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Russia, China to sign about 30 accords at premiers� meeting


Some Russian and Chinese media will sign accords to strengthen cooperation in information sphere.


Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and his Chinese counterpart Li Keqiang will hold a regular meeting in Moscow on Monday. About 30 documents are expected to be signed, a government official said.

The two countries will sign a joint communique and several intergovernmental agreements on cooperation in energy, including Russian gas supplies to China via the so-called eastern route�, and financial spheres, alongside anti-monopoly regulations, and cooperation in customs and satellite navigation systems, the official told TASS.

A number of commercial deals will be concluded at the meeting, including agreements on broader energy cooperation between Russia's state energy giant Gazprom, top Russian oil producer Rosneft and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China抯 largest oil company.

There are also plans to sign agreements between biggest Russian and Chinese banks, including Russia抯 state-owned development bank VEB, VTB bank, Rosselkhozbank, China's Export-Import Bank (EximBank) and China Development Bank (CDB), and between major financial institutions such as Russia's Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), The Russia-China Investment Fund (RCIF) and Russia's Moscow Exchange, the government official said.

Some Russian and Chinese media will sign accords to strengthen cooperation in information sphere.

Russia抯 state technology firm Rostec, mobile phone operator Megafon, cable operator Comcor-TV will sign agreements on cooperation in technology and telecommunications with China抯 Huawei Technologies, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, Inspur Group and other companies.

Just let me guess, it will be

1. RMB trade agreement between Sino-Russia banks
2. China HSR train export to Russia
3. China import Oil from Russia
4. China communication IT companies into Russia market.

China successfully replace West companies in Russia market coz West sanction to Ukraine Crisis. :partay:

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Kenneth Rapoza Contributor

INVESTING 10/12/2014 @ 10:04PM 2,739 views

Li Heads To Moscow As Russia Tries Building Deeper China Relationship


The Russians are working overtime to woo the Chinese. It’s proven to be quite an easy task.

China’s Premier Li Keqiang arrived in Moscow on Sunday afternoon for an official three-day visit, where he will discuss the usual cooperation deals related to oil and gas, China’s favorite souvenir after a trip to Russia.

Li told the Xinhua news agency today that China and Russia had a new and “comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination”.

“I’m looking forward to deepening the traditional friendship between China and Russia, and expanding our pragmatic cooperation, so as to achieve greater advancement in the development of bilateral ties,” Li said, doing his best impersonation of a press release.

Regardless of the political niceties and talking points, China and Russia really have been moving closer. Russian president Vladimir Putin said that as Europediversifies away from Russian oil and gas, Russia too must diversify away from Europe and the natural pick is China. Some 50 agreements and memorandums of understanding are reported to be signed during the trip, including in areas related to high-speed transit and finance.


New best friends? Chinese premier Li Keqiang with Russia’s president Vladimir Putin in Moscow this week. Russia is rediscovering its southern neighbor as China wants to invest in Russian oil and gas.

For Russia, finance agreements is at least as important as energy deals.

Russia could use the help of Chinese lending institutions. The Russian economy was banned from tapping U.S. and European loans of over 90 days. The Russian economy has been sanctioned since March, following the annexation of the Crimean peninsula in the Black Sea, a former piece of strategic Ukrainian real estate. Russia and Ukraine have been locking horns since late last year, but violence between the Ukrainian military and ethnic Russians erupted in Crimea in March and later spread to the oblasts of Donetsk and Luhansk in Eastern Ukraine. The West blames Russia for failing to quell the civil war there.

For its own part, China is seeking to diversify its sources of energy and Russia is the cheapest play around. However, billions are needed in pipeline and other logistics to deliver Russian hydrocarbons to mainland China. The two countries are likely to be in the early innings of energy integration. The relationship is important to Russia. In the not-so-distant future, Europe will likely have the infrastructure to handle imports of American liquefied natural gas. China likes things cheaper and would prefer to have its supply come from Russia. Both markets will diversify, with Russia continuing to be a key player in Europe and a growing supplier for China.

In May, China and Russia signed a 30-year, $400 billion deal to jointly produce and deliver around 38 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year to China.

Trade between China and Russia was $89.2 billion last year and plans are in place to raise that to $100 billion by 2015 and $200 billion by 2020, all thanks to oil and gas.

“There are a lot of opportunities for the Chinese in Russia, but also for Russian investors in China,” says Liang Xinjun, CEO of the Fosun Group, a Shanghai based investment firm. “Capital markets are going to open in China and change the nature of investing. Russians should come to China, too,” he said at VTB Capital’s Russia Calling investment conference in Moscow on Oct. 2.

Before Russia, Li visited Germany, the first leg on a three-nation tour which will also take him to Italy before flying back to Beijing.
Defying the dollar Russia & China agree currency swap worth over $20bn

RT, Published time: October 13, 2014 14:41


Yuan banknotes (Reuters / Petar Kujundzic)

The central banks of China and Russia have signed a 3-year ruble-yuan currency swap deal up to $25 billion, in order to boost trade using national currencies and lessen dependence on the dollar and euro.

On Monday, China’s Central Bank announced the 150 billion yuan (815 billion ruble) currency swap between the Russian ruble and Chinese yuan. In terms of the Chinese currency that is $24.5 billion, and in Russian rubles, $20.1 billion.

"We need to expand the practice of using national currencies in trade. Currently they only account for 7 percent of turnover,” Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said at the 18th annual Russian-Chinese Commission, also attended by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.

The deal is valid for 3 years, and can be extended if both Russia and China agree. The draft currency swap was settled in August, but details on the size of the deal were sketchy.

Using more local currencies will speed up trade between the two countries who are aiming to reach $100 billion by 2015. Trade between Russia and China is already nearly $90 billion and is scheduled to hit $200 billion in the next six years.

Cooperation between Russian and Chinese banks is also on the rise, and China’s Import Export Bank, which is 100% state owned, has pledged to help Russian banks now cut off from Western capital markets, due to the latest round of sanctions. http://rt.com/business/177088-eu-sanctions-banks-sberbank/

The Export-Import Bank (Exim) has agreed to establish a credit line equivalent to $2 billion for Russian state bank VTB, and has also signed agreements with VEB (Vnesheconombank), and the Russian Agricultural Bank.

The credit lines can be used to finance imports from China, from agriculture to high tech equipment.

Medvedev and Li signed over 40 other agreements at the meeting, including outlining plans to add another pipeline from Russia to China. Li is in Moscow for a three-day visit.


For China and Russian partnership, opportunities are limitless from agriculture to defence.
China, Russia sign deals on energy, high-speed railways

Editor: zhangyerong 丨Xinhua

10-14-2014 07:27 BJT

MOSCOW, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- China and Russia on Monday inked a host of cooperation deals ranging from finance and investment to energy and high-speed railways.

Visiting Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev, witnessed the signing of the about 40 agreements after holding the 19th China-Russia Prime Ministers' Regular Meeting.

The documents, including governmental accords and business contracts, also cover trade, people-to-people exchanges, advanced technology, satellite navigation, currency swap and customs.

A local currency swap deal worth 150 billion yuan (24.4 billion U.S. dollars) between the central banks of China and Russia was among the documents signed, according to a statement issued by the People's Bank of China.

The three-year agreement, extendable on mutual consent, is expected to facilitate bilateral trade and direct investment between the two countries.

The frequent meetings between the two countries' leaders fully indicate that the relations between China and Russia are strategic, stable and for the long run, Li said in the talks with Medvedev.

Further strengthening bilateral cooperation, he added, will benefit both the two major emerging economies themselves and world peace and development at large.

China stands ready to work with Russia to translate their comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination into more fruits of practical cooperation, said the premier.

China, he added, would like to enhance cooperation with Russia on major investment projects in such areas as mining, chemical industry, agriculture and infrastructure construction.

On the trade front, China has been Russia's largest partner for the past four consecutive years. Two-way trade reached 89.2 billion dollars last year and plans are afoot to raise the volume to 100 billion dollars by 2015.

China is also ready to advance the establishment of a Eurasian high-speed transport corridor linking Beijing and Moscow, Li said, adding that the current priority should be the high-speed railway between Moscow and Kazan.

Regarding energy cooperation, the Chinese premier said Beijing will deepen cooperation with Moscow in nuclear power and energy in an integrated way that covers upstream, midstream and downstream industries.

Since its establishment 65 years ago, the diplomatic relationship between the two neighboring giants has now reached an "all-time high point," with frequent high-level visits, surging trade and investment and an increasing number of large-scale projects.

Li also encouraged the two sides to further enhance people-to-people exchanges and jointly mark the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II next year.

For his part, Medvedev said Russia is willing to promote two-way large-scale investment and advance cooperation with China in areas including transportation infrastructure and aviation.

Russia and China are close friends and partners, he said.

A joint communique issued after the pair's meeting said the two countries agree to open their markets wider to each other and stand against trade protectionism.

In the document, China and Russia pledge to continue to firmly support each other on issues concerning their core interests, and call for reform of the international economic and financial system to meet the needs of the real economy.

They will also expand cooperation in such areas as civil aviation, aircraft manufacturing and peaceful use of nuclear power, said the communique.
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Chinese companies to take part in high-speed rail deals worth $12b

Zhao Yinan, Fu Jing

China Daily/Asia News NetworkTuesday, Oct 14, 2014


Russia's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev (R) and China's Prime Minister Li Keqiang speak during a meeting in Moscow.

High-speed rail deal part of agreements worth $10 billion (S$12 billion)

China will take a decisive stake in the next stage of Russia's transportation development, with Chinese companies building the country's first high-speed rail line. The agreement formed part of joint deals worth $10 billion being signed on Monday.

Chinese firms and their Russian partners will hold talks on design, financing, supplying facilities and construction of a 770-km high-speed line connecting Moscow and Kazan, an important metropolis on the Volga River.

This was one of 39 agreements being signed after Premier Li Keqiang and Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev met for the 19th Regular Prime Ministers' Meetings.

Under the Russian plan, the line will form the initial section of a railway stretching to Beijing, with completion scheduled for 2018 in time for the World Cup football finals in Russia. Kazan is one of the host cities.

Trains on the line will reach speeds of up to 400 km/h:hitwall::D, shortening the traveling time between the two cities from 13 hours to three and a half, according to the Moscow Times newspaper.

Under other agreements being signed on Monday, the State Grid Corp of China will help to upgrade Russia's electricity network.

Details of the support measures, technical terms and legal protection were also settled regarding a $400 billion cooperation project to transport natural gas from Russia to China.

A currency swap agreement was signed, allowing businesspeople to make direct settlement in the renminbi and rouble to prevent losses from an easing of the US dollar.

Margarete Klein, a researcher on Eastern Europe and Eurasia at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, a think tank in Berlin, said Moscow is willing to work hard to achieve breakthroughs in large cooperation projects with Beijing.

This is because it wants to demonstrate that Russia is not isolated and, against the backdrop of EU sanctions imposed over the conflict in Ukraine.

Yang Hao, a professor at Beijing Jiaotong University who researches rail transportation management, said China has advanced technology and valuable experience in railway construction and operations. Beijing is willing to export these, while Moscow wants to improve rail services and upgrade infrastructure.

Yang said the two countries have a track record of rail cooperation dating to the 1950s, when China introduced technology, engineers and manuals from the former Soviet Union to build its own rail network. However, cooperation was sidelined in the 1960s as relations chilled. "Now is the time to reinvigorate this cooperation, as both governments wish," Yang said.

But such cooperation must first overcome a disparity in track gauges between the two countries, Yang said.

"It will not be easy for Chinese companies to design or build Russian rail lines, because they will have to adapt to wide tracks and must make many changes to trains and equipment," Yang said.

Gauri Khandekar, a researcher at Agora Asia-Europe, a knowledge hub on EU-Asia relations in the Brussels office of FRIDE, a European think tank, said more high-tech products will be exported by China, which has made significant technological advances. Khandekar cited high-speed trains as an "impressive example".

Russia and China To Build Second Gas Pipeline Via Western Route; Ukraine Sanctions Force Moscow to Turn East

By Reissa Su | October 14, 2014 12:23 PM EST

Russia has signed a series of deals with China to ease the effects of sanctions over the Ukraine crisis. As reported in the Wall Street Journal, the Russia-China agreements are seen as evidence of Moscow's efforts to focus on the East. Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the deals to avoid total isolation.

The report said both the prime ministers of Russia and China had signed a total of 38 deals in Moscow in relation to trade, finance, energy and defence. An agreement involving a currency swap was also signed to reduce the countries' dependency on the U.S. dollar.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said China and Russia have agreed to "open credit lines" for their joint projects. He admitted that the current situation in world finance is not easy since not all countries are developing fast enough. The prime minister said Russia has challenges of its own.

China's Export-Import bank is said to provide credit lines worth $2 billion each to Russia's state banks Vneshekonombank and VTB. The credit line issued to VTB will be used for a wide range of products from China including high-tech equipment, reports said.

Chinese Prime Minister Li Kequiang added that the relationship between Russia and China continues to grow dramatically despite this year's international trade difficulties. He said this just shows that the two countries have "huge potential for cooperation."

However, business observers said the Chinese have been hesitant to invest in Russia because they are afraid of angering the West. The Chinese government may also be concerned about falling oil prices. Oil is the most important export of Russia.

Mr Medvedev said Russia and China may soon plan on building a Western gas pipeline in 2015. If negotiations are successful, the additional natural gas pipeline to China will be able to provide energy using the Western route by 2015. The Russian prime minister revealed that the final details regarding the construction of the second pipeline may be done within 2015.

OAO Rosneft, Russia's state oil giant, said it has also signed a deal with to strengthen relations with the China National Petroleum Corp. The oil company has been hit by Western sanctions over Ukraine. As Western funding came to a halt in recent months, Russia has turned to China to offer stakes in the country's oil fields.
Russia Expects to Build 2 More NPP Units in China: Official

Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant

15:28 13/10/2014

MOSCOW, October 13 (RIA Novosti) - Russia is expecting to take part in the construction of the seventh and the eighth nuclear power plant (NPP) units at China's Tianwan NPP, Russian Deputy Energy Minister Anatoly Yanovsky stated Monday.

"We are expecting that our Chinese colleagues will invite us for the realization of the projects on the seventh and eighth [NPP] units," Yanovsky said.

The Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant, located on the Chinese coast and considered to be the safest in the world by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), was constructed by Russian nuclear power equipment and service export monopoly Atomstroyexport. It began full operation in 2007.

As of 2014, two Atomstroyexport operating units are in service, two more are under construction by the Russian monopoly, to be completed in 2018, and the last four are in the planning stage. The Tianwan nuclear energy complex will comprise eight generating units when completed.

Mainland China, driven by the need to increase nuclear power to curb air pollution from coal-fired electricity-generating power plants, has about 20 nuclear power reactors in operation, with almost 30 under construction, and plans to build even more.
Should have been around 500 billion yuan.

But China and Russia already had a currency swap in 2010 so this might be a renewal just like China renewed the currency swap with South Korea.
It's no wonder the Americans are going after Russia, defying the dollar is a worse sin than terrorism and murder in their book.


They are going after Iran, Russia and China. All 3 countries want to de-dollarize. They took out Iraq and Libya that wanted to de-dollarize.

Reduce the dollar's share of global payments and you're chopping off the head of the snake. All the money going to the military and welfare will dry up. The entire size of the US economy is grossly overinflated due to it having the reserve currency which gives the dollar artificial strength despite running huge current account deficit.

The entire American empire depends on the dollar having a very large share of the global payments market (trade and investment) so they can print unlimited amount of money to fund their twin deficits by driving down interest rates and export their inflation to the rest of the world.

De-dollarization is the ultimate crime in the view of the American elite.
It's no wonder the Americans are going after Russia, defying the dollar is a worse sin than terrorism and murder in their book.
Use all 10 U.S. carrier battle groups against Russia as a last resort. If we cannot subvert you, then we will bomb you and burn you down. ---by (future elected warhawk president)
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