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The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

ALL MY PAKISTANTI friends there should be another VERY TERIBLE SITUATION IS GOING to imerge in aazad kashmir so called (***) will be captured by china .... be ware chines will be more dangerous than indian.. cuz later u find *** sliped out of hand to china that will be terrible .. what u all have to say abt that?:what:

can't stop laughing :rofl::rofl::rofl:
can't stop laughing :rofl::rofl::rofl:

He might be correct. India was having good relation with Tibet. India share friendship with China, and lost the Aksai Chin. Don't trust anyone. But yes keep going until anything bad seems to happen.
ALL MY PAKISTANTI friends there should be another VERY TERIBLE SITUATION IS GOING to imerge in aazad kashmir so called (***) will be captured by china .... be ware chines will be more dangerous than indian.. cuz later u find *** sliped out of hand to china that will be terrible .. what u all have to say abt that?:what:

Thankyou for the advice but we will give it a pass:crazy:
Future of kashmir is bloody war.
US wants srinagar airbase and other airbases in kashmir to attack China and india in return wants 1Lac troops in Afghanistan to attack Pakistan from behind.
Solution is bound to arrive very soon, current Gen Kashmiri youth is happy. ;) , so many people have participated in the elections. Jihad is losing support, Insurgents kill 3-year-old boy :tdown:

Kashmiris are very peaceful, I h'v met many, heck afghani pashto speaking too, they come to Punjab in winters to sell shawls etc. We bargain alot :P, now emotional bonding.

Make LOC the permanent international border.

Lock down the border permanently ..... no matter what the cost, logistics, or technology/manpower involved. I am sure not ONE Indian would cringe at paying a 2% Kashmir Tax as part of his Income tax even for the next 5 years if the government decides to grow some balls and take this step.

Move the Pandits back to their homes.

Those Indian Kashmiris who like waving Pakistani flags and burning the Indian tricolour should be given 6 months to a year max as a last allowable and government sanctioned non-hostile honeymoon period to take care of their affairs and property and holdings before being politely escorted to the other side.

This would be a one-time offer ..... never ever to be repeated. Make your choices, and choose your side now, coz tomorrow the sitting on the fence bullshit with one butt cheek and testicle on either side stops (pardon the graphic description).

Post this period, any such anti-national activity should attract quick, decisive, and terminal state backed reprisals in public, with any such actions declared constitutionally as treason against the state.

Warning was served, and enough leeway given.

That is the one and only option. The only scenario Indians and the Indian government would be willing to discuss ..... now or in the future.

Should be interesting to see how the "poor oppressed Muslim brothers" are received and treated when they finally come over minus the land .... doodh ka doodh, aur paani ka paani.

Cheers, Doc
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There are several viable solutions to the Kashmir dispute:

the main reason of this dispute, which is undisclosed to public yet, is the water issue. If the disputed area given to India then it is sure that india will stop all rivers and build more Dams to destroy Pakistan and vice versa for Pakistan. An independent State of Kashmir is a reasonable solution to the Kashmir issue which will help both India and Pak to develop more rapidly and to reduce expenditure on Army.

However, as history tells us, Pakistan has got stance in its point to get Kashmir as a whole as India is clearly violating UN resolutions. Indian Occupied Kashmir is a result of army raid not of a resolution of UN. UN wanted people of Kashmir to decide and they decided to go with Pakistan. So i think it is time to hand IOK over to Pakistan to avoid further wars!
Make LOC the permanent international border.

Lock down the border permanently ..... no matter what the cost, logistics, or technology/manpower involved. I am sure not ONE Indian would cringe at paying a 2% Kashmir Tax as part of his Income tax even for the next 5 years if the government decides to grow some balls and take this step.

Move the Pandits back to their homes.

Those Indian Kashmiris who like waving Pakistani flags and burning the Indian tricolour should be given 6 months to a year max as a last allowable and government sanctioned non-hostile honeymoon period to take care of their affairs and property and holdings before being politely escorted to the other side.

This would be a one-time offer ..... never ever to be repeated. Make your choices, and choose your side now, coz tomorrow the sitting on the fence bullshit with one butt cheek and testicle on either side stops (pardon the graphic description).

Post this period, any such anti-national activity should attract quick, decisive, and terminal state backed reprisals in public, with any such actions declared constitutionally as treason against the state.

Warning was served, and enough leeway given.

That is the one and only option. The only scenario Indians and the Indian government would be willing to discuss ..... now or in the future.

Should be interesting to see how the "poor oppressed Muslim brothers" are received and treated when they finally come over minus the land .... doodh ka doodh, aur paani ka paani.

Cheers, Doc
Y LOC? Y not the border between IOK and India make international border?
There are several viable solutions to the Kashmir dispute:

the main reason of this dispute, which is undisclosed to public yet, is the water issue. If the disputed area given to India then it is sure that india will stop all rivers and build more Dams to destroy Pakistan and vice versa for Pakistan. An independent State of Kashmir is a reasonable solution to the Kashmir issue which will help both India and Pak to develop more rapidly and to reduce expenditure on Army.

However, as history tells us, Pakistan has got stance in its point to get Kashmir as a whole as India is clearly violating UN resolutions. Indian Occupied Kashmir is a result of army raid not of a resolution of UN. UN wanted people of Kashmir to decide and they decided to go with Pakistan. So i think it is time to hand IOK over to Pakistan to avoid further wars!

See, if India is violating UN rules, then you should go to UN. You know better rules then start legal proceeding, who is stopping you. India is democratic country and we as Indian wish peace. If Pakistan promise not to provide logistic funds, illegal money transfer, etc.. etc... then surely we are happy to give to permanent water supply.

Which UN decided to go with Pakistan. Give us 50 years without terrorism and we will develop kashmir as world's best place. It's better to handover *** to India to avoid going into hands of Talibans.

Anyway, we are doing useless argument discuss 1000s of times earlier. Let have a rest.

---------- Post added at 11:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:35 PM ----------

Future of kashmir is bloody war.
US wants srinagar airbase and other airbases in kashmir to attack China and india in return wants 1Lac troops in Afghanistan to attack Pakistan from behind.

obviously joke. What India wishes is Indian People's want and Indian people want peace.
See, if India is violating UN rules, then you should go to UN. You know better rules then start legal proceeding, who is stopping you. India is democratic country and we as Indian wish peace. If Pakistan promise not to provide logistic funds, illegal money transfer, etc.. etc... then surely we are happy to give to permanent water supply.

Which UN decided to go with Pakistan. Give us 50 years without terrorism and we will develop kashmir as world's best place. It's better to handover *** to India to avoid going into hands of Talibans.

Anyway, we are doing useless argument discuss 1000s of times earlier. Let have a rest.

---------- Post added at 11:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:35 PM ----------

obviously joke. What India wishes is Indian People's want and Indian people want peace.
If India is listening to UN then who is this India who is doing wtever it takes to make it strong? India is habitual wrong-wisher of Pakistan!
... UN wanted people of Kashmir to decide and they decided to go with Pakistan. So i think it is time to hand IOK over to Pakistan to avoid further wars!

When did they decide that? Sheikh Abdulla's National Conference was the most popular politcal party in the Kashmir valley and at the time of independance he was the one who opted to join the Indian Union.

Muslim League only had some popularity in the areas around Mirpur, otherwise they were all under the spell of Sheikh Abdulla's pro-poor party
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Yea ONLY Indians would want scenario 3, have you ever thought what Kashmiris would want.

NEWS FLASH FOR YOU: LOC is NOT an international border...and no country in the world recognizes it as an international border.
What Kashmiris want can be seen in the win of ppl like Farooq Abdullah and Omar Abdullah(just find it urself who these ppl are)
Even a more better solution is that India reunites with Pakistan through a war and Islamabad becomes the capital of the Punjab state of India.
The puppet leaders of Hurriyat have no local standing, and shy away from contesting elections on one pretext or another. Result - Disillusionment of the masses with Hurriyat. These cowards like Sayyad Ali Shah Geelani also killed Abdul Gani Lone, a fact stated by Sajjad Lone himself.

As long as these parasites are there, Kashmir cannot be peaceful. I pray for their early and painless demise, so that the valley is peaceful again. I care not what the final configuration is, though situation 3 is the best scenario. The border should be impervious.
When did they decide that? Sheikh Abdulla's National Conference was the most popular politcal party in the Kashmir valley and at the time of independance he was the one who opted to join the Indian Union.

Muslim League only had some popularity in the areas around Mirpur, otherwise they were all under the spell of Sheikh Abdulla's pro-poor party
i think u need to revise ur knowledge of history! they kashmir dispute was just because of "raja" of kashmir!
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