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The first J20 plane taxiing cell phone video high-speed!

Your HAL Tejas (which the JF-17 can easily compete with) hasn't even made it into service yet.

Your FGFA, according to Indian officials, hasn't made its first flight on paper yet.

Analysts agree that the J-20 performance is superior to the T-50 and on par with F-22.

joke of century..:rofl: i know chinese ego is hurt badly by FGFA developments so they must fake something to protect its inflated ego... notice everytime someone from India does soemthing next we hear China coming out with fake and secret sources look we also doing it...:rofl:
J20 is a joke. China cannot even make a plane as good as a flanker for another 15 years without outside support. its just eye wash to inflate their self-ego. anyways what happened to the chinese secrecy..??? :rofl: feeling the heat of Indian FGFA so acting superior. all know what china is capable of - faking.

:rofl::rofl::rofl:When I really in this BBS contact with Indian

Totally changed my impression of India

I'm from guangdong province of China

Where there are often Indian

They politeness and clever

Native indians with foreign indians have very big distinction?

For instance you


The world, asking for any country

What weapon development longest trouble most: LCA o Joan

From which country: India
joke of century..:rofl: i know chinese ego is hurt badly by FGFA developments so they must fake something to protect its inflated ego... notice everytime someone from India does soemthing next we hear China coming out with fake and secret sources look we also doing it...:rofl:

image processing analysis has been applied the J-20 photos and they were proven real.

Do you dare submit your FGFA photos for the same analysis? oh wait, there's no photos, it's just an idea on paper.
Don't debate with Indian. It's waste time.
He won me. The fighter is J10. lol.

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joke of century..:rofl: i know chinese ego is hurt badly by FGFA developments so they must fake something to protect its inflated ego... notice everytime someone from India does soemthing next we hear China coming out with fake and secret sources look we also doing it...:rofl:

Native Indian people feel very good

FGFA paper airplane

2167 equipment worldwide

The Indian brothers, the first seven generations plane LCA when serving? :hang2::rofl::rofl::rofl:
thats the reality...whwnever India does something.. the Chinese secret media comes into picture and starts to act superior... all secrecy of pla is gone at that point....coz they have to act superior and act like yes we can also do....!! :rofl:

its just fake news being let out deliberately to heal their bruished egos.!!
because of the the FGFA developments.

Chna cant even make flanker for another 15 years. forget about anything comparable to FGFA of F-22.
joke of century..:rofl: i know chinese ego is hurt badly by FGFA developments so they must fake something to protect its inflated ego... notice everytime someone from India does soemthing next we hear China coming out with fake and secret sources look we also doing it...:rofl:

Please do not feed the troll. Instead, watch my video that explains 15 aspects of China's J-20 stealth fighter that meets F-20 Raptor benchmarks. 10,694 views in only 5 days! 33.8% of the viewers are Americans, but only 2.9% are Indians. I guess my video is too painful for some.

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image processing analysis has been applied the J-20 photos and they were proven real.

Do you dare submit your FGFA photos for the same analysis? oh wait, there's no photos, it's just an idea on paper.

FGFA is the PAKFA. Go check on google. and for ur fake plane yes how can we assume it is really 5th gen. just because the chinese want to fake it .... notice how quickly they come out with anything that India does... they start later but drop out of sky and then they claim we started earlier and we will have it earlier.. .cry babies...:rofl:.....

China has limited capability at making fake and inferior copies of old planes..nothing more..
Please do not feed the troll. Instead, watch my video that explains 15 aspects of China's J-20 stealth fighter that meets F-20 Raptor's benchmarks. 10,545 views in only 5 days! 33.8% of the viewers are American, but only 2.9% are Indian. I guess my video is too painful for some.

YouTube - China's J-20 Stealth Fighter

stop delusional attitude and faking it to satisfy ur egos... China is no where close to a 5th gen plane till 2035 at least.... first compare to a flanker in 15 years at least... where u make it completely without copying...then dream about f-22 at least not before 2035... be realistic. u know chinese dont have any capability beyond inferior copies of old planes...

FGFA is really hurting the Chinese ego..
何必和这种阿三混混一般见识呢?拿他当成阿穷人型版笑话围观就好了。 o(∩_∩)o
FGFA is the PAKFA. Go check on google. and for ur fake plane yes how can we assume it is really 5th gen. just because the chinese want to fake it .... notice how quickly they come out with anything that India does... they start later but drop out of sky and then they claim we started earlier and we will have it earlier.. .cry babies...:rofl:.....

China has limited capability at making fake and inferior copies of old planes..nothing more..
China developed J8

India: LCA is generations fighters!

China development J10

India: LCA is 4.5 fighters!

China development J20

India: LCA is... Oh! India has FGFA paper airplanes! FGFA = F22! Oh eighth generation fighter!

Chinese: · · · · · · · ·

China development JXX

India: LCA universe is developed for 50 years service fighter 500 years

Chinese: · · · · :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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