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The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

Maybe it did only to pundits who ran away on their own will. Not to Kashmiris of Kashmir, who were born in Kashmir, live in Kashmir, and will likely die honourably in Kashmir.

That is frankly speaking disgusting. Kashmir was a secular region where Buddhists , Shia's , Hindus and Sikhs lived in peace and prospertiy for centuries together.

You tell me , what would you have done if a group of 5-6 masked men with guns came and ransacked your house, slapped you around and threatned to kill you and your kids if you did not leave immidiatly. Would you not move to save your family, especially if you live in a region where none of the members of a different community come out to support you.

What we see today is protesting is only Kashmiri Sunni Muslims, a very select band of people who never even raised an eyebrow when ethnic cleansing of the region was ongoing (this was done by Sunni Muslims only). These people don't deserve any sympathy and they should be shown for what they are i.e. Religious extremists. India gives them azadi and they'll go establish a sanctuary of global terrorism which would instigate violence as a legitimate means of pushing a democracy and ethnic cleansing as a way of life.

In the Indian freedom movement , the Hindus' , Muslims , Sikhs and Christians fought together in a non-violent way to get rid of the british. What's happening today in Kashmir is a violent war based on religion and hatred , these people don't recognize unity of faiths , they feed of violence.

Indian army is there only because of a systematic genocide that was happeing under the guise of "Azadi" , if the stone pelters go to school and terrorists lay down arms then there is no reason not to talk. In fact India , Pakistan and leaders of Kashmir were involved in a composite dialouge.

However, as it stands today - I have no sympathy for those who don't respect other faiths and staunchly oppose any freedom for perpatrators of hate, intolerance and violence.

If they are so desirous of peace , they may leave for Pakistan immidiatly and India would be happy to pay the compensation.
That is frankly speaking disgusting. Kashmir was a secular region where Buddhists , Shia's , Hindus and Sikhs lived in peace and prospertiy for centuries together.

You tell me , what would you have done if a group of 5-6 masked men with guns came and ransacked your house, slapped you around and threatned to kill you and your kids if you did not leave immidiatly. Would you not move to save your family, especially if you live in a region where none of the members of a different community come out to support you.

What we see today is protesting is only Kashmiri Sunni Muslims, a very select band of people who never even raised an eyebrow when ethnic cleansing of the region was ongoing (this was done by Sunni Muslims only). These people don't deserve any sympathy and they should be shown for what they are i.e. Religious extremists. India gives them azadi and they'll go establish a sanctuary of global terrorism which would instigate violence as a legitimate means of pushing a democracy and ethnic cleansing as a way of life.

In the Indian freedom movement , the Hindus' , Muslims , Sikhs and Christians fought together in a non-violent way to get rid of the british. What's happening today in Kashmir is a violent war based on religion and hatred , these people don't recognize unity of faiths , they feed of violence.

Indian army is there only because of a systematic genocide that was happeing under the guise of "Azadi" , if the stone pelters go to school and terrorists lay down arms then there is no reason not to talk. In fact India , Pakistan and leaders of Kashmir were involved in a composite dialouge.

However, as it stands today - I have no sympathy for those who don't respect other faiths and staunchly oppose any freedom for perpatrators of hate, intolerance and violence.

If they are so desirous of peace , they may leave for Pakistan immidiatly and India would be happy to pay the compensation.


BTW, care to define "systematic genocide that was happeing under the guise of "Azadi"" and "ethnic cleansing of the region"

BTW, care to define "systematic genocide that was happeing under the guise of "Azadi"" and "ethnic cleansing of the region"

Dont you know about forceful migration of Kashmir Pundits and killing/threating of Sikhs in Valley by your freedom fighters? Please google it. It has been framed in all Muslims world as opressions of Muslims in Kashmir where before 1987, 40% of Hindus/Sikhs stays.
Dont you know about forceful migration of Kashmir Pundits and killing/threating of Sikhs in Valley by your freedom fighters? Please google it. It has been framed in all Muslims world as opressions of Muslims in Kashmir where before 1987, 40% of Hindus/Sikhs stays.

How would i know it, i am the only toddler around here...:pop:

BTW, my question is still unanswered and also would you please enlighten us that does this ethnic cleansing and systematic genocide also include the heinous crimes by the IA?
How would i know it, i am the only toddler around here...:pop:
Whatsoever your rank here in PDF but if you ask such simple questions then answers will come in the same way.

BTW, my question is still unanswered and also would you please enlighten us that does this ethnic cleansing and systematic genocide also include the heinous crimes by the IA?

Read following link and see the displaced families and migration of Kashmiri pandits from Kashmir to give Kashmir Independance a religious color.
Panun Kashmir: A Homeland for the Kashmiri Pandits

Nopes, we dont count killing of your Freedom fighters as ethnic cleansing nor we beat our chest saying in world forums for atrocities against Muslims similar to Palestine.
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How would i know it, i am the only toddler around here...:pop:

BTW, my question is still unanswered and also would you please enlighten us that does this ethnic cleansing and systematic genocide also include the heinous crimes by the IA?

When we start including everything we start getting good solutions.
Bangkok Post : New death sparks protests in Indian Kashmir

New death sparks protests in Kashmir

* Published: 26/08/2010 at 12:56 AM


Kashmiri women mourn at the funeral of Umar Qayoom, 13, in Srinagar. Thousands of people poured on to the streets of Indian Kashmir summer capital Srinagar on Wednesday after another protester died, taking the toll in two months of violence to 64, police said.

Thousands of people poured on to the streets of Indian Kashmir summer capital Srinagar on Wednesday after another protester died, taking the toll in two months of violence to 64, police said.

The teenager who died in hospital on Wednesday had been admitted on Monday. Witnesses said he had been beaten by federal paramilitary forces during a protest against Indian rule.

His family said he had also been tortured by police in custody.

Police said they were investigating the death, which brought thousands of locals out on the streets of Srinagar's Soura district chanting slogans.

Later some of the protesters, chanting "blood for blood" and "Go India, go back", set fire to a police vehicle and a private vehicle parked near a police station, witnesses said.

Police fired live ammunition, teargas and swung batons to disperse the protesters and in the ensuing clashes 12 demonstrators were hurt, police said.

The scenic Kashmir region has been under rolling curfews to contain deadly protests that began with the killing on June 11 of a teenage student in Srinagar by a police tear-gas shell.

India's home minister P. Chidambaram regretted Wednesday that New Delhi was not able to stop the unrest.

"We are concerned that we have not been able to stop the vicious cycle in which that state is caught," he said in an address to police chiefs of all the Indian states in New Delhi, according to Press Trust of India.

"However, it is my hope that, in the next few days, we would be able to find that elusive starting point from where we could reach out to the protestors, reassure them of their rights and dignity."

He said the peace and order would be restored and "the process of dialogue restarted that will lead to a solution."

Separatists opposed to Indian rule have declined to enter into fresh talks until India withdraws troops from civilian areas, repeals tough security laws and releases all the political prisoners.

Immediately after Chidambaram's statement, authorities released senior separatist Yasin Malik who had been detained in early June, police said.

Most parts of Srinagar were under strict curfew on Wednesday after Muslim separatists opposed to Indian rule in the region called on residents to hold protests.

In other Muslim-majority towns where the curfew was not in force, a strike called by separatists to at protests the deaths brought daily life to a standstill, witnesses said.

In Pampore town, 15 kilometres (nine miles), south of Srinagar, a young protester was wounded on Wednesday when security forces opened fire to quell a demonstration, police said.

Anti-India sentiments run deep in Kashmir, where Muslim militants have fought a 20-year insurgency in Indian Kashmir against rule from New Delhi.

The mountainous region, held in part by Pakistan and India but claimed in full by both, has been the cause of two of the three wars the countries have fought since independence from Britain more than half a century ago.

The picture explains why we will never leave kashmir. :-)
Can it be simpler than this?;
We illegally occupy Kashmir?okay?
Pakistan wants it?It can try to have it,every one knows the result of the past 4 encounters..
How would i know it, i am the only toddler around here...:pop:

BTW, my question is still unanswered and also would you please enlighten us that does this ethnic cleansing and systematic genocide also include the heinous crimes by the IA?

Just look up one incident namely "The Wandhama Massacre". One of the most brutal mass murders where women and children were not spared either. 23 hindus were gunned down by "freedom fighters" , then again in 2003 , 24 hindus were shot dead and who was behind it

surprise , surpire - "FREEDOM FIGHTERS".

and I'm not even starting to quote all the incidents from 1987 onwards.

Now , there are 2 possibilities as to who did this + 1 conspiracy theory.

Possibility 1.) - Indegenious Kashmiri Freedom fighters = Pakistan ofcourse recognizes them as "local kashmiri youth" who fight against the injustices of indian army. I wonder which revenge they were taking back in 1987 and howcome the revenge from Indian army was taken by gunning down entire families of "Kafirs".

Possibility 2.) - Pakistani infiltrators who only believed that a Muslim area i.e. Kashmir is poisined by Hindus living there and that they must be eliminated to make the region "Pak" or "pure". I'm certain though that no pakistani will like to believe this.

Now the conspiracy theory which Pakistan is particularly fond of.

Conspiracy theory --- RAW agents went to Kashmir in 1987-89 and carefully killed the hindu families there so as to ellict anti-muslim feelings in the rest of India, then they urged the Indian army to go there and eliminate the muslim population and conduct human rights violations and neither Kashmiris nor Pakistanis had anythig to do with it. It was all dirty hindu thinking and planning.

Bottom line is that the instigator of violence which can be Kashmiri youth or Pakistani infiltrators (take your pick) has absolutly no right to crib about subsequent use of force on them.
Whatsoever your rank here in PDF but if you ask such simple questions then answers will come in the same way.
Yeah right!

Let's see what the omni-knowledgeable can teach us today...


Read following link and see the displaced families and migration of Kashmiri pandits from Kashmir to give Kashmir Independance a religious color.
Panun Kashmir: A Homeland for the Kashmiri Pandits

Nopes, we dont count killing of your Freedom fighters as ethnic cleansing nor we beat our chest saying in world forums for atrocities against Muslims similar to Palestine.


We have the results with us:

A link from a screwed up (indian) biased website.

A rant announcing that they dont feel proud by killing freedom fighters (while forgetting that this very thread is filled with such nonsensical posts).

And forgetting that the same kind of treatment was meted out to the Muslim population of Kashmir.

BTW, Pundits were 'taken care' of as a one time measure and this may not be termed as 'ethnic cleansing' as compared to continued, systematic and deliberate killing of Kashmiris (Muslims) by the occupational forces.

After considerable thought my brilliant mind came up with an 8th solution. Give all guys to pakistan and we will take all kashmiri girls. what say?:D
23 hindus were gunned down by "freedom fighters" , then again in 2003 , 24 hindus were shot dead and who was behind it

And you still miss out those 64 INNOCENTS that have been killed by your forces since this current protest in Kashmir alone!
23 hindus were gunned down by "freedom fighters" , then again in 2003 , 24 hindus were shot dead and who was behind it

And you still miss out those 64 INNOCENTS that have been killed by your forces since this current protest in Kashmir alone!

killings r killings.
killings r killings.

Well that's what i have been trying to say.

You cannot feel 'bad' about your Pundits and at the same time close your eyes when Muslims are butchered by your forces.
Well that's what i have been trying to say.

You cannot feel 'bad' about your Pundits and at the same time close your eyes when Muslims are butchered by your forces.
Except that the Pandits were killed for being Pandits and the 'Muslims' were killed, regrettably, for creating chaos in the Valley through unlawful means. The former comes under the definition of 'genocide' while the later is a law and order situation.

Then again, a toddler is not supposed to know the nuances.

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