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The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

Omar, I am sorry if i offended u by my post.
yes ! I wl keep on dreaming. Because millions of indian Muslims like me never understood the logic behind the partition....is it feasible to shift millions of muslims to a region and millions of non-muslims to another uprooting them from the places where they were born...of course no body was forced but still.....we were mingled in such a manner.
One more thing...its my personal opinion....the founder of Pakistan never realised the fact that Pakistan would miss the vast minarel resources of Bihar, Orissa,Madhya Pradesh that could be the back-bone of nation's economy. Even the muslims of undevided India had equal right on these resources.
What we have achieved by the formation of India and Pakistan is in front of our eyes. Some day calculate what we would have gained by remaining united.
every person has his/her own opinion....so I will keep on dreaming...
Again I beg your perdon if by the term 'Merge' I meant humiliation to Pakistan.
Thanks Sabir for your comments...
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Omar, I am sorry if i offended u by my post.
yes ! I wl keep on dreaming. Because millions of indian Muslims like me never understood the logic behind the partition....is it feasible to shift millions of muslims to a region and millions of non-muslims to another uprooting them from the places where they were born...of course no body was forced but still.....we were mingled in such a manner.
One more thing...its my personal opinion....the founder of Pakistan never realised the fact that Pakistan would miss the vast minarel resources of Bihar, Orissa,Madhya Pradesh that could be the back-bone of nation's economy. Even the muslims of undevided India had equal right on these resources.
What we have achieved by the formation of India and Pakistan is in front of our eyes. Some day calculate what we would have gained by remaining united.
every person has his/her own opinion....so I will keep on dreaming...
Again I beg your perdon if by the term 'Merge' I meant humiliation to Pakistan.

Most Pakistanis always lived in their own land. We didnt have to shift anywhere but we respect those who risked everything to be part of Pakistan and we pray for the Muslims who were killed by hindus/sikhs when they were trying to enter Pakistan.

No thanks, we dont want to be part of India.

Sabir, the history you have read and the history Omer's has read, are not the same....... And this is not post 1947, but has been dragged back to 2000 years.....
Sabir, the history you have read and the history Omer's has read, are not the same....... And this is not post 1947, but has been dragged back to 2000 years.....

What history are you talking about? Check anywhere before partition, what is now Pakistan was and is still is MUSLIM MAJORITY, what is now India was and is still is HINDU MAJORITY.

Most Pakistanis always lived in their own land, the ones who migrated from India are a minority (but we love and respect them for their sacrafices for Pakistan).

Why cant you Indians accept reality which is Pakistan and India are two separate sovereign nations? And why is it that Indians always cry over partition and Pakistanis are happy we separated from India? I thought India was doing so well, wouldn't it be Pakistan regretting partition? NO, WE ARE HAPPY WE SEAPARATED AND WE ARE HAPPY TO BE PAKISTANIS! WE DONT WANT TO BE PART OF INDIA!
the best possible solution would be " Let the Kasmiris decide their future. "

Ofcourse there has to be a mutual understanding and compromise also. ?
best possible solution is to create love....solutions will come thereafter

Where do you live DisneyLand or the Magical world of Narnia :rofl::rofl:.

Sory for the comment . But how can you creat love among those who have lost their generations fighting for a cause and continue to lose their loved ones as the day passes.
You claim Balochistan is part of India too? :rolleyes:


I didn't claim anything...

since you stressed on peace after kashmir is resolved;
you sure, you won't endorse raw funding baloch insurgents propaganda?
Most Pakistanis always lived in their own land. We didnt have to shift anywhere but we respect those who risked everything to be part of Pakistan and we pray for the Muslims who were killed by hindus/sikhs when they were trying to enter Pakistan.

No thanks, we dont want to be part of India.

why dont u pray also for those hindus and sikhs who were killed during migration. Afterall men who were dead cant be your enemy. and Islam doesnt teach us to be biased. Around 72,20,000 muslims were migrated during partition and estimated combined figure for hindus and sikhs 72,40,000.....Do you want to say these are very small numbers..( number of those who were killed is not mentioned)
any way we are deviating from the topic and soon will get admonished by the moderators.
My personal belief ...Pakistan didnt occupy any part of India as the region (which is now administered by pakistan and 99-100% of populaition were muslims) revolted against the Maharaja of Kashmir who was not very popular before India came to any agreement with him. and people of these area will prefer to stay with Pakistan. Ladakh and jammu will be in India. The Future of kashmir vally should be decided by the Kashmiris..(may be my view is not in line with my Government ...but I have nothing to do with it...i must speak what I believe.)

But again I will irritate you Omar by saying..."Staying United Is The BEST SOLUTION"...:hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:
Well I am all for having a referendum in all of J&K which includes IaK, PaK including Balwaristan (FANA) area and those areas under Chinese control like Aksai Chin and Karakoram Hills (btw can any Pakistani member justify why this was given away to China?)

The only options as per UN resolutions should be India or Pakistan, Independence will not be on the table because it was removed from the resolution on the insistence of Pakistan (yes that's true!). However, if Pakistan agrees, the Independence option can be allowed as well but I doubt it.

Whoever wins entire J&K will go that country. But I guess first China might have to agree to this as it will definitely be losing its territory. You may be surprised which country might win if you go by this independant poll done by an Irish institute in late 2008 early 2009. (www.peacepolls.org)

Besides I have friends and distant relatives in Srinagar so I can say the polls look inline with views held there but then that would be anecdotal so won't bring that up.

At the end of the day, its all about Kashmiris (muslims and non-muslims) having a better quality of life.


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Sorry if i am derailing the thread but To be honest, kashmir or kasmiri muslims with whom Pakistan show fraternity, is not the issue, its the ego of Pakistan who is being brouht up with one idea in mind that kashmir is the Juguler vein of Pakistan. This ego is killing us both. If you are so concerned about Muslim brotherhood then why no one in Pakistan is saying anything about muslims being killed in China in the name of internal matter and extremism. Why top brass of Pakistan is quiet about it.

Even if Kasmir merges with Pakistan or become indipendent what will be the future of Pakistan , kashmir solution will make u (and us) a develop nation? (now please dont talk about defence expendeture will come to an hault etc etc).

why dont we let LOC be IB and move ahead or else this has no end.

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