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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

The Only to win the Fight against PKK is to cut off Europe from Ressources they need like Oil, Gas, Phosphates etc. In this way we need to strength our influence in Central Asia, ME and North Africa ! If european Goverments do tolerate Activities of PKK close Organisation we can cut of them from Gas for example !

The transit of illelgal Migrants which want enter EU are going through Turkey, Tunisia, Libya and Morocco, so we need to Coordinate the Cooperation against illegal migrants with these Countries. The Fight against illegal Migration should be depend on Conditions !

You were an AKP support arent you ? care to tell your opinion about Apo's freedom and autonomy ? how would you react if these become reality ?
When we do that, they will see it as siding with Russia and our balance will be heavily disturbed.

Now we can not use Gas as a Weapon against Europe, but the Importance as a Energy Hub will increase when TANAP will become ready in 2019 and if Russia agree to fund a Pipeline to Turkey in it's own Terretorial Waters at black Sea ! Another way is to make the fight against illegal Migration depend on Conditions, this Step I would Chose before an Gas Embargo !

You were an AKP support arent you ? care to tell your opinion about Apo's freedom and autonomy ? how would you react if these become reality ?

Yes, I'm AKP Supporter ! But I believe Erdogan could not allow itself such a step !
Now we can not use Gas as a Weapon against Europe, but the Importance as a Energy Hub will increase when TANAP will become ready in 2019 and if Russia agree to fund a Pipeline to Turkey in it's own Terretorial Waters at black Sea ! Another way is to make the fight against illegal Migration depend on Conditions, this Step I would Chose before an Gas Embargo !

Yes, I'm AKP Supporter ! But I believe Erdogan could not allow itself such a step !

My question is how would you react if its done ?
What does it have with BDP ? BDP always wanted that, its AKP that gives them that, anything about that ?

Before you talk about AKP ...

Look at Europe which is an example for modernism and Succes for the Kemalists, they do Support PKK against our Country ! They have supportet PKK when our Girls were not allowed to go to Universities when they are wearing Hijab !

You take all the Ideals from them who hate us and want destroy Turkey !
Before you talk about AKP ...

Look at Europe which is an example for modernism and Succes for the Kemalists, they do Support PKK against our Country ! They have supportet PKK when our Girls were not allowed to go to Universities when they are wearing Hijab !

You take all the Ideals from them who hate us and want destroy Turkey !

Why are you bringing in irrevelant things ? I asked you a simple question, if AKP gives autonomy and freedom to Apo what would you do ? seeing how you try to change subject, I think answer is clear, you are talking of burning bdp offices,you must be a very sensitive patriot but you would absolutely do nothing about AKP, even if Tayyip says "f.ck you" to 80 million people, there is still millions that would keep voting him.

Patriotic talk all the time, but if Tayyip does such stuff, his voters just silently agree, not a single opposition ! where is the patriotism ?
Why are you bringing in irrevelant things ? I asked you a simple question, if AKP gives autonomy and freedom to Apo what would you do ? seeing how you try to change subject, I think answer is clear, you are talking of burning bdp offices,you must be a very sensitive patriot but you would absolutely do nothing about AKP, even if Tayyip says "f.ck you" to 80 million people, there is still millions that would keep voting him.

Patriotic talk all the time, but if Tayyip does such stuff, his voters just silently agree, not a single opposition ! where is the patriotism ?

the true thing: maybe someone will shoot both down..

my not so funny thoughts: and everybody would agree that it is a patriotic act maybe erdogan ppl would say he gived his live so öcalan could die :D

new chapter:

but the main problem of Türkiyeli is that everyone of them cannot go the path of the middle.. there is nothing true except my own thoughts and I will love everyone who agrees me.. this will descripe the whole discussion here :D
call it the mentality of this region but this is what our Türkiye Cumhuriyetli ppl lack most.. so both sides cannot change the mind of the other so stick together with what you agree..
This forum is full of children. Look at me child, if the rumours about the release of the head of terrorists was something true, do you think they would announce it such carelessly ? Also its something known that current officials of BDP dont like Apo so much. Just another attempt to provoke çözüm süreci. I dont understand why its always such easy to fool people.
This forum is full of children. Look at me child, if the rumours about the release of the head of terrorists was something true, do you think they would announce it such carelessly ? Also its something known that current officials of BDP dont like Apo so much. Just another attempt to provoke çözüm süreci. I dont understand why its always such easy to fool people.

What do you mean they don't like him ? they are worshipping him are you kidding ? Its the PKK and BDP officials that are making these statements, why would they try to "provoke" çözüm süreci when its about satisfying them ?
the true thing: maybe someone will shoot both down..

my not so funny thoughts: and everybody would agree that it is a patriotic act maybe erdogan ppl would say he gived his live so öcalan could die :D

new chapter:

but the main problem of Türkiyeli is that everyone of them cannot go the path of the middle.. there is nothing true except my own thoughts and I will love everyone who agrees me.. this will descripe the whole discussion here :D
call it the mentality of this region but this is what our Türkiye Cumhuriyetli ppl lack most.. so both sides cannot change the mind of the other so stick together with what you agree..

....... Well if one certain law changes..... than some people will change
Here is a summary, at early meetings they probably agreed that Apo would be freed at 2015 which is why they keep barking about 2015, akp would obviously would not do anything about autonomy or apo before elections, after elections they could refuse and start the conflict again, or slowly make people agree with the idea and do it after a time.

Edit: Karayılan: Apo 2015'te kongrede - Hürriyet GÜNDEM

But knowing elections is their change, Kurds will surely push for something to done before elections.
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