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The food bridge India built with Kim's Korea

Don't be naive.

Why are we supposed to believe what Chinese communist party officials told US officials? They could have just lied:confused:

We don't know for sure whether the Chinese are lying or not. There is a possibility as politics is most often very, very dirty. But we know for sure that Iraq didn't have any WMD.
Don't be naive.

Why are we supposed to believe what Chinese communist party officials told US officials? They could have just lied:confused:

If China wanted it could have easily stopped North Korea from acquiring nukes and brokered a peace deal between North and South Koreas and unification.

As I said earlier, China likes to use these pariah nations as a weapon and as an asset against its own enemies.

So yeah no one is buying this hogwash. China is responsible for the plight of North Koreans.

China Won't Help U.S. On North Korea, And Here's Why - Forbes

N.Korea was set up by USSR and during the cold war the country was on USSR side,there used to be tension bw us and they shot dead our citizens on our side of the border and the whole area was closed off for years.no one can tell them what to do and one thing people have to give N.Korea the credit,they are very independent in their politics.if they'd listened to China and followed our path of openning up and reform the economy,they would be at least on par with the South,we showed their 2 generation leader around many of our booming cities,shanghai,shenzhen...and tried very hard to impress them and make them realize the good result from those reforms,but they just didnt want it.you can take a horse to water,but you can make it drink.
N.Korea was set up by USSR and during the cold war the country was on USSR side,there used to be tension bw us and they shot dead our citizens on our side of the border and the whole area was closed off for years.no one can tell them what to do and one thing people have to give N.Korea the credit,they are very independent in their politics.if they'd listened to China and followed our path of openning up and reform the economy,they would be at least on par with the South,we showed their 2 generation leader around many of our booming cities,shanghai,shenzhen...and tried very hard to impress them and make them realize the good result from those reforms,but they just didnt want it.you can take a horse to water,but you can make it drink.

USSR alone didn't back N Korea. China did too. 150,000 Chinese died in the Korean War.

More than 50% of N Korean import comes from China. And no other country is willing to export to them due to the embargo. Are you telling me that China can't coerce North Korea to toe its line?
Can we grow up and stop fighting over each and every issue...
It was a humanitarian cause and i am glad we could be of some help...

On a side note: NK is one of the countries i would like to visit some day..
Are you telling me that China can't coerce North Korea to toe its line?

it's the other way around.they always puts China in a dilemma and asks China to clean up their mess.several times they pushed China to the limit of what we can possibly take.
they crossed the line by testing a nuclear bomb next to Chinese border and many Chinese cities detected harmful radiation.

N Korea nuclear test angers China
China has angrily criticised an a nuclear test explosion carried out by North Korea, calling on its government not to inflame tensions with countries opposed to its atomic work.

"The Chinese government expresses its resolute opposition," China's foreign ministry said on Monday, hours after Pyongyang announced it had conducted the explosion - its second such nuclear test.

"The Chinese side vehemently demands North Korea abides by its denuclearisation promises, stop any actions which may worsen the situation and return to the six-party talks process.

NK’s massive drug trafficking angers China:
donga.com[English donga]
one credit I have to give to N.Korea,they really have the guts to piss everyone,they just do whatever they want to do and give a damn about what others say or think.
one credit I have to give to N.Korea,they really have the guts to piss everyone,they just do whatever they want to do and give a damn about what others say or think.

Their strength as a nation is very admirable indeed.
Their strength as a nation is very admirable indeed.
But all that strength is superficial,they know that they have china to clean up their mess.They would not have survived the sanctions if they didnt had china's support.Civilian unrest over unemployment,drought,no trade oppurtunities,lack of essential commodities would have coerced them into giving up their wmd's and lets face it they are no Iran which can play the oil card,they simply do not have anything to offer or bargain.So I think China could have stopped them from acquiring nuclear weapons if they wanted to,as North korea is totally at the mercy of china.It was in china's interest to have a nuclear korea to contain both south korea and japan.
But all that strength is superficial,they know that they have china to clean up their mess.They would not have survived the sanctions if they didnt had china's support.Civilian unrest over unemployment,drought,no trade oppurtunities,lack of essential commodities would have coerced them into giving up their wmd's and lets face it they are no Iran which can play the oil card,they simply do not have anything to offer or bargain.So I think China could have stopped them from acquiring nuclear weapons if they wanted to,as North korea is totally at the mercy of china.It was in china's interest to have a nuclear korea to contain both south korea and japan.

that's very wrong,China strongly opposed N.Korea having nuclear bombs,to be frank,Chinese also know they are crazy and very unstable and unpredictable,deep inside we habor that fear that one day they may use the bomb against China.
that's very wrong,China strongly opposed N.Korea having nuclear bombs,to be frank,Chinese also know they are crazy and very unstable and unpredictable,deep inside we habor that fear that one day they may use the bomb against China.

Hard to believe:no:

In a little-known initiative by the Manmohan Singh government that reflects India's quiet march to global power status, New Delhi revived contacts with the reclusive regime last year which led to a gift five months ago of 900 tonnes of soya beans and 373 tonnes of wheat for impoverished North Koreans reeling from hunger and famine produced by an exceptionally bad harvest earlier this year.

With 900 tonnes of soya beans and 373 tonnes of wheat india marched towards 'global power' status?? Man o man.....
So Indians "donate" to NK for their own benefits, not really helping the NK people. It's like buying your "global power status."

Come on dude..give us a break...if someone will be a global power with this much of aid...then Pakistan would be on the top of the
list..with their aid to diff countries in building nuclear bomb..they cud be a super power..
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