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The food bridge India built with Kim's Korea

Götterdämmerung;2413844 said:
But I have never seen any Chinese/ Chinese media or high ranking officials boasting how they will become a super duper power in x years, how Shanghai will leave New York, London, Paris in the dust in x year, how their GDP will be the biggest in x years, how their Olympic Games will put xyz Olympic Games to shame, etc.
So how relevant for you to get in to a discussion btw Indian and a Chinese????may be that you are a true German indeed or proving my suspicions regarding your country of origin ???whatever it be ours is not a Government controlled media and some freaks are allowed to write whatever they wish its upto us to take that seriously or just move on...if you still dont get the point of what i am saying you surely lake the great engineering minds of a true German...
So how relevant for you to get in to a discussion btw Indian and a Chinese????may be that you are a true German indeed or proving my suspicions regarding your country of origin ???whatever it be ours is not a Government controlled media and some freaks are allowed to write whatever they wish its upto us to take that seriously or just move on...if you still dont get the point of what i am saying you surely lake the great engineering minds of a true German...

This is an open forum. I can state my opinion as I like. What does German engineering have to do with my righ to make a statement?

Your media is much more controlled than my country's media. Just google Reporters sans Frontiére. BTW, it's your high ranking officials who made those boastful statements. I even watch the opening ceremony of the CWG and at the opening speech, the head of the organisation did mention India being a super power.
The nominal per capita of North Korea is roughly 1300 US$, higher than Vietnam, India or Pakistan. And as in any communist/sociliast countries in eastern bloc, the disparity in income is surely much smaller than in capitalist countries, especially countries like India or Phillipines, where majority live in abject poverty with some billionaires on top. In global hungry index, North Korea rank 29th, while India rank almost at the bottom at 67th.

I do not like the dictatoship of Kim family, but from management point of view, they did much better job than the goverment of India, Pakistan or even Vietnam. The country is arounf 70% urbanized, their cities are clean, modern looking and civilized, like any Eastern European cities in the past.
There is starvation sometimes, but it happened in Soviet Union also.

In general, though North Korea is poor country, their country is full of potential. The people are highly educated, although being disconnected to outside world, disciplined and hard-working.

Western press may have some moral background in criticizing North Korea, but I find it laughable if India imitate these. The average North Korean are more educated, more well fed and living in more civilized enviroment than average Indian.
Thanks, AViet. indians have been brainwashed by the Western media to believe North Korea is a really bad place to live. In fact, statistics show North Koreans have far higher income, health and life expectancy than india.
Thanks, AViet. indians have been brainwashed by the Western media to believe North Korea is a really bad place to live. In fact, statistics show North Koreans have far higher income, health and life expectancy than india.

But I don't see Indians risking their limbs and lives to reach the worker's paradise of China or the purer than pure land of Pakistan(like North Koreans do to reach anywhere but back home) or may be Indians just like to starve to death in their own country.
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