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TASS: Economy - Russia, China to sign package of cooperation documents in Moscow October 08, 9:26 UTC+4
Around 50 documents on the Russian-Chinese cooperation are to be signed during the next week’s visit of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang to Moscow on October 12-14

© ITAR-TASS/Yuri Smityuk

BEIJING, October 8. /TASS/. Around 50 documents on the Russian-Chinese cooperation are to be signed during the next week’s visit of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang to Moscow, a Chinese deputy foreign minister said on Wednesday.

The Chinese premier is due to pay a visit to the Russian capital on October 12-14.

“We hope that this visit will contribute to strengthening political confidence and increasing support of Russia and China in the sphere of sovereignty and territorial integrity,” Cheng Gopin told reporters.

“China seeks to enhance the practical cooperation with Russia in the spheres of aviation and space, energy, high-speed railways, finances, innovations and also infrastructure development projects,” Gopin said.

Beijing is also expected to “intensify coordination with Russia in the international issues,” the official said.

Both countries plan to develop humanitarian exchanges, in particular, in the framework of the Year of youth exchanges between Russia and China, and also jointly prepare for celebrating the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in 2015.

This will be Li’s first visit to Russia as the premier of the People's Republic of China, during which he is to co-chair the bilateral regular meeting with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

During his three-day visit, the Chinese premier is due to meet with Russia’s upper house (Federation Council) speaker Valentina Matviyenko and Russia’s lower house (State Duma) speaker Sergey Naryshkin.

The meetings between Russian and Chinese prime ministers are held annually. In October 2013, Medvedev met with his Chinese counterpart in Beijing. This year, the 19th bilateral prime ministers' regular meeting will be held in Moscow.
let the bible be the guide:

Rev_11:18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.
If US alone than may be.... But you see USA no alone. Got india and world. Russia under sanctions and china falling back as investors pulling out. India ready to take a lead and that gave USA a new life.
If US alone than may be.... But you see USA no alone. Got india and world. Russia under sanctions and china falling back as investors pulling out. India ready to take a lead and that gave USA a new life.

But aren't these beef eating Americans are the bad karmic race, and is ruled by the evil greys? Isn't Anunakis going to destroy these Yanki idiots?
If US alone than may be.... But you see USA no alone. Got india and world. Russia under sanctions and china falling back as investors pulling out. India ready to take a lead and that gave USA a new life.
No. India will sit back and wait for all destroyed and become winner without a fight, the super.power that has her land untouched by nuke.

It will be England that will side with US to the bitter end or victory because the elite group of both US and England are related.
No. India will sit back and wait for all destroyed and become winner without a fight, the super.power that has her land untouched by nuke.
The entire Indian subcontinent lies completely north of the equator. In the event of a nuclear exchange with so many warheads, India, like every other country in the northern hemisphere of the planet, would be encased in radioactive fallout and a nuclear winter that would destroy all life. The best bet would be to move to southern Argentina, Australia, or South Africa. Of course, that is assuming they would escape the carnage and would take you.
You think China will let India be untouch with nuclear world war? I guarantee China will nuke India if US nuke China. Every continent in this planet will be nuke if there a case of nuclear war.

China get nuke, every nation will be nuke.
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