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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

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wtf you mean this ppl were hired from akp to do this? :what:
You know exactly what he means,but in case you dont(i doubt it) know;thanks to the AKP government these rats have the guts to do such a thing(they know there will be no punishment).
TBMM;''kurdistan milletvekili olarak....''
Turk bayraklarini indirmek.
Nevruz;;PKK bayraklari,Kurdistan Bayraklari.
Ve sayri.
You know exactly what he means,but in case you dont(i doubt it) know;thanks to the AKP government these rats have the guts to do such a thing(they know there will be no punishment).
TBMM;''kurdistan milletvekili olarak....''
Turk bayraklarini indirmek.
Nevruz;;PKK bayraklari,Kurdistan Bayraklari.
Ve sayri.
It is not only that. In the past PKK supporters were hunted down by the Turkish secret service. Most of the PKK supporters left Turkey for Europe and the US. My father has Kurdish friends who fled to Europe and they gave up on the hope of PKK's vision because there was no light in the tunnel. Now if you met them they became Turkish nationalists and have a vacation house in Izmir. The danger of AKP's politics is that a lot of PKK supporters are seeing the light of the tunnel because they see weakness. Kurds who wouldn't support PKK are now supporting PKK. AKP is destroying decades of progress the Turkish government has done. I'm not old enough to know the before and after of AKP rule but facts speak for itself. PKK has record high recrutement, sabotage of roads, moving from the moutains to the cities, etc.
wtf you mean this ppl were hired from akp to do this? :what:
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This is how pkk and its supporters use women and children as human shields in ''protests''

It is not only that. In the past PKK supporters were hunted down by the Turkish secret service. Most of the PKK supporters left Turkey for Europe and the US. My father has Kurdish friends who fled to Europe and they gave up on the hope of PKK's vision because there was no light in the tunnel. Now if you met them they became Turkish nationalists and have a vacation house in Izmir. The danger of AKP's politics is that a lot of PKK supporters are seeing the light of the tunnel because they see weakness. Kurds who wouldn't support PKK are now supporting PKK. AKP is destroying decades of progress the Turkish government has done. I'm not old enough to know the before and after of AKP rule but facts speak for itself. PKK has record high recrutement, sabotage of roads, moving from the moutains to the cities, etc.

senin amk.
Before,they were only barking outside of Turkiye.
Your father is right,i have lots of Kurdish friends(most did support PKK) and most of them are anti PKK now.
They have seen that its better to be with then against Turkiye.
The AKP is soft on terrorists because of their agenda,they think they can unite all in a Islam oriented country(federation of many),the PKK will never lay down arms but hey let them(AKP) dream.
You know what happens to dreams in our neighbourhood,they turn into nightmares.

Beter niet vloeken.
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TSK'dan flaş açıklama! PKK saldırdı

"Bölücü Terör Örgütü mensubu teröristler tarafından, 25 Mart 2015 saat 13.25’te Dağlıca /Yüksekova / Hakkâri Bölgesindeki unsurlarımıza yönelik üç adet havan atışı yapılmıştır.

Dağlıca’da bulunan havan tespit radarıyla belirlenen söz konusu havan atışlarının yapıldığı hedefler, 155 mm Fırtına Obüsü ve 120 mm havanlar ile derhal ateş altına alınmıştır.

Ayrıca, Bölücü Terör Örgütü mensubu teröristler tarafından, 25 Mart 2015 saat 14.40’da Dağlıca Bölgesindeki unsurlarımıza Biksi makineli tüfekler ve Doçka uçaksavar makineli tüfekler ile ateş edilmek suretiyle silahlı saldırıda bulunulmuştur.

Yapılan terörist ateşlerine, bölgede bulunan unsurlarımız tarafından derhal ateşle karşılık verilmiştir.

Taciz ateşi zaman zaman devam etmektedir"
TSK'dan flaş açıklama! PKK saldırdı - Milliyet.com.tr

So our soldiers started to use Serhat Radar.
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