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The French Navy Stands Up to China

The French navy has the right to sail through international waters and to guarantee the freedom of navigation,the Chinese and their BS claims can only bark as loud as they want.
Only thing your crappy navy can do is sail pass Chinese islands. Your weak navy will never be able to stop China from further enlargement/reclamations and putting weapons on their islands. As for your BS country, good luck with those annual terrorist attacks and migrant problem, looks like they are their to stay. :-)
The French navy has the right to sail through international waters and to guarantee the freedom of navigation,the Chinese and their BS claims can only bark as loud as they want.

You upset a lot of ppl :D ....good return on investment by France ;)

Not to forget they can't play football without the blacks.

You always make me chuckle buddy...hehe.
Here come Indian cheerleader :lol:, but I haven't see Indian navy came close as our islands as yet...

Why would Chinese govt controlled media be interested to report that when it happens? It will be huge loss of face.

Any navy worth its beans "violates" Chinese waah claim (seeing how silly it is. given mongolia could just make its own nine-dash-line into all of China mainland by same logic lol) probably several times in a year. China just picks which ones to report so it can better manage the STRONK feelz equivalence optics to its sheeple public.

@Viet @Vergennes @frequency @Hamartia Antidote @KAL-EL
Why would Chinese govt controlled media be interested to report that when it happens? It will be huge loss of face.

Any navy worth its beans "violates" Chinese waah claim (seeing how silly it is. given mongolia could just make its own nine-dash-line into all of China mainland by same logic lol) probably several times in a year. China just picks which ones to report so it can better manage the STRONK feelz equivalence optics to its sheeple public.

@Viet @Vergennes @frequency @Hamartia Antidote @KAL-EL

Lol that's what you can afford to say by skating my question, instead of cheerleading others for what Indian can't do will not make you any better, just send you Indian Navy close to our islands as what US did than talk to me later :lol:
Lol that's what you can afford to say by skating my question, instead of cheerleading others for what Indian can't do will not make you any better, just send you Indian Navy close to our islands as what US did than talk to me later :lol:

Like I said, you are free to believe chinese media is a 100% truth speaker on such issues.....rest of us just find it amusing.
Here come Indian cheerleader :lol:, but I haven't see Indian navy came close as our islands as yet...
You're so wrong. 10,000 years ago the Indian already had interstellar flight. No doubt they already been to SCS before the Chinese nation was formed .
How will french win when their technology is only slightly better than China's and China can probably field 3-5 sailors/soldiers per french soldier?
Maybe you should take a few readings about naval warfare.

Take two ships of equal size and armament. Each ship requires 100 sailors to operate. So if Ship A have 200 sailors but Ship B have 100 sailors, does that mean A will win? It must, because A have double the sailors of B, right?

Man is not meant to be on/in water. We evolved to be on land. A unit of soldiers can disperse and regroup. A unit of sailors cannot. In naval warfare, the quality of ships and the sailors matters more than how many sailors per ship such that a numerically inferior fleet can defeat the numerically superior fleet. But as the Battle of Tsushima showed, the higher quality of both ships and sailors, and numerically superior, of the Japanese Navy ended in the gross defeat of the Russian Navy. The combination of the two -- quality and numbers -- were too much for the Russians.
Seriously, do you guys believe without US backing France dares to send ships to SCS? It's just an US lapdog, When US leaves countries like France , Britain and Australia with go with it. Just ignore them, they are clowns to show loyalty to their master, that's it.
Slightly? Their technology is way more sophisticated than what the PLAN currently have. Their radar & the mmb40 exocet missiles system especially. The chinese radar system & the yingji missile are not even up to par to western standard.

Also not responding to you. Saying the chinese have more ships doesn't mean anything if there were no explanation given to how the PLAN would win.

Given that the french have every advantages beside numerical I still don't think the french would be beaten considering that the PLAN can't reach france.

In what way Horizon class radar and mmb40 exocet is more sophisticated than 052D's AESA AN/SPY-3 and ASM YJ-12?

Type 052D is comparable to US Aegis Arleigh Burke, but their radar is more advanced (AESA). France's horizon class and her other destroyers are no match to 052D or Arleigh Burke.

YJ-12 is more advanced than Exocet it's speed could reach mach 4 and almost 400km range, it is one of US Navy's major concern. Not to mention HQ-9, HQ-19 that 052D bring.

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In SCS Chinese missiles can overwhelm all navies in the world including US navy, so even US navy won't do anything except for passing through this region. All ships can pass through this region, China never tried to impede the free passage of SCS.

SCS is very close to China, if the battle was drawn in this region, China can quickly mobilise recourses and fast reach the battle groud with the support of land based missiles and aircrafte. What France can put in this battle? It's so obvious, France just barks to please its master a bit. nothing more.
Maybe you should take a few readings about naval warfare.

Take two ships of equal size and armament. Each ship requires 100 sailors to operate. So if Ship A have 200 sailors but Ship B have 100 sailors, does that mean A will win? It must, because A have double the sailors of B, right?

Man is not meant to be on/in water. We evolved to be on land. A unit of soldiers can disperse and regroup. A unit of sailors cannot. In naval warfare, the quality of ships and the sailors matters more than how many sailors per ship such that a numerically inferior fleet can defeat the numerically superior fleet. But as the Battle of Tsushima showed, the higher quality of both ships and sailors, and numerically superior, of the Japanese Navy ended in the gross defeat of the Russian Navy. The combination of the two -- quality and numbers -- were too much for the Russians.
I agree with your point that more sailors doesnt mean better navy/ better chance of winning naval battle. But the reality is more serious than that- China fields more naval equipment than France does. But lets cut to the chase, are you agreeing or disagreeing in a 1 on 1 France will beat China in naval warfare? thats the bottomline question here.
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