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• Chart: China Has Big Nuclear Energy Ambitions | Statista

November 7th, 2013

According to the World Nuclear Association, the majority of reactors under construction in 2013 can be found in Asia where rapid economic growth has fuelled demand for electricity. This is particularly evident in China and India where 28 and 7 reactors are under construction respectively. In China, these will deliver 27,790 MWe (net) while India’s 7 will generate 4,824 MWe (net) of electricity.

Russia has 9 reactors under construction in 2013, the second highest total worldwide. India rounds off the top three. South Korea has 5 reactors under construction while the United States has 3, completing the top five.
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While the price of crude effects the global economy, I don't think it will hurt American + Western EXPORTS as much as it is hurting the Russian EXPORTS. US shale oil is now able to meet their local demand and has not been exported in any significant quantity so far. I do agree that the crude price dictates the economic viability of shale extraction however in the short term they are all good as long as the US demand can absorb their production.
On the other hand crude or any of its derivatives is the back bone of Russian EXPORTS. Even short term swings in the price will have serious consequences for Russians fiscal management. Perfect example of the term "financial terrorism".

I agree with @senheiser here. Lower oil prices may not at all be sustainable long term for US and its allies.

US oil companies need higher revenue.

As Senheiser put, lower revenue means lower investment in shale exploration, which will hurt the already aching US shale "revolution." You may call it an environmental disaster ignored by the media as they are too concerned with the air in Beijing.

Also, US Middle Eastern allies depend on many social spending items to keep their population under dictatorial control. They need high oil prices to sustain their "daddy-style" economic structure. If oil prices resists to increase, then, we may anticipate social/political crises in these regimes, which would depress their oil production and send the prices skyrocketing again.

The present situation is less manageable for the US and its monarchies than Russia. This is more so when we add the China factor in the medium term.
only 33% of Russian exports are crude oil
View attachment 133061

What you dont get is that America is uses the dollar while russia is paying in ruble for its exploration. Russia is much cheaper to produce and explore
33% of exports is not small by any means .. 1/3rd of the total volume. Cant read the Charts bcz its in Russian, can u translate the total composition of the exports ??
Russia develops hybrid fusion-fission reactor, offers China role
Published time: October 15, 2014 09:41


The view of the Kurchatov Institute National Research Center, Moscow.(RIA Novosti / Alexey Kudenko)

China, Nuclear, Russia, Science
Russia is developing a hybrid nuclear reactor that uses both nuclear fusion and fission, said head of leading nuclear research facility. The project is open for international collaboration, particularly from Chinese scientists.

A hybrid nuclear reactor is a sort of stepping stone to building a true nuclear fusion reactor. It uses a fusion reaction as a source of neutrons to initiate a fission reaction in a ‘blanket’ of traditional nuclear fuel.

The approach has a number of potential benefits in terms of safety, non-proliferation and cost of generated energy, and Russia is developing such a hybrid reactor, according to Mikhail Kovalchuk, director of the Kurchatov Research Center.

“Today we have started the realization of a distinctively new project. We are trying to combine a schematically operational nuclear plant reactor with a ‘tokamak’ to create a hybrid reactor,” he told RIA Novosti, referring to a type of fusion reactor design.

“This project is open for our colleagues, the Chinese in the first place. It's being discussed,” he added.

Being a leading producer in civilian nuclear energy industry, Russia would benefit from improving its plant designs. A hybrid fusion-fission reactor may be several times more efficient than a traditional fission reactor. And building one is “a goal for tomorrow” rather than the distant future, as is the case for a fusion reactor like the famous France-based International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) that Russia collaborates on, Kovalchuk said.


International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor.(AFP Photo / Gerard Julien)

Harnessing nuclear fusion for energy generation has been elusive for years. So far no industrial-scale design managed to produce more energy than it consumes to start the reaction, though the California-based National Ignition Facility (NIF) was reported to have achieved this goal on lab-scale by bombarding a fuel pellet with 192 powerful lasers.

But nuclear fusion produces neutrons, and those can initiate fission in traditional nuclear fuel like uranium or plutonium. In a hybrid reactor the core fusion zone consumes energy to heat up outer fissile blanket, which on its part generates energy.

A hybrid reactor plant would likely be even more costly that regular nuclear power plants are, considering the complexities of the design. But it is inherently safer, since the reaction in the fissile blanket would be sub-critical, that is, it won't sustain itself. In an emergency it could be simply stopped in a matter of seconds by turning off the fusion core, as opposed to using dampening rods in a traditional reactor.

Another benefit of a hybrid design is that it ‘burns down’ fissile materials leaving little by-products. So it won't produce radioactive waste and can even treat spent nuclear fuel from regular reactors.

Rather than taking NIF's pellet-and-lasers design for the fusion reactor, Russia wants to use a tokamak, a reactor that suspends superheated plasma with powerful magnetic fields, as the core of a hybrid reactor. ITER uses the design too.

A similar tokamak-based project of a hybrid fusion-fission nuclear reactor is being developed at the University of Texas at Austin, although researchers there eye nuclear waste disposal rather than electricity generation as the goal.


On the other, and to have some fun:

Calling Russia ‘threat to humanity’ puts Obama’s sanity in doubt - Medvedev


Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, left, gives interview to CNBS in Moscow. Right: journalist Geoff Cutmore.(RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Shtukina)

The Russian PM has suggested that Obama’s charges against Russia were caused by a “brain aberration” and added that such rhetoric saddened him.

I am very upset by the fact that President Obama, while speaking from the United Nations’ podium and listing the threats and challenges humanity is currently facing, put Ebola in first place, the Russian Federation second and the Islamic State organization was only in the third place. I don’t even want to comment on this, this is some sort of aberration in the brain,” Dmitry Medvedev said in an interview with CNBC television.

The top Russian official stressed that his country was not isolating itself from the rest of the world, but sought mutually beneficial cooperation with foreign nations. “We want to communicate with all civilized peoples on friendly grounds. Of course, this includes our partners from the United States of America, but for this the situation must be leveled,” Medvedev said.

However, the Russian PM also noted that the Western sanctions have inflicted considerable damage to Russia’s cooperation with the US, and without cancellation of this policy there can be no return to partnership.

Let us be frank, it was not us who invented these sanctions, they were invented by our partners in the international community. As our saying goes, let God be their judge. Without any doubt we can survive these sanctions, I am sure that sometime later the sanctions will evaporate, simply cease to exist. But there is no doubt that they have dealt some damage to our relations.”

Medvedev ruled out the possibility of an immediate reset in relations between Russia and the West, adding that he expected the process to composed of at least two stages.

What sort of reset can be there under such conditions? We must first distance from this all and return to a normal position, at least to the starting position and only then we can start elaborating on the development of relations in the future,” he said.

The Russian PM also stressed that Russia can and will find new partners for routine trade and normal investment projects.
I forget, what about Russia selling Su35 fighter or China buying Su35 case ??????

We ever heard from Chinese PDF members that the purchase is just a rumour. Because Su35 is aged aircraft, and China doesn't need to buy it. Whoever said that, can confirm my words ?
Will we wait for the official news next month?
We ever heard from Chinese PDF members that the purchase is just a rumour. Because Su35 is aged aircraft, and China doesn't need to buy it. Whoever said that, can confirm my words ?
Will we wait for the official news next month?
Russia willing to sell Su-35 to China, only problem is the price & numbers.

Chinese ordered cheap price & small quantity, but Russian wanna sell more $$ from Su35 deal. Anyway i believe the Su35 will deliver to PLAAF about 24x ~ 100x in the future.
If Russia and China is taken out by the West, this world is finished.

The only barrier to complete Western dominance is Russia and China.

The West has gone into hyper-aggresive mode as it sees it power weakening and going into imperial overdrive to stop the decline.

The Western globalists seek to establish the Western-created New World Order and they see Russia and China as their main obstacles to their grand global project.
If Russia and China is taken out by the West, this world is finished.

The only barrier to complete Western dominance is Russia and China.

The West has gone into hyper-aggresive mode as it sees it power weakening and going into imperial overdrive to stop the decline.

The Western globalists seek to establish the Western-created New World Order and they see Russia and China as their main obstacles to their grand global project.

As far as I can see the world economy has grown significantly since the end of WW2.

If you had to give somebody a pat on the back for that...which sounds like a more logical choice:
A) The West
B) Russia/China

As far as I can see the world economy has grown significantly since the end of WW2.

If you had to give somebody a pat on the back for that...which sounds like a more logical choice:
A) The West
B) Russia/China


There are only 2 groups of people in the world.
Those that are willing to be slaves to the Western masters vs those that refuse to succumb to Western masters.
There are only 2 groups of people in the world.
Those that are willing to be slaves to the Western masters vs those that refuse to succumb to Western masters.

The majority of this planet has moved from societies which worried about where their next meal will come from to societies who debate which smartphone is best.

You just yap all you want about being "slaves" and keep your eyes closed about what really happened.
The majority of this planet has moved from societies which worried about where their next meal will come from to societies who debate which smartphone is best.

You just yap all you want about being "slaves" and keep your eyes closed about what really happened.

Tell that to the 3 million dead Iraqis, 10 million dead Vietnamese, millions of children butchered by the human butchering machine that is the US.
I guess China would deny, because their technology more advance than Russia.
Tell that to the 3 million dead Iraqis, 10 million dead Vietnamese, millions of children butchered by the human butchering machine that is the US.

Still less than the number of people who died under Mao..and under the number killed by Stalin.
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