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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

I remember the propaganda article 1 or 2 months ago when pentagon supposedly stopped drone program with Turkey against pkk rats
Elimination of top pkk terrorist is actually proof that Turkey doesn’t give a shit about pentagon “help”(more like sabotage)
When another fool questions turkish drone program i will be happy to roast him/her with proven facts
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Nice, I’d love to see more news like this. And not just pkk, ypg too any terrorist organization that controls areas next to Turkeys borders.
BTW... why aren’t we using personelle clusterbomb. I know we signed a document saying we wouldn’t use it. But in the mountains you only have terrorists
What keeps us from killing Murat Karayılan? Don't want to make him a martyr?
Most likely this bastard is hiding in Erbil between civilian population personally I don’t have problem with drone strikes in the city center but TAF and government don’t share same opinion
What keeps us from killing Murat Karayılan? Don't want to make him a martyr?

Karayilan and Mazlum Kobani I hope these two vermin get what they deserve.

Also I hope ocalan gets hanged one day.

Head of PKK's woman branch killed in Iraq's Qandil
MAR 20, 2020 2:34 PM GMT+3

One of the heads of PKK’s woman branch, Halide Tarı, killed during a joint operation of Turkish military and intelligence services in Iraq's Qandil mountain on Friday.



Does the TSK have Joint command centre?
Karayilan and Mazlum Kobani I hope these two vermin get what they deserve.

Also I hope ocalan gets hanged one day.
I hope AKINCI and AKSUNGUR will bring us good news in 2021
Ocalan must be hanged live on all TVs in 29th october 2023 as a present to the nation for the 100th birthday
Most likely this bastard is hiding in Erbil between civilian population personally I don’t have problem with drone strikes in the city center but TAF and government don’t share same opinion

Why not use a SOF?
Why not use a SOF?
This is another option for consideration but that would mean coordination with KRG and I don’t think they would agree with ground operation by special forces if you ask me i prefer air raid by a drone MAM-L is anyway precision strike light ammunition that will give Turkey unilateral option for an operation without depending on any foreign help
These terrorists are hiding in erbil or sulemaniye both of these cities are far away from the border of course unilateral ground operation is possible but it’s risky why put in danger one of your best assets if a drone can take them out
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