:
Do not underestimate Russia. Many great empires deceived our apparent weakness. I think in the near future we will see resurrection of weak liberal Russia into a strong kind of imperial Russia.
By the way - the population is growing since 2012 and the territory increased since 2014.:-)
I am saying smaller w.r.t the west. friend.
Can you give me the fundamental strength that russia will have, to reverse the trend?
Thats the trust. Fallen Soviet didnt kill us, so we dont have big problem wt fallen Russia, but fallen Russia will lead to fallen China, then thats a great chance for us to take back our lost isls in SCS(east sea) :pop:

Forget about the fallen China.

Before of that, the US will first make a southern branch of NATO (ASEAN) by taking you out first, since they won't allow a communist nation being part of the southern NATO.
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