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The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

Does that really matter?
Hell of a lot. Thats why quotes were invented/introduced. However a toddler may be excused for thinking that quotes are meant for decorating words.
And your quotes were ignored (rather went for a six) when you used the word regrettably thus showing 'empathy' towards those who were killed.
Those quotes meant that I am using the word for the sake of an argument.

And feeling empathy for the suffering of any living being is human nature. Any loss of life, for any reason is always regrettable.

You either feel bad about Muslims being killed or you justify the killings of 'Muslims' by the IA as they cause 'chaos' - you just ripped Kashmiris of their legitimate right to protest thus spitting over your secularism and democracy (read the 'largest' around here).

So, these two stances cant go together!
Actually there is no contradiction. One can regret a loss of life (whatever be the religious disposition of the deceased) and at the same time be critical of the act of the deceased.

One comes from a feeling of empathy and the other one comes from a sense of right and wrong.

Since you are a toddler you are yet to learn how an adult thinks. Or may be this provides an insight why a recent Pew poll found majority Pakistani in favour of Talibani style of dispensing law.

PS: If quotes don't matter why are you using them now?

But like i said, dimwits can be of confused minds who usually find it difficult to decide upon certain very lucid matters.
Good to know that you are self-aware.
we can see based by your avatar!


Actually it was too subtle for the thickhead to understand that the use of toddler was infact a superlative degree of sarcasm basing on his avatar.


Damn nincompoops..!!!
what about ongoing regrettable killings --especially in Sri Nagar? Those are a backlash to exercising the very democratic rights you claim to espouse -while reality on the ground is quite different
So now stone pelting, setting government properties on fire, attacking law enforcement officers etc are considered as democratic right in Pakistan.

It figures.
with regards to that incident, it was misguided hindus who were torching the homes of Muslim Kashmiris; they were of the view that they were entitled to lands that did not belong to them

(sounds familiar)
Views don't hurt, my friend.
Actually it was too subtle for the thickhead to understand that the use of toddler was infact a superlative degree of sarcasm basing on his avatar.


Damn nincompoops..!!!
Oh the wit. It's brutal.:rofl:
Hell of a lot. Thats why quotes were invented/introduced. However a toddler may be excused for thinking that quotes are meant for decorating words.

Those quotes meant that I am using the word for the sake of an argument.

And feeling empathy for the suffering of any living being is human nature. Any loss of life, for any reason is always regrettable.

Actually there is no contradiction. One can regret a loss of life (whatever be the religious disposition of the deceased) and at the same time be critical of the act of the deceased.

One comes from a feeling of empathy and the other one comes from a sense of right and wrong.

Since you are a toddler you are yet to learn how an adult thinks. Or may be this provides an insight why a recent Pew poll found majority Pakistani in favour of Talibani style of dispensing law.

PS: If quotes don't matter why are you using them now?

Good to know that you are self-aware.

And that's it....


N.B. i have been using quotes in 95% of my posts.
Why, is there a competition on, to be the forum joker?

Well, your avatar says it more than you does, oh wait.. may be not - both, your avatar and posts says it all.

So now stone pelting, setting government properties on fire, attacking law enforcement officers etc are considered as democratic right in Pakistan.

Not at all. But it has happened on occasion. But Pakistan is not a disputed territory. People can stand in front of press clubs shouting slogans, people can block streets and protest to their hearts content -even if it is to the inconvenience of motorists & passers-by.

Some will get arrested if things get out of hand, but they wont be shot or maimed; they wont be threatened; and curfews wont be imposed on them. Text messaging services wont be blocked, etc.

This is a silly example you brought up. Kashmiris do not appreciate the occupation; and they have no avenues or ways to channel their frustration and anger.

as shallow as this may sound -- hindustan is a large enough country; you have more than enough land on your plate to worry about. Why not just prepare yourselves on HOW to deal with Kashmir when Kashmiris DO inevitably succeed in attaining their existential right to self-determination?

Or do you think status quo is sustainable for the worlds largest secular/democracy

Views don't hurt, my friend.

Oh, I agree; except when you express them and receive bullets and laathi-charge in return
Ouch, so it did break something...
So now stone pelting, setting government properties on fire, attacking law enforcement officers etc are considered as democratic right in Pakistan.

It figures.

i wonder why didnt they kill a few when protesters shattered shop windows, windows at police headquarters, torched police cruisers and smashed windows with baseball bats and hammers in Toronto during the G-20 protest.

i dont know why the Turkish Police did not use lethal force against stone pelters who went for the israeli consulate in Turkey against the flotilla massacre.

i dont understand why didnt they meted out the same treatment to the protesters who killed (unwillingly though) three people when they burnt down Athens Bank in Greece during rioting over harsh austerity measures.

Oh wait..i know why...all the above protesters weren't throwing stones on sissies (read indian police /army) who cant do anything except committing acts of cowardice by using live bullets against STONE pelters!!

My foot and half to the 'largest' democracy.....!!!
Not at all. But it has happened on occasion. But Pakistan is not a disputed territory. People can stand in front of press clubs shouting slogans, people can block streets and protest to their hearts content -even if it is to the inconvenience of motorists & passers-by.

Some will get arrested if things get out of hand, but they wont be shot or maimed; they wont be threatened; and curfews wont be imposed on them. Text messaging services wont be blocked, etc.

This is a silly example you brought up. Kashmiris do not appreciate the occupation; and they have no avenues or ways to channel their frustration and anger.

A lot of difference between people shouting slogans and people attacking security forces and destroying public property. And we all saw what happens, when security forces do not enforce the writ of law. And I do mean Karachi here.. People die then too. Not too much of a difference between people getting killed due to Police action or Police In action...

as shallow as this may sound -- hindustan is a large enough country; you have more than enough land on your plate to worry about. Why not just prepare yourselves on HOW to deal with Kashmir when Kashmiris DO inevitably succeed in attaining their existential right to self-determination?
As far as we are concerned, Kashmiris are one group of people in India. And any part of India will be decided on by all the people of India and not only one group. Thats how it works in a democracy.

Or do you think status quo is sustainable for the worlds largest secular/democracy
We are definitely not in a status quo. Check the trends over last 10 years. Have been posted multiple times in this forum.


Oh, I agree; except when you express them and receive bullets and laathi-charge in return

Well.. If you express your views by means of attacking security forces in a riot like situation, you are bound to get hurt. Its unfortunate that use of non lethal riot control gear is not very prevelant in India. Hopefully these events will bring about a change in this area..
i wonder why didnt they kill a few when protesters shattered shop windows, windows at police headquarters, torched police cruisers and smashed windows with baseball bats and hammers in Toronto during the G-20 protest.

i dont know why the Turkish Police did not use lethal force against stone pelters who went for the israeli consulate in Turkey against the flotilla massacre.

i dont understand why didnt they meted out the same treatment to the protesters who killed (unwillingly though) three people when they burnt down Athens Bank in Greece during rioting over harsh austerity measures.
The scale of violence in all the cited cases doesn’t compare to that perpetrated by those handful Kashmiris. In none of those cases near about 1500 law enforcement personnel were injured.

On another thought, it's funny that you should mention, of all the countries, Turkey. I guess you have forgotten what General Zia did to the Palestinian settlers in Turkey.
Oh wait..i know why...all the above protesters weren't throwing stones on sissies (read indian police /army) who cant do anything except committing acts of cowardice by using live bullets against STONE pelters!!
If Indian police/army started using live bullets as charitably as PA did against the Bengalis, Kashmir would have become a Valley of corpse.
My foot and half to the 'largest' democracy.....!!!
Foot and half, huh? What happened to the other half. Did you step on your own mental excreta, slip and end up inserting it in your rectal orifice? You know, that would explain a whole lot of things.
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Yeah right!

Let's see what the omni-knowledgeable can teach us today...

Ohh I see an unnecessary "pride" of a status holder of PDF..


We have the results with us:

A link from a screwed up (indian) biased website.

A rant announcing that they dont feel proud by killing freedom fighters (while forgetting that this very thread is filled with such nonsensical posts).
Killing protester or rioters is one thing and target killing of Hindu/Sikh minorities by so called "Freedom Fighters" is another thing.. I hope you understand the same.. wait you are Think tank .. how would you not know this ;)

And forgetting that the same kind of treatment was meted out to the Muslim population of Kashmir.

BTW, Pundits were 'taken care' of as a one time measure and this may not be termed as 'ethnic cleansing' as compared to continued, systematic and deliberate killing of Kashmiris (Muslims) by the occupational forces.


Here you come up with your dubious thought process and hypocrisy. Kashmiri is Kashmiri and no Muslims and Hindus.. If you are talking about Kashmiri Independance then you have to consider the minorities in that area.. Otherwise you are nothing but behaving on religious bigotry like Geelani.. Go think.. Think tank.....
Solution 8: Wipe Pakistan off the map. Split it into several smaller countries. It is already terror infested anyway. We'd be doing everyone in Pakistan and India a huge favour.

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